Annex 1Table of Content
Civil Engineering
Fluid Mechanics3Hydraulics3
Engineering Hydrology4Irrigation Engineering4
Irrigation Engineering
Sanitary Engineering5Technology, environment and society 5
Synoptic Meteorology6Forest and Micro-Meteorology6
Climatology and Cloud Physics6General Hydrology7
Snow and Glacier8Meteorology and Hydrology8
Instrumentation and Statistical Analysis8Satellite Meteorology 9
Dynamical Meteorology II9Middle and Upper Atmosphere9
Statistical Hydrology10Water Resources Development 10
Environmental Aspect of Hydro-Meteorology10Monsoon Meteorology 11
Agriculture Meteorology11Hydrology and Meteorology II 11
Water Resources Development and Planning 12Monsoon Meteorology 12
Sedimentology13Geomorphology 13
Mineral Resources 13Geochemical Exploration 14
Mineral Economics and Agriculture Geology 14 Geohazards & Environmental Geology 14
Groundwater Hydrology14 Engineering Geology & Geotechniques 15
Engineering Hydrology15Groundwater Hydrology16
Master of Law
International Law17
School Health Program18
Humanities and Social science
Advanced Geolorphogy19 Field Research Methods in Geography 19
Environmental Impact Assessment19
Pollution Microbiology20Public Health Microbiology20
Environmental Microbiology20
Bachelor of Science
Environment and Biodiversity22Crystallography and Mineralogy22
Physical Meteorology22Climatology23
Environmental Science24
Forest Geology26Tree physiology26
Forest Hydrology26Forest Protection27
Soil Conservation27Watershed Management28
Environmental Chemistry28Environmental Science28
Introductory Soil Conservation 29
Agriculture and Animal Science
Agrometeorology30Fundamentals of Horticulture30
Introductory Agronomy30Soil Physics, Genesis & Classification 30
Soil Conservation31Agricultural Resource Management31
Principles of crop Management31Fish Farming Systems31
Soil Conservation and Watershed Management31Irrigation Management32
Socio-economic Aspects32On-farm Water Management33
Natural Resources Management34
Program: Civil Engineering
Offered by: Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University
General objectives:
The objective of the course for the Civil engineering is to provide students with a sound knowledge in the subjects of Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics and the environment. The course includes Water Supply Engineering, Sanitary Engineering and Technology Environment and Society.
- Fluid Mechanics
Lecture-3 hrs, Laboratory– hrs and Tutorial-2 hrs.
Year: 2, Semester 1
Subject objectives:
- These courses, which include fluid mechanics, hydraulic, hydrology, irrigation and hydropower engineering, are aimed at teaching students the concepts of water resources engineering and their application in the field of civil engineering. Fundamentals of fluid mechanics, hydraulics and hydrology are taught at an early stage in the program to precede the application phase covered in the irrigation and hydropower engineering courses. These two latter courses are taught in the last year of the program.
- Three sets if experimental assignments in hydraulics are included to supplement the material covered in the fluid mechanics, hydraulic and hydrology courses. The first set covers the basic principles of hydraulics. The second set deals with experimental assignments on the application of the principles of different flow situations. The third set covers experiment on dynamic machines.
- The irrigation and hydropower engineering courses include case studies of real irrigation and hydropower projects in the country. The students are expected to submit short technical reports on these projects to demonstrate their understanding of the course material.
- The material covered in the water resources courses is of sufficient content and depth as to allow graduating students to pursue a successful civil engineering career or to do higher studies and research in the field of water resources engineering.
Water related topics:
Forces on gates, dams and other water retaining structures, one, two and three dimensional flows, discharge and mean velocity of flows, Classification of fluid flow according to space criterion (uniform and Non-uniform).
- Hydraulics
Lecture: 4 hrs, Laboratory: 1hrs, Tutorial: 2 hrs
Second Year, Semester: 2
Water related topics
Introduction to pipe and uses of continuity equation, laminar and turbulent regimes of flow, Reynols's equation, hydraulic and energy grade lines, methods for reduction of hydraulic frictions, condition for continuous supply, short and long pipes with constant diameters, water hammer and its effects in pipes and pen stock, water hammer due to gradual closure of value, relief devices against action of water hammer, use of specific energy concept in analyzing flow over broad crested weirs, flumes and venturi flumes, description of water surface profile behind dams and other water retaining structures, hydraulic jump in open channel.
Two home assignments and solution of numerical problems on topics taught in the lectures.
Prescribed Textbook:
"Flow Through Open Channel", K.G. Ranga, Raju, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1986.
- Engineering Hydrology
Lecture: 3 hrs, Laboratory: 1 hrs. Tutorial: 1 hrs.
Third Year, Semester: 2
Water related topics:
Hydrology as a science of water, the hydrological cycle, water balance equations in different parts of the world, Infiltration and its role in distributing water to ground water, occurrences and distribution of ground water aquifers, aquiclavels and artesian wells, water wells and their types, role of ground water in irrigation development, recharge of ground water, pumps for the water well.
Irrigation Engineering
Lecture: 3hrs, Tutorial: 2hrs.
Year: 4, Semester: 1.
Water related topics:
Soil moisture/crop-water requirement, factors affecting crop-water requirements, crop-water requirement calculation by Penman method and computer software, principal crops, their seasons and their water requirements, surface, subsurface and sprinkler methods, techniques of surface irrigation and their suitability, advantages and disadvantages, problems of sprinklers, components of the canal system, head work, major canal, branch canal, distributary and water courses, assessment of water requirement in canals command area, water management and its control, courses and effects of water logging, preventive measures of water logging, reclamation of water logged areas by different methods.
Program: Irrigation Engineering
Level: M.E.
Offered by: Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University
The Master of Science (M.Sc.) program in Water Resources Engineering is offered by the Department of Civil Engineering at Pulchowk Campus of the Institute of Engineering Tribhuvan University. The details of the program are as follows:
General objectives:
To prepare a new generation of professionals;
To cope with these complex problems and to equip them with the necessary tools;
To face challenge of developing sustainable options for development and management of water resource utilization.
Sanitary Engineering
Lecture-3 hrs and Tutorial-1 hrs.
Subject objectives:
The aims at providing the students with a fairly advanced knowledge of the sewerage system, sludge treatment and its disposal. After completing the course, the students are expected to know how to solve the problems of wastewater, solid waste disposal and sanitary management of towns and villages.
Water Related Topics:
Quantity of waste water, characteristic and examination of sewage, design and construction of sewers, sewage disposal, sewage treatment, sludge treatment and disposal, solid waste and evapotranspiration mounds
Prescribed Textbooks:
Water supply and sanitary engineering, G.S. Birdie, Dhanpat Rai and Sons publication.
Technology, environment and society
Lecture-2 hrs and Tutorial-2 hrs.
Subject objectives:
The course is intended to introduce the students to the history of technology and the problems created by human technological activities. Some of the adverse impacts of these activities on the environment and public health are covered in the course. Also the present international efforts that are directed towards finding solutions for the global problems of pollution, acid rain and the green house effect.
Water Related Topics:
Society and environment, Technology and the environment, technology and society, Greenhouse effect, Acid rain, Technological and environmental situations in Nepal.
Prescribed Textbooks:
Technology change and society, Edward C. Pyhik, Donald P. Lauda and David publications, Inc, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1978
Level: M.Sc
Offered by: Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, Tribhuvan University
General objectives:
To meet the scientific need of skilled manpower in the field of hydrology and meteorology in the context of geographical situation and scientific development of Nepal at present.
To provide advanced knowledge to the students according to recent trends and development of the subject throughout the world.
To enable the students to perform research in their field of specialization.
The student joining M.Sc (hydrology and meteorology ) shall have to study Meteorology 200 marks, hydrology 100 marks and practical course of 200 marks in the first year. In the second year Meteorology of 100 marks, hydrology 100 marks and special paper of 150 marks. The special course will have 100 marks theory and 50 marks practical.
1. Synoptic Meteorology and Weather Forecasting
Full mark-50, Pass Marks-20, First year
Subject Objectives:
To familiarize the students with local, regional and global weather producing processes;
To familiarize them with the technique of weather analysis and forecasting.
Water Related Topics:
Quantitative precipitation forecasting -Rate of precipitation, analytic computation of precipitation, Synoptic components of Monsoon -Regional climatology of the surface monsoon circulation, polar, Anticyclones, Heat lows, tropical cyclones, monsoon depression, subtropical cyclones. Weather system of Asia-Planetary scale monsoon, corresponding element of winter and summer monsoon system, Air/Sea interaction, onset, active and break monsoon, monsoon disturbances, Precipitation and mesoscale features, role of the Himalaya-Tibetan massif in the monsoon.
Synoptic Analysis and short period forecast.
Prescribed Textbooks:
Pattersen, S., 1956: Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Vol. I and II, McGraw Hills Book, Company INC. New York.
2. Forest and Micro-Meteorology
Full mark-50, Pass Marks-20, First year
Subject objectives:
To provide adequate knowledge of the surface boundary layer to understand the interaction between the lowermost atmosphere and general atmosphere;
To help the students acquire comprehensive and in-depth knowledge of the impact of micro-meteorology for agriculture, hydrology and health;
To provide them information on the impact of radiation energy, moisture, and soil for human and plant life.
To familiarize the students with general aspects of forest and importance of meteorological parameters in forest planning and management.
Water Related Topics:
Evaporation from Homogeneous Surface -Evaporation process and evapo-transpiration, measurement of temperature and water vapor fluctuations, measurement of evapo-transpiration. The air over Ocean and large lakes-some physical properties of oceans and lakes, the radiation balance of ocean and lakes, temperature and humidity near the water surface, wind flow over water, Heat storage and horizontal radiation in water, energy balance calculation of lake, turbulence over water. Role of forestry in watershed management(watershed as a natural drainage unit, importance of applying conservation measures on watershed basin, discussion on sample of watershed management plan and its stage) Forest for soil and water conservation
Prescribed Textbooks:
Cougar, R., 1972: The Climate Near the Ground, Harward University Press, Cambridge, London.
- Climatology and Cloud Physics
Full mark-50, Pass Marks-20, First year
Subject objectives:
To make the students familiar with clouds and their formation mechanisms;
To enable them to understand atmospheric behavior and physics of precipitation;
To help them know about the climate and its circulation
To have them understand climatic feature and climate change assessment.
Water Related Topics: Droplet growth
-liquid water content of clouds, growth of single drop by condensation, growth of population droplet in Cumulus cloud, growth of droplets in layer clouds, growth of droplets by collision and coalescence processes. Formation and growth of Ice crystals-atmospheric ice nuclei, characteristic of ice crystals, ice crystals in natural clouds, snow precipitation. Precipitation processes -precipitation theories, practical processes responsible for precipitation release from layer clouds, physical processes responsible for precipitation release from cumulus cloud, showers. The nature ofsurface climates and simple climatic model.
Prescribed Textbooks: Mason, B. J., 1962: Rain and Rain Making, Cambridge University Press, England.
- General Hydrology
Full mark-50, Pass Marks-20, First year
Subject objectives:
To provide the students adequate knowledge of hydrology regarding rainfall relation, flood flow and their estimation, ground water and river sediment;
To enable them to adopt techniques in measurement of hydrological parameters both by class room lecture and field experiment;
To enable them to plan and manage available water resources, both surface and ground water, for drinking water, irrigation and generation of hydropower
Water Related Topics:
Introduction to the water resources potential of Nepal-Importance of water resources, necessity for conservation and development of water resources, water resources of Nepal, status of development of Nepalese water resources and future perspective, river system of Nepal, hydrological characteristic of the rivers of Nepal.Analysis precipitation-general view of meteorological parameters, mean annual rainfall, probable maximum precipitation. Rainfall runoff relationship. Flood flow and their estimation-definition and causes of floods, factors affecting flood flows, classification of floods, chance flood, flood frequency, flood flow frequency, flood flow determination, the design flood and its importance. Flood Routing-introduction, reservoir routing, channel routing, Muskingum method. Sedimentation-source of sediment, factors affecting sediment yield, sediment's properties, sediment's transportation, sediment load, estimation of sediment load, determination of suspended load, aspects of suspended load sampling, analysis of suspended load, reservoir sedimentation, prediction of sediment distribution, factor affecting reservoir sedimentation, control measures for reservoir's sedimentation. Ground Water Hydrology -Groundwater resources of Nepal, properties of water bearing formation, permeability and hydrologic conductivity, factors affecting hydraulic conductivity, factors affecting hydrolic conductivity, measurement of hydraulic conductivity, ground water flow equation, ground water flow in unconfined and semi confined aquifer, study radial flow towards well in unconfined and semi confined aquifer. Hydrology-the environment, water quality, hydrology of forest areas, intensive rainfall and erosion processes, effects of agricultural practices in water bodies. Water Balance-definition and approach of water balance, water balance parameters and its computation, computation of water balance, application of water balance approach for irrigation scheduling, runoff estimation and reservoir operation.
Prescribed Textbooks:
Garg, S.K, 1996: Hydrology and water resources engineering, Khanna publishers, New Delhi.
- Snow and Glacier
Full Marks: 50, Pass Marks: 20, Year: First
Subject objectives:
The objective of the course is to give knowledge on glacier formation, flow of glaciers and ice stream, transformation of snow and ice, glacier and climate.
Water related topics:
The transformation of snow and ice -Snow crystals, origin, shape, classification. Snow boundarylines -temporary snow line, orographic snow line, climatic snow line, firm and equilibrium line (glaciers). Mass balance of the glacier -Introduction, definitions, direct measurement of net balance, Hydrology of Glaciers -Introduction, theory of water flow in temperature glaciers, water flow at the glacier bed, glacier lakes, Jokulhlaups (GLOF), GLOF in Nepalese context..
Prescribed textbook:
Paterson, W.S.B., The Physics of Glaciers - 2nd and 3rd Edition. Elsevier Science Ltd. Kingster, England, 1994.
Meteorology and Hydrology
Full Marks: 100, Pass Marks: 40, Year: First
Subject objectives:
To provide adequate practical knowledge of meteorology to students regarding temperature, pressure, rainfall, sunshine and solar radiation and weather forecasting;
to provide to them practical knowledge to interpret and analyze rainfall relation, flood flow and their estimation and ground water;
to enable them to adopt techniques in measurement to hydrological and meteorological parameters by field experiments.
Water related topics:
Harmonic and special analysis of weather pattern, percentile calculation of rainfall, return period of precipitation and temperature data, assessment of drought by water balance technique, estimation of runoff of a given river by using water balance technique, calculate the discharge of a given river basin by current meter and tracer dilution methods, estimate of energy available for melting of snow and ice on the glacier surface by using the energy balance method.
7.Instrumentation and Statistical Analysis
Full Marks: 100, Pass Marks: 20, First Year
Subject objectives:
To develop among the students essential knowledge in the field of meteorological instruments and analysis of the data.
To provide a thorough knowledge to them about the principles, calibration, operational procedures, correction and general maintenance of the instruments for synoptic and automatic weather stations.
To enable the students to interpret and analyse the climatological data in different statistical forms.
Water related topics:
Measurement of precipitation -Recording and non-recording rain gauges, types, principles, operational procedure, measurement of snow, and measurement of dew. Measurement of evaporation -Methods and types of instruments, principles, operational procedure.
Prescribed textbook:
Murtreza, K.N., Applied Hydrology, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 1994.
- Satellite Meteorology and Computer Applications
Full Marks: 50, Pass Marks: 20, Second Year
Subject objectives:
to give orientation to the students about computer hardware and soft wares;
to teach them how to make a statistical analysis of technological application using spread sheets.
to provide to them the concept of satellite meteorology;
to familiarize them with the method of digital image processing and GIS system application.
to expose the students to dynamic modelling through satellite applications.
Water related topics:
Fundamentals of remote sensing, satellite meteorology, computer applications for Hydro-Meteorological analysis.
Prescribed textbook:
Lillesand, T. M. and Kiefer, R. W. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1994.
- Dynamical Meteorology II
Full Marks: 50, Pass Marks: 20, Second Year.
Subject objectives:
Dynamical meteorology plays a vital role in understanding atmospheric behavior by using mathematical equations. Advancement of modern computing machine has been making numerical weather predictions as a daily routine in many nations. To achieve this goal, the main objectives of this course include:
Understanding the perturbation method and applying it to atmospheric motions;
Understanding large scale behaviour of the atmospheric motions;
Predictions of atmospheric processes for both tropics and mid-latitudes.