Convenors' Page
Dear Convenors :
Thank you for organizing your District's qualifying meet. As convenors of CWOSSA we understand and appreciate your hard work on behalf of our young athletes. The CWOSSA Track and Field Championships will take place in Kitchenerat Resurrection Catholic Secondary School onWednesday and Thursday May 20th and 21st.
We the CWOSSA organizing committee have been working hard on the event organization and look forward to the event. We would like to take this opportunity to go over a few points. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions. Please note the revised schedule.
1.) ENTRY FEES: Please collect $ 5.00 per athlete per event and $10.00 per relay team for athletes qualifying for CWOSSA. These amounts will be posted on the CWOSSA website for each school on Monday May 18th. Please bring one cheque from your School. This cheque should be made payable to “KDSS CWOSSA T&F” No Payment no registration package.
2.) ENTRY PROCEDURE: Please send a copy of your Meet Manager team and individual results to Tim Luinstra at on or before SundayMay 17th, 4:00pm.If your meet is scheduled for Friday May 15th please contact Tim Luinstra early to confirm so arrangements can be made to obtain the entries file.
3. If you have any questions concerning registration procedures please contact Tim Luinstra at We wish you good weather for your association meet and look forward to seeing you at CWOSSA.
4. At the end of this package there is a checklist of items that need to be either completed , sent or turned in by you or the coaches of qualifying athletes from CWOSSA to OFSAA West Regionals. Plese ensure that they are aware and ready to comply to make this championships an outstanding experience for all the athletes, coaches and spectators.
Dear Convenor:Hopefully you are already using the Hy Tek meet Manager system. If so please send entries to Tim Luinstra at
If your region does not use Meet Manager please use the following steps to provide yourself with the necessary software to send the information to Tim.
PLEASE NOTE: Most school boards have complex computer systems that prevent you from opening and adding programs to your school’s networked computers. Thus to be able to access this program and be able to enter your entries you must do it on a stand alone computer (not networked) or at home.
1. Please copy the address into your computers’ search engine (Google, Explorer). You will be taken to a results page where you click on Hy-tek Sports Software for Swimming and Track and Field.
2. At the top on the left hand side of the page click on DownloadCenter.
3. Scroll down this page to the Track and Field downloads. Click on Team Manager 2.0 LITE
4. When prompted RUN the program on your computer. Download time is about three minutes at max with high speed internet. NOTE: If you run the program it will automatically set up on your computer and leave an icon on your main page. If you save the file, you will need to open it and setup manually.
5. You now have the Team Manager Lite program loaded on your computer and are ready to enter your team information.
1. Click on the Team Manager Lite Icon now on your computers desktop to start the program.
2. Click OK on the information box that presents itself on the main page.
3. Click on FILE in the menu bar on the top left hand corner.
4. Click Open/New, TYPE your team name in the File Name space provided, click open.
5. A box ‘SYSTEM PREFERENCES’ will open.
6. Checkonly the following sections
Gender Designations - Male/ Female - M/F
Athlete Browser Information - Show Birth Dates
- Last Name First
Age Grouping- Open
7. Close System Preference Box.
8. Click TEAMS, click ADD, ENTER your team information. Close and return to start page.
11. Click ATHLETE
- Click on Team – it will show your team name
- Click on BOTH for sex
- Click ADD – enter the following athlete information
- last name, first name
- birth date, sex
- select team
- Click OK, please enter the rest of your athletes
12. When finished entering athletes CLOSE BOX. Team members will appear. Close the system, your information will be saved and ready to use next time up.
1.You are now ready to load the meet entries information. You will have received this file from Byran Stride earlier this spring. If not please contact him to receive this necessary file.You need to download this information. Save for entry into ‘Team Manager Lite’
2. Open Team Manager Lite. Click on FILE, scroll down to IMPORT. Click on Import and then click on Meet Events. You are now prompted to open the file that you saved in step one above. Go to where you saved the attachment and insert. A box headed TFWIN – TM will open, click OK. Another box called Import Events appears, click OPEN. The meet information will now be identified, click OK, it will now indicate how many events were imported, click OK.
3. On the top Menu bar on the First Page, click MEETS.
4. You will see CWOSSA now identified.
5. Click on Entries. Click on ENTRIES BY EVENT. The screen will divide into two sections. The top is the events offered, the bottom your athletes. You will be prompted to select a team. Click on FOR TEAM and, select your school.
6. Click on an event, only athletes eligible for that event will be presented (male/female). Select an athlete by clicking the appropriate box in the ENTERED column. If a seed time is to be entered enter the time in the column labeled CUSTOM MARK.
7. When you select a relay event a new box will open. Relay entries are entered by clicking NEW RELAY. If you want to enter a seed time enter it in the column labeled CUSTOM MARK. Repeat process for each relay team, enter more than one team per relay by simply clicking NEW RELAY again.
8. Once your entries are completed, close and return to the main page.
9. You are now ready to SEND your entries to the meet director. Click on FILE, scroll down to export, click on EXPORT and click on MEET ENTRIES. A file box will identify the meet. Make sure EXPORT RELAYS is checked. Click OK.
10. The location of the file will be indicated. Please note LOCATION. Close Team Manager Lite.
11. Please send an email to Identify yourself and attach to your email the file of exported entries.
12. You will receive a confirmation email indicating that your entries were successfully downloaded into the meet manager program.
Dear Convenor: To help ensure that all needed information is gathered and forwarded at the appropriate times please use the following checklist. The list identifies what information must be collected, when it is to be sent and the respective deadline.
OFSAA Eligibility Form- brought by coach to OFSAA West Regional registration desk
OFSAA Transfer Policy - if applicable - brought by coach to OFSAA West Regional registration desk
OFSAA Practice Eligibility Form- brought by coach to OFSAA West Regional registration desk
Supervision Form - brought by coach to OFSAA West Regional registration desk
Rules of Behaviour and Signature Form - brought by coach to OFSAA West Regional registration desk
Entry Forms - electronically submitted prior to Sunday May 17th at 4:00PM by the district convenor.
Entry Forms - hard copy brought by convenor or designate to ensure errors are minimal as are insertions of substitutes if necessary
Entry Fee - one cheque payable to KDSS CWOSSA T&F - brought or sent by the district convenor for the start of the meet
Once again, Thank you on behalf of the organizing committee for your time and dedication to track and field.
Have a great day!!
Tanya Byers and Tim Luinstra