Economics of Restoration of the Yala Swamp in Kenya

  1. Project/Programme objectives

The objective of the project relates to UNEP’s Programme of Work for the period 2014-2015 in particular Sub-Programme 3 on Ecosystem Management, in respect to the project entitled “Strengthening ecosystems and development linkages through innovative economic approaches for green growth”. Under the expected accomplishment (c) Services and benefits derived from ecosystems are integrated with development planning and accounting, particularly in relation to wider landscapes and seascapes and the implementation of biodiversity related MEAs, Programme of Work Output Number 332.

The specific objective is to generate technical insights on developing capacity of stakeholders for better management of ecosystems especially in developing countries, specifically in Kenya.

  1. Activities to be carried out with the support of the small-scale funding:

In close consultation with UNEP, the project team(EfD-kenya team) will conduct an economic valuation study on Yala swamp in Kenya including activities following:

a)Undertake literature review and synthesise lessons learned on economic valuation of swamps in Africa and the world.

b)Design methodological framework for economic valuation of Yala Swamp.

c)Estimate economic value of the ecosystem services of Yala Swamp byconducting full economic valuation study under BAU and alternates but policy driven scenarios

d)Estimate costs involved in ecosystem restoration

e)Produce a final study report with concrete recommendations for the use of case study results in ongoing policy processes in Kenya

  1. Expected results/outputs to be achieved:

A)Expected results

Through this field study, this project is expected to achieve the following results:

a)Improved understanding of practitioners and policy makers on the linkages between ecosystem services, natural capital, economic development and human development;

b)Developed ecosystem management tools and sustainable macroeconomic planning models which align with the UNEP’s ecosystem management strategy;

c)Improved capacity of stakeholders to mainstream environmental resources including biodiversity within economic development plans


a)A detailed workplan on the economic valuation study in Yala swamp within a week after signing the contract

b)A case study report including methodological framework, results from literature review and data collection and analysis and findings and key recommendations to policy makers and practitioners.

Project Leader: Jane Kabubo-Mariara