The Odyssey: Historical Poster


The Odyssey is an epic tale that spans a gamut of myths and legends. In order to truly understand the power of this story then, some of these additional myths and legends need to be identified. Use this assignment as a guide towards finding out more about the mythological world that Homer writes of.

While you may use other resources, the following websites should be helpful:



  1. Poster Creation: Research one of the following monsters, gods, or events that are alluded to in The Odyssey. Then, create a small poster (construction paper sized) with several visual images to present the information you gather.
  2. Write an original and well structured paragraph dealing what you’ve learned. This paragraph should contain 5 important facts about your topic. These facts may include interesting stories about your topic.
  3. Use at least 2 MLA citations to represent your work. This paragraph should be mounted on your creative poster.


Menelaus / Odysseus / Calypso / Eris and the Golden Apple
Paris / Circe / Zeus / The Trojan War
Achilles / Cyclopes / Apollo / Poseidon
Agamemnon / Hermes / Persephone / Tiresias
Sirens / Scylla / Charybdis / Helios
Aphrodite / Athena / Telemachus / Helen of Troy
Extension Topic: Greek weapons and armor / Extension Topic: Greek sailing vessels / Extension Topic: The modern day search for Troy
FCA / Skills needed to meet this FCA / Score
Poster Quality – The poster will display a high degree of effort including the addition of informative visuals /
  • The poster is of quality construction. Material on it is typed or drawn neatly. It utilizing at least 3 different colors, has clear font types, and is constructed neatly.
/ 5 4 3 2 1
  • The poster contains 3-5 insightful and informative visual images that directly relate to the content of the poster and help build meaning. Name of character
/ 5 4 3 2 1
Points Awarded:
/ Perfect 5
5 / 5
4.75 / 4
4.25 / 3
3.75 / 2
3.25 / 1
2.5 / Median Rank:
FCA / Skills needed to meet this FCA / Score
Writing Assignment – The poster will be an example of strong paragraph writing and include a high degree of content information /
  • The poster is written with strong body paragraph organization. It contains clear topic sentences, unified body details, and a strong closing sentence.
/ 5 4 3 2 1
  • The poster is contains 5 strong content details. These details should present quality and insightful information regarding the assigned topic. This information can be related to: the ancient role of this topic, stories involving the topic, and modern day references or allusions to the topic.
/ 5 4 3 2 1
Points Awarded:
/ Perfect 5
10 / 5
9.5 / 4
8.5 / 3
7.5 / 2
6.5 / 1
5.8 / Median Rank:
FCA / Skills needed to meet this FCA / Score
MLA Conventions – Correct MLA citations and bibliography information will be included /
  • The poster paragraphs contain proper MLA citations for paraphrased or directly quoted material.
/ 5 4 3 2 1
  • The poster contains a correctly formatted MLA bibliography attached to the back.
/ 5 4 3 2 1
Points Awarded:
/ Perfect 5
10 / 5
9.5 / 4
8.5 / 3
7.5 / 2
6.5 / 1
5.8 / Median Rank: