Administrative Services

Job and Career Unit

Goal: To complete required information used in applying and successfully obtaining a job. You will also prepare a budget that will be based on the salary of the job you are applying for.

Create a “Job Acquisition Folder” for all the documents to be saved.


1.  Create a Cover Sheet that includes Name, Class, Date, and Picture of Yourself (brought in from home or emailed) ***Save as Cover Page***

2.  Complete the “Does Your Job Match Your Personality???” Activity

Type the paragraph that best describes you into a Word document (if 2, pick 1)

3.  Go to (Login: LHS Password: Student) and complete the Matchmaker activity. (This is on the same document as # 2)

Type the following into the same Word Document

v  20 jobs that matchmaker responded with

v  List your top 3 preferences (even if they are not on the list)

v  List starting salaries for top 3 preferences (use internet and list sources)

Save #2 and #3 in same document as “Career Preferences”

4.  Search the Internet for a job that you are interested in applying for (if going to college you can apply for a job that you will take after college or a part time job during college) These are great sites to start with as resources for searching for a job and completing the remainder of the assignment*: Print the ad for the job and save to attach it to the project.





5.  Complete the job application for the job you are applying for. (given in class)

6.  Type a resume using the resume wizard in Word. Make sure it is neatly formatted and you have included only professional information. If you are applying for a job that requires a college degree, put your college and degree on your resume that you plan on obtaining.

  1. Go to for examples of entry-level resumes and letter of applications/cover letters. Also use templates in Word. File, New, Scroll down to Resume.

7.  Create your own letterhead using Word (should contain name, address, contact info and some sort of image)

8.  Type a Cover Letter for the position you are interested in applying for using the letterhead you created (Should be close to one page and in Business Letter format) See my website for Cover Letter Help. Save as Cover Letter

9.  Create an email (typed out in Word) that explains proper professional dress for men and women in the business place. Addressed to me. Make sure there is a To; From; and Subject line. Save as Email

  1. Use Internet as a resource for obtaining the information on professional dress.
  2. Include your resource

10.  Create a PowerPoint presentation that incorporates at least 20 hints on proper interview technique – use an appealing design template and clipart – Use the Internet for research. Must include 8 different slides and resources for your information. Save as Interview Techniques

Compile and turn in your work in the following order:

  1. Cover sheet – name, class, date, and picture of yourself.
  2. Word document listing (#2 and #3 Combined into one document)

v  Personality profile from “Does your personality match your job”

v  Career Cruising Information

  1. Printout of job
  2. Job Application
  4. Make sure Letterhead is on this page
  5. Resume
  6. E-Mail on proper dress
  7. Print out of PowerPoint presentation listing proper interview techniques (minimum 8 slides, 9 including reference slide) – 6 slides per handout – grayscale

Due date: Wednesday December 15th