Trauma Nursing Group meeting

Action Notes from March 2013


Rob Pinate (RP) (chair) KHFTNatalie Holbery (NH) (chair) STG Tricia Fitzgerald (TF) KHP

Hazel Watters (HW) ASPH Shauna Pitchford (SP) C&WAidan Slowie (AS) STG

Dionne Hilton (DH) LTO (Secretariat)Matt Targett (MT) TWH


Bethuel Lekhetho (BL) THHJackie Thompson (JT) SASHFiona Stubbs (FS) IMP

Rachel Pearce (RP) STGSue Minien (SM) MTWTracy Parr (TP) LTO

Sarah Moth (SM) ASPHFiona Gildea (FG) SWMargo Williams (MW) MH

Jack Stevens (JS) BartsMichelle Elliott (ME) STMClaire Picton (CP) THH

Lorrie Lawton (LL) WHTFernando Candal-Carballido (FC) WHH Donna Barley (DB) C&W

Matthew Pomeroy (MP)B&CF Darren Darby (DD) GOSHAnita West (AW) Barts

Sarah Miles (SM) TWH

Francesca Hole (FH) RSCH

Action Notes / Action – by whom / Due Date
Minutes from the last meeting –All confirmed thenotes are an accurate reflection of discussions which took place.
Update on network nursing groups
NEL – The network’s second meeting was scheduled for January, feedback to be given at the next meeting.
NWL– SP explained that she tried to organise a meeting based on the list of NWL contacts sent by the LTO. The LTO also sent an email to the NWL Trauma directors asking for volunteers to no avail. There has been no responses to date apart from ME who also attends the group. Following the recent closures of the 4 NWL ED departments there are only 4 remaining which may be part of the problem. RP suggested contacting Claire Picton also on the group.
SEL –TF updated that their network nursing group havenot met as SELKaM (with the wider Kent and Medway TUs) yet, but met last year as SEL nursing group. The network has had their SELKaM board, and the plan for going forward is for the nurses to meet before the network meeting. The new Network manager will schedule the dates, the plan is to meet quarterly. The MTC have appointed Trauma cover to support weekend and overnight working to support resus.
SWL – NH updated that the network group have not met since the last nursing group meeting. The network is continuing with TTM/TTL and is planning to meet every other month. / Action: SH to contactClaire Picton
Update on LTO functions – DH updated, it was agreed by PQIG that RP and NH would continue to chair the group. Admin support and locations would need to be provided by SGH or KCH or rotate around the different MTCs and TUs.
ED trauma lead nurse role – The group discussed the specification and the differences in the type of nurse required. In an MTC the person will need all the skills and experience specified and more but in a TU it should be sufficient. The group agreed to update the document to include “this would usually be a senior Nurse” and “a minimum” 0.2 WTE. / Action: ALL to review and email RP and NH any comments.
Nurse Coordinator – The group discussed the similarities and overlap between the nurse coordinator and ED lead nurse role. There were discussions around whether the main function of this role is repatriation or major trauma incident patients. The group decided to look at the movement within the network. / Action: RP to circulate the RRG pathway and ALL to scope what each organisation does, HW and AS to collate.
Action: Dionne to send Nurse coordinator details from MTCs to AS
Nursing Education pathway – The group discussed whether there was anything paediatric and trauma related which should also be included. The group agreed to add safeguarding level dependant on local policy and to change the word “programme” in the title to guide. / Action: All to review and send comments to RP/NH.
Nursing event programme – NH updated that this event will be tagged on to the Trauma conference in December, so will be put on the back burner so this will be a whole day as part of this / Action: All to send comments on the day to RP.
Trauma nursing filming scenario update – NH updated that Chelsea have agreed to the use of their facilities.
AOB – Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday May 9th, Kings, Rm TBC.
SWL Conference on Tuesday 12th March
/ Action: RP/NH to confirm location for the May meeting.