CAAHEP’s 16th Annual Meeting
“Win, Place or Show: How can CAAHEP Accreditation Improve the Odds?”
The Seelbach Hilton, Louisville, KY
Sunday – April 18th
12:00 – 2:00 pm Opening Luncheon
o Call to Order and Introductions
o Preliminary Nominations & Elections Committee Report
o CAAHEP Update
2:15 – 3:30 pm Generation NeXt Comes to Work
Mark Taylor, MSW, EdD
Today’s young people from “Generation NeXt” are entering the workforce with traits and expectations that present unique challenges to those responsible for recruiting, orienting initiating, supervising and retaining them into the professional world. While recruiters and managers might find these young people positive and technologically savvy, they may also have skills and workplace readiness issues, see themselves as consumers in the job market, and resent criticism and the traditional organizational structure. This presentation will describe Generation NeXt in generational context with suggestions for getting the best from our next generation of workers.
3:30 – 3:45 pm Break
3:45 – 4:45 pm Teaching for Lasting Change: A Pedagogy of Formation for the Health Professions
Mark Taylor, MSW, EdD
How do you take a normal person and turn them into a functional health care professional with the requisite knowledge base, skills sets, and foundation of values and ethics to make appropriate decisions and follow through with competent behavior in a changing workplace? How about when there is no “optional” content, skills must be performed with 100% accuracy 100% of the time and only a limited educational window? This session will overview a model of professional education appropriate for today’s learners utilizing newly available tools of technology for instruction, active learning and engagement techniques, and the application of known methods for influencing professional behavior and beliefs for effective education in the high stakes health professions.
5:00 – 6:30 pm Welcome Reception
Monday, April 20th
9:00 – 10:00 am Health Care Reform
Dr. Robert Brooks, Associate VP for Health Care Leadership, University of South Florida (former Secretary, Florida Dept of Health)
10:00 – 10:15 am Break
10:15 – 11:15 am Washington Update
Doug Lederman, Editor, Inside Higher Education
11:15 – 12:00 Spotlight on CAAHEP Professions
What do they do? What do their educational programs look like? What are their “hot topics”?
12:00 – 1:15 pm Awards Luncheon
1:30 – 2:30 pm Town Hall Meeting
2:30 – 3:15 Commission Business Meeting
A detailed agenda will be prepared 30 days in advance of the meeting, but we know we’ll have elections, requests for eligibility of new professions, admission of new CoAs and requests for new sponsoring organizations.
3:15 – 3:30 Break
3:30 – 4:15 Exciting Possibilities through Simulation
Bruce Searles, CCP, Associate Professor and Chair of CVP
and Edward Darling,CCP, Associate Professor from SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse.
This session will demonstrate the use of simulation in the preparation of Perfusion students to run a heart-lung bypass pump prior to rotations into the operating room. The simulator alters physiological conditions including blood pressures, blood levels of anesthesia, respiratory gases, electrolytes, metabolites, etc. The open heart surgery center is used to prepare the open heart surgery team to respond to various crisis modes that one hopes never to experience but for which the team needs to be prepared. Simulation allows crisis situation, such as breaks in the oxygen or anesthesia lines, power loss or pump failure, patient's total loss of blood pressure, etc. Crisis management scenarios may be also be effectively used throughout the clinical education of the perfusion students.
4:15 – 5:00 Question Answers
Time for Q&A and additional news about developments in simulation