CDA#3 – NS2 – Maritime History Study Guide

Name: ______

  1. What was the last major battle of the Pacific War?

2.On what Japanese city was the first atomic bomb dropped?

3.What new Japanese threat/weapon appeared for the first time in the Pacific War at Leyte Gulf?

4.What is the famous mountain located on Iwo Jima?

5.Who gave the final order to drop atomic bombs on two Japanese cities?

6.Where was the surrender document ending World War II in the Pacific signed?

7.What Pacific War island campaign cost the U.S. Marines the highest combat casualty rate (40 percent) of any amphibious assault in American history?

8.The turning point in the Pacific War in June 1942 was the battle of

9.The worse defeat in U.S. naval history occurred off

10.What specially trained force developed Henderson Field on Guadalcanal?

11.The Japanese headquarters in the Marshall Islands during World War II were at

12.What physical characteristic made submarines used in the Pacific different from the ones used in the Atlantic during World War II?

13.What American general was ordered out of the Philippines in March 1942 to take command of the defense of Australia?

14.Were Japanese midget submarines used in the attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941?

15.When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, most of the U.S sailors were preparing for

16.What was the battleship that exploded after a bomb set off her ammunition magazines during the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor?

17.What major combatants were out to sea during the attack on Pearl Harbor?

18.What major effort was put forth by the U.S. in the Atlantic throughout World War II?

19.What was the Japanese code words which meant that surprise attack had been achieved at Pearl Harbor?

20.During which of the following conflicts was the Argentine cruiser General Belgrano sunk by a British submarine?

21.What man became the first President of Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union?

22.When did North Vietnam captured South Vietnam?

23.What President authorized the bombing of Hanoi and the mining of Haiphong Harbor?

24.Who made changes in the Navy such as liberal hair styles, beards, and civilian clothes on liberty, through a series of directives in the early 1970s?

25.What country invaded the Falklands in 1982?

26.What is the name of the destroyer allegedly attacked by NVN patrol boats in August 1964 that precipitated open involvement of the United States in the Vietnam War?

27.What ship was hit in 1987 by two Exocet missiles launched by an Iraqi aircraft, resulting in the loss of 37 members of the crew?

28.Who was President of the United States when the Cuban missile crisis occurred in 1962?

29.Who is the Admiral given major credit for spearheading the Navy into the era of nuclear powered submarines and ships?

30.Who relieved MacArthur of his Far East duties during the Korean War?

31.During the Cuban missile crisis, who was the Soviet Premier that branded the American charges as lies, and warned against any act of "piracy?"

32.What action by the United States undoubtedly encouraged North Korea to try open agression by invading South Korea in 1950?

33.Where was Operation Chromite (probably the most daring amphibious assault ever planned) conducted?

34.What happened on 25 November 1950 to totally change the complexion of the Korean War?

35.Where did the Korean War truce talks take place?

36.What country granted independence to India, Pakistan, and Ceylon (Sri Lanka)?

37.What country withdrew from military participation in NATO in 1966, though it still participates in political affairs?

38.Of the following, who became the first Secretary of Defense in 1947?

39.To what was Winston Churchill referring when he coined the term "Iron Curtain"?

40.What key offices/agencies did The National Security Act of 1947 create?

41.In what year was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) formed?

42.What is the name of the first U. S. nuclear powered submarine, commissioned in 1955?

43.Where did the hijacked planes of September 11 impact?

44.Who is considered to be the mastermind of the September 11th attacks?

45.What United Nations Operation intended to bring food supplies and restore some order to Somalia?

46.What two countries tested nuclear weapons in 1998 causinginternational apprehension?

47.In the 1990s, all branches of the armed services have been called on to fight what problem?

48.What U.S. Destroyer had a large hole blown in her Port Side while in port at Yemen in the year 2000?

49.What country was invaded by Saddam Hussein in 1990, resulting in Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm conducted in 1990/1991?

50.Who was the commander of allied ground force in Operation Desert Storm?