Central Florida Ridge Soccer Officials Association Minutes, March 29, 2015
Meeting was called to order by President, Mike Bean.
Minutes were read by Secret, Anne Holzapfel
Treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer, Ken Miller.
This year’s FHSAA Leadership Official’s Leadership Conference will be held June 12-13 at Trinity Prep High School in Winter Park.
The High School Scholarship applications are 4/15/15 to Robbie Shields.
Our association is submitting an application to host a Field Clinic Saturday October 24, 2015. We are informing the local soccer clubs to avoid scheduling complication. It is an FHSAA requirement to complete a field clinic within 5 years in order to be eligible for post season assignments.
It has been brought to our attention that there are some conflicts with the by-laws and the articles of incorporation for our association. Anyone interested in helping to look over the documents to be sure they are not in conflict with one another is welcome. Send an e-mail to Mike or Jamie to let them know that you would like to do this. Both documents are available online. The by-laws are on the association website and the articles of incorporation are posted through the state at sunshared his idea biz.com
The Next meeting will be held May 5, 2015. The main business of that meeting is election of officers. Those positions up for election are President, Secretary, Registrar, Youth representative, Senior Representative.
Registrar will be paired with the Vice President to assist with recruitment mainly
The Youth and Senior representatives serve as a liaison between youth (FYSA) and adult (FSSA) clubs to foster development of referees. These also work with the Vice President.
FHSAA documents that were attached to our field clinic application mentioned liability insurance. We have looked at the cost of this and find the amount to be very pricy. Anne is going to contact FHSAA and get a little more information about what is needed and any guidelines that they can share with us.
Mike shared a design for new association shirts. He is checking on other colors for the shirt and costs.
John again asked for people interested in serving on the committees for the field clinic to please send him an e-mail. He also announced the chair people of the committees. Those who are still interested in serving on one of the committees needs to send an e-mail to him.
Executive Committee: Mike Bean
Site Committee: Chris Shelton
Hospitality Committee: Lisa Weeks
Marketing Committee: Anne Holzapfel
Assigning Committee: Cleve Hillman
Education Committee: John Bauman
Finance Committee: Ken Miller
Motion to adjourn Mark Lucido, second Tim Bussell