Essential Criteria of a Mastery Target
●It is based on the grade level, subject matter knowledge
●It involves application skills usable in real-life or novel situations, and reasoning skills appropriate to the subject matter (analysis, synthesis, evaluation)
●It is stated in terms of a product or process that all students can produce at the end of a unit, course, or year
●It identifies the acceptable level of competence or accuracy required to demonstrate proficiency (how good is good enough?)
Use the above criteria to evaluate the follow targets:
Government:Given a pre-assigned topic, the student will write an 8-10 page research paper and make a presentation that demonstrates strength of knowledge as reflected by responses to questions from the other students and the teacher. The format of the written paper must achieve a score of 4 on a 6-point rubric that prescribes levels of grammar, footnote style, and the ability to support main ideas with factual details. / Does it meet the criteria of a Mastery Target?
Yes □ No □
Explain your answer.
Given true course, wind direction and speed, and true air speed; the student will calculate the ground speed, wind correction angle, magnetic heading, compass heading and possible altitudes for a single engine aircraft flying between two airports above 3,000 feet MSL, so as to guide the plane safely from takeoff to landing within the most direct route. / Does it meet the criteria of a Mastery Target?
Yes □ No □
Explain your answer.
Foreign Language:
The student will successfully complete a one-on-one conversation with the teacher on a pre-assigned topic and the conversation will demonstrate the student’s ability to comprehend the questions and remarks of the teacher, who will be using Level III vocabulary, and to respond correctly (without major grammatical or pronunciation errors) and appropriately to the teacher. / Does it meet the criteria of a Mastery Target?
Yes □ No □
Explain your answer.
The student will be able to collect, organize and analyze data using statistical methods; predict results; and interpret uncertainty using concepts of probability with an 85% level of accuracy. / Does it meet the criteria of a Mastery Target?
Yes □ No □
Explain your answer.
The student will completely and accurately construct a model of a molecule of DNA and color code it with the four bases. The student will also describe the model explaining how the bases pair up with each other and the significance of the base pair rule to the structure of DNA with a degree of understanding and clarity that meets a pre-determined scale that has been explained to students. / Does it meet the criteria of a Mastery Target?
Yes □ No □
Explain your answer.
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