Quality Report

Structural Business
Statistics Regulation Annex VI


Reference Year:2008

Report issued:SBS - Structural statistics on credit institutions

Compiling institution: BULGARIAN NATIONAL BANK
Contact details:
Name: / Radi Ivanov
E-mail address: /
Telephone number: / +359 2 9145 1837
Postal address: / 1, Alexander I Sq. 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria

Please answer in the grey-shaded cells or, when necessary, updatethe information given.

Please check the pre-filled cells marked in green.

There is no limit for the replies to open questions; the row height will be automatically adjusted to your text.

Please note that, if you consider that any of your answer should be treated as confidential, the answer needs being labelled “CONFIDENTIAL” explicitly.


I. Relevance

I.1. Completeness

I.1.1.Data availability

The availability rate is as follows (pre-filled by Eurostat):

I.1.3. Availability of characteristics and/or breakdowns required by the SBS-Regulation

I.1.4. Derogations from the provisions of the SBS Regulation

I.2. Confidentiality

I.3. Monitoring user interest

I.3.1.Consultation with your main users (target group: narrow scope, for example National Accounts., Central Banks, Economy department)

I.3.2. User satisfaction (broader scope)

II. Accuracy and reliability

II.1. Concepts and sources

II.1.1. Description of administrative sources/ data collected for supervisory purposes

II.1.2. Definitions and concepts used in the administrative sources

II.2. Assessment of revisions

II.2.1. Average size of revision

II.2.2. Revision policy

III.Coherence and comparability

III.1. Coherence

III.2. Comparability

III.2.1. Comparability over time

III.2.2. Geographical comparability: Coverage of target population

IV. Timeliness and Punctuality



V. Accessibility and Clarity

V.1. Accessibility


VI. Further Comments

I. Relevance

Relevance is the degree to which statistical outputs meet current and potential user needs. It depends on whether all the statistics that are needed are produced and the extent to which concepts used (definitions, classifications etc.,) reflect user needs.

I.1. Completeness

The completeness is the extent to which data are available compared with the requirements in terms of characteristic, geographical and activity breakdown, as specified in the SBS Regulation[1].

I.1.1.Data availability

The availability rate is as follows (pre-filled by Eurostat):

Data availability
6A / 100%
6B / 100%
6C / 100%
6D / 100%
6E / 100%
6G / 11%
6H / 67%
6I / 6%
6J / 56%
TOTAL / 44%
I.1.2. Specification of missing detail: (table to be filled in by Eurostat)
a) characteristics / nothing missing
b)legal status breakdown in series 6B / nothing missing
c) breakdown by country of residence in series 6C / nothing missing
d)size class breakdown in series 6D / nothing missing
e)product breakdown in series 6F (optional) / nothing missing
f) geographical breakdown in series 6G, 6H, 6I / K6492 missing; and partners for the totals and k6491
6I: data for partners missing / nothing missing
g)regional breakdown in series 6J / nothing missing

I.1.3. Availability of characteristics and/or breakdowns required by the SBS-Regulation

Please comment the rate of available statistics as calculated by Eurostat and what improvements do you envisage for the future in this regard.
Concerning I.1.1.
Series 6G – the BNB reports all characteristics, except optional 45 310. The availability of compulsory characteristics is 100 %.
Series 6H - the BNB reports the compulsory characteristic, but not optional 45 410 and 45 420. The availability of compulsory characteristics is 100 %.
Series 6I - the BNB reports the compulsory characteristic. The availability of compulsory characteristics is 100 %.
Series 6J - the BNB reports the compulsory characteristic 11 210, NSI reports compulsory characteristic 16 110. The availability of compulsory characteristics is 100 %.
Concerning I.1.2.
Our understanding is that NACE class 64.91 shouldn’t be included in SBS Annex VI data.

I.1.4. Derogations from the provisions of the SBS Regulation

Not applied.

Please comment on the rates of available statistics calculated by Eurostat and explain the reasons why any characteristics or breakdowns required by the SBS Regulation are not available (e.g. derogations) and describe your plans for improvement in the future.

I.2. Confidentiality

The rate of confidential cellsis as follows (pre-filled by Eurostat):

6A / 0%
6B / 0%
6C / 0%
6D / 0%
6E / 0%
6G / 0%
6H / 0%
6I / 0%
6J / 0%
TOTAL / 0%

I.3. Monitoring user interest

I.3.1.Consultation with your main users (target group: narrow scope, for example National Accounts., Central Banks, Economy department) Has your unit regular consultations with your main users?

[ ] Yes

[Х] No yes, could you please give a brief description of your main users (by main groups of users- Internal or external users) and their needs?

I.3.2. User satisfaction (broader scope)

I.3.2.1.Have you organised a punctual or a regular survey related to the users' satisfaction regarding the availability of your data for Annex VI of the SBS Regulation?

[ ] Yes

[Х] No

I.3.2.2.If you have organised a survey as such, to what extentthe users' needs were fulfilled by the available data and if they are relevant for all of them?

II. Accuracy and reliability

Accuracyof statistical outputs in the general statistical sense is the degree ofcloseness of estimates to the true values.

II.1. Concepts and sources

II.1.1. Description of administrative sources/ data collected for supervisory purposes

Please describe the administrative sources:
- Is there an identification of units in the administrative source with those in the business register (linkage)? Is it possible that some of the supervised units have another principal activity and could therefore be included in the business register with other activity codes than NACE Rev. 64.12 and 64.29?
-Which SBS characteristics are directly available from administrative sources/ data collected for supervisory purposes?
- Are there any characteristics for which the item non-response influences the quality?
-The identification of the units covered by the special statistical survey used and those, covered by the business register could be done by the Bulgarian NSI. It is not possible the supervised entities to have another principal activity, other then the NACE Rev.2 activity codes64.11 and 64.19.
-All characteristics are directly available only from the special survey.
-Regarding the special survey the response is full.

II.1.2. Definitions and concepts used in the administrative sources

How would you assess the proximity of the definitions and concepts (including statistical units) used for administrative purposes / data collected for supervisory purposes with those required for statistical purposes (very good, good, satisfactory, poor, very poor).
Please list the main differences between administrative and statistical definitions and concepts.
How are variables not available from administrative sources / data collected for supervisory purposes compiled (sample survey; estimation on the basis of other variables)?
When compiling SBS Annex VI data, BNB does not use any administrative or supervisory information. The compilation is based on a special statistical survey, covering 100% of the general population.

II.2. Assessment of revisions

II.2.1. Average size of revision

By revision we refer to the replacement of the data published on theEurostat website withthe new data. The corrections send to Eurostatbefore any data to be published on the website are not considered revisions.

The revision size is measured as follows:

The symmetric and confined relative distance measure varies between -2 and 2 for change percentages ranging from -100% to infinity. The weight factor wn in the formula is the fraction of the original value to the total of original values transmitted. The weights therefore add up to one and the error measure is also a weighted average of the square ‘symmetric and confined relative distances’ as used for the comparison of preliminary and final data.

Not applied.

If it was the case, please comment on the reasons for those the revisions.

II.2.2. Revision policy

Please describe your revision policy including some information related to the average number of revisions (planned or not), the main reasons for revisions and the impact of the revisions.
There are no revisions concerning the Bulgarian Annex VI SBS data (excluding possible incidental technical errors).

III.Coherence and comparability

III.1. Coherence

Coherence of statistics is their adequacy to be reliably combined in different ways and for various uses. It focuses on the joint use of statistics that are produced for different primary purposes to show cases of incoherence rather than to prove coherence.
Coherence with national accounts data on other monetary financial intermediaries.
Coherence with ECB data on assets and liabilities of credit institutions
In this quality report the data providers can report on the inconsistencies that can already be documented.

III.2. Comparability

Comparability aims at measuring the impact of differences in applied statistical concepts, measurement tools and procedures where statistics are compared between geographical areas, sectoral domains or over time.

III.2.1. Comparability over time

Length of time series is the period when the statistics were compiled for the first time to the latest reference year available at Eurostat.

Length of comparable time series starts with the last break in time series to the last reference year available at Eurostat.

Indicator / Period (yyyy – yyyy)
III.2.1.1. Length of time series / 1999-2008
III.2.1.2. Length of comparable time series / 2003 – 2008
1999 – 2007; 2008
III.2.1.3. In case III.2.1.1. is not equal to III.2.1.2., please indicate the reasons and any differences in concepts and measurement methods for breaks in time series.
For the period 1999 – 2003 administrative source was used (based on supervisory concepts and definitions); for the period 2003 – 2008 special statistical survey was used (based on the Eurostat methodology).
For the period1999 – 2007 the time series are according to NACE Rev. 1./65.12/, while for the reference 2008 the time series are according to NACE Rev. 2./64.19/

III.2.2. Geographical comparability: Coverage of target population

II.2.2.1. Is the host-country principle applied for the reporting to Eurostat?
Yes, the SBS Annex VI data are based on the host-country principle.
II.2.2.2. What is the legal definition of a credit institution in your country?
In accordance with the Article 2 of the Law on Credit Institutions bank (credit institution) is a legal person, which publicly attracts deposits or other repayable funds and grants credits or other financing on own account and risk.
II.2.2.3. Do the data provided in the framework of Annex VI still cover other institutions?
-The data provided in the framework of Annex VI cover only ESA’95 S.121 and S.122. (Or - NACE Rev.2 activity codes 64.11 and 64.19.)

IV. Timeliness and Punctuality


The timeliness of statistical outputs is the length of time between the event or phenomenon they describe and their availability.
Please provide the key dates for the following actions:
Action / Deadline(s) .../../….
a)Data-collection, if any / T+6
b)Post-collection phase / T+10
c)Dissemination in your country, if applicable / T+18


Punctuality refers to the delay between the date of the release of the data and the target date (the date by which the data should have been delivered).

Punctuality is calculated as the actual date of data delivery minus the scheduled date of transmission to Eurostat. It shows how many calendar days this was behind (positive value) or ahead of (negative value) of the legal deadline (10 months after the end of the reference year).

6A / -3
6B / -3
6C / -3
6D / -3
6E / -3
6G / -3
6H / -3
6I / -3
6J / -3
IV.2.1. Please comment on the punctuality of transmission to Eurostat if you sent the data after the deadline of t+10 months, e.g., the reasons for the late delivery and the action taken or planned to improve punctuality.

V. Accessibility and Clarity

V.1. Accessibility

Accessibilityof statistical output refers to the conditions and modalities by which users can obtain data.
It is measured of the ease with which users can obtain data: where to go, how to order, delivery time, clear pricing policy, convenient marketing conditions, availability of micro and macro data, various formats (paper, files, CD_ROM, Internet etc.).
V.1.1. Is SBS data on credit institutions disseminatedat national level either by your or any another institution?
Xno If no, please proceed to VI. Further comments
V.1.2. Is the information different from the figures sent to Eurostat?
V.1.3. If yes, please give a brief description of the reasons for these differences.
How do you disseminate SBS data on credit institutions?
MemberState / Paper/pdf Publications / Electronic Publications
News release / Statistical yearbook / Thematic publications / Internet-Data base / CD/DVD-Rom / Other (fax, e-mail, etc.)
2008 / yes / yes / yes / X yes / yes / yes
Action plan 2009 / yes
 For 2008, please, mark with a cross where applicable.
 For 2009, please, report any scheduled action plan specifying the implementation date.
V.1.4. Are the publications on credit institutions available in any language other than the official language (s) of your country?
[X ] in English
[] in the following other language(s)
 Please indicate links to your electronic publications on SBS data on credit institutions:


The clarityof statistical outputsis the measure of the ease with which users can understand the data.
It is determined by the information environment within which the data are presented, whether the data are accompanied with appropriate metadata, whether use is made of illustrations such as graphs and maps, whether information on dataaccuracy are available (including any limitations on use) and the extent to which additional assistance is provided by the producer.
V.2.1. Are statistical metadata available?
[ ] for paper publications
[X ] on the Website (electronic version)
[ ] no methodological explanations on data are disseminated
Please indicate links to your electronic publications of metadata:

VI. Further Comments

Please provide further comments regarding business demography data quality which are not included above (e.g. intention for changes in the methodologyetc).


[1] SBS Regulation: