APhA Academy of Student Pharmacists

Regional Officer Responsibilities


Each APhA-ASP region shall elect the following offices to represent their region: APhA-ASP Regional Delegate, APhA-ASP Regional Member-at-large, and APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meeting Coordinator. The terms of APhA-ASP regional offices begin and expire at the conclusion of the Midyear Regional Meeting.

Required meetings include the APhA-ASP January Business Meeting in Washington, DC (January 6-8, 2017), APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition (March 24-27, 2017), and their respective APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meeting (three days in October or November). It is highly recommended that Regional Officers attend the APhA-ASP Summer Leadership Institute (July 14-16, 2017). APhA will provide reduced registration, full or partial compensation towards the cost of these meetings.


·  Work closely with the APhA Staff to assist in the planning and implementation of the APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meeting (MRM) planning.

·  Serve as moderator for sessions at the APhA-ASP MRM, APhA Annual Meeting and APhA-ASP Summer Leadership Institute as assigned by APhA Staff.

·  Work with the other Regional Officers to maintain good communication within the APhA-ASP Region and provide updated information on APhA and APhA-ASP opportunities to members.

·  Conduct self in a professional and ethical manner at all times.

·  Promote membership within APhA.

·  Promote leadership and professional development opportunities within APhA-ASP.

·  Communicate with APhA-ASP Chapter leaders and serve as a resource to APhA-ASP members within the region.

·  Encourage attendance and representation at APhA meetings.

·  Have a strong working knowledge of APhA and APhA-ASP projects, programs, policies, resources, toolkits and chapter officer positions on pharmacist.com.

·  Serve the term requirements for the Regional Officer position.


A Regional Delegate is elected at the each of the APhA-ASP MRMs and has specific duties as a regional representative for APhA-ASP:

·  Serves as one of the eight members of the APhA-ASP Resolutions Committee, which meets in Washington, DC during the January Business Meeting, and performs additional policy-related duties as assigned by the APhA-ASP National Executive Committee.

·  Serves as one of the 28 APhA-ASP Delegates to the APhA House of Delegates at the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition. Therefore, attendance at the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition is required. During the meeting, Regional Delegates are required to attend and participate in all APhA House of Delegates Sessions, all APhA-ASP caucuses, and assist with additional APhA-ASP events as assigned by APhA Staff. In addition, Regional Delegates are require to participate in any interim meetings called by the APhA Speaker of the House as well as Webinars to prepare for House Sessions.

·  Serves as a student, voting member in the APhA Board of Trustees election process.

·  Promotes APhA-ASP policy and advocacy initiatives to the chapters in the region by:

o  Encouraging all chapters in the region to have a Policy Vice President (PVP).

o  Working with the chapter PVPs in the region to assist them with implementation and continuation of APhA-ASP policy and advocacy initiatives.

o  Serving as a resource for the Region regarding policy and advocacy.

·  Coordinates and encourages the student-led policy development process leading up to MRM.


A Regional Member-at-large is elected at each of the APhA-ASP MRMs and has specific duties as a regional representative for APhA-ASP:

·  Serves as an alternate APhA-ASP Delegate to the APhA House of Delegates in the absence of any APhA-ASP Delegate.

·  Serves as one of the eight members of the APhA-ASP Reference Committee, which meets at the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition. Therefore, attendance at the APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition is required. The Regional Member-at-large will assist with additional APhA-ASP events during the meeting as assigned by APhA Staff.

·  Serves as a regional membership coordinator by:

o  Encouraging all chapters in the region to have a Membership Vice President (MVP).

o  Working with the chapter MVPs in the region to assist them with membership recruitment and retention.

o  Working to establish communication with chapters in the region.

o  Serving as a liaison between APhA Student Development Staff, Membership Staff, and the chapters in the region in matters related to membership, including membership drives.

o  Moderating the APhA-ASP MVP Engage community.

·  Serves as regional communications coordinator by:

o  Encouraging all chapters in the region to have a Communications Vice President (CVP).

o  Working with the chapter CVPs in the region to promote chapter activities, events, programs and successes via social media and e-communications.

o  Serves as a liaison between the APhA-ASP National Executive Committee and the chapters in the region by tracking and documenting chapter’s notable activities.

·  Serves as the regional contact for the International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation (IPSF) by:

o  Working to stimulate interest in IPSF in the region.

o  Providing information to chapters in the region.

o  Encouraging each chapter in the region to have an International Vice President.

o  Serving as a contact for the APhA-ASP International Standing Committee.

·  Promotes APhA-ASP National Patient Care and Community Outreach Projects to the chapters in the region.


A Midyear Regional Meeting Coordinator is elected at the each of the APhA-ASP MRMs and has specific duties as a regional representative for APhA-ASP:

·  In conjunction with the APhA Staff, works to ensure that the APhA-ASP MRM is well planned and runs smoothly.

·  Creates and leads a committee of APhA-ASP chapter members to plan and execute a successful MRM.

·  Plans the details of MRM functions, such as the Friday Welcoming Social, and coordinates specific MRM activities for the region.

·  Seeks donations and coordinates fundraising efforts to support the MRM as well as secures exhibitors for the MRM Expo.

·  Works to help promote the MRM by notifying schools and colleges of pharmacy in the region and through social media and other outlets.

·  Contacts the APhA-ASP Chapter Presidents in the region to request their assistance and support in promoting MRM to their chapters and to provide regular updates.

·  Serves as the MRM emcee and coordinates the logistics during the meeting, creating a fun, welcoming atmosphere at the MRM so that student pharmacists can learn, network, and grow professionally.