Washington County Public Schools Pacing Guide2nd Grade- English 1

Second GradeEnglish Pacing Guide1st 9-weeks

2.1The student will demonstrate an understanding of oral language structure.

_____use the story structure of beginning, middle, and end to tell a story of an experience

_____maintain and manipulate voice, such as pausing, tempo, and pitch, to convey mood

_____add appropriate elaboration and detail while recounting or describing an event

_____dramatize familiar stories

_____use present, past, and future tenses appropriately

_____use more complex sentence structure with conjunctions, such as while, when, if, because, so, and but, when describing events and giving explanations

_____provide a referent for pronouns

_____demonstrate subject-verb agreement.

2.2The student will continue to expand listening and speaking vocabularies.

_____listen to and discuss fiction and nonfiction trade books and other print materials that reflect the Virginia Standards of Learning for English, history and social science, science, and mathematics

_____use specific vocabulary from content study to express interests and knowledge

_____use appropriate descriptive language to express ideas, opinions, and feelings

_____use language to categorize objects, people, places, or events

_____explain the meanings of words within the context of how they are used

_____ask questions to clarify or gain further information

_____recognize when two or more different words are being used orally to mean contrasting or opposite things

2.2The student will continue to expand listening and speaking vocabularies.

____recognize when different words are being used orally to mean the same or similar things

_____use synonyms and antonyms in oral communication

_____follow three-step and four-step directions

_____give three-step and four-step directions

______sequence three or four steps chronologically in oral directions

2.3The student will use oral communication skills.

_____use proper pitch and volume

_____speak clearly and distinctly

_____share and retell an experience or story in a logical order

_____select vocabulary and nonverbal expressions appropriate to purpose and audience

2.3 The student will use oral communication skills

_____express ideas clearly and in an organized manner

_____share with an audience stories or information relevant to a topic

_____contribute information, ask questions, clarify, summarize, or build on another person’s idea in a small-group setting

_____confer with small-group members about how to present information to the class

____carry out a specific group role, such as leader, recorder, materials manager, or reporter.

2.4The student will use phonetic strategies when reading and spelling.

_____apply knowledge of consonants and consonant blends to decode and spell words

_____apply knowledge of consonant digraphs (sh,wh,ch,th) to decode and spell words

_____apply knowledge of vowel patterns, such as CV, VC, CVC, CVCE, CVVC, CVCC, to decode and spell words

_____apply knowledge of r-controlled vowel patterns to decode and spell words

_____read regularly spelled one- and two-syllable words automatically

_____decode regular multisyllabic words

_____use phonetic strategies to self-correct reading when meaning breaks down

2.5The student will use meaning clues and language structure when reading.

_____use prior knowledge to interpret pictures and diagrams in order to predict text

_____use meaning clues to support decoding

_____use surrounding words in a sentence to determine the meaning of a word

_____use the context of the sentence to distinguish which of the multiple meanings of a word makes sense

_____use knowledge of word order, including subject, verb, and adjectives, to check for meaning.

_____use story structure, titles, pictures, and diagrams to check for meaning

_____reread to clarify meaning.

2.6The student will use language structure to expand vocabulary when reading.

_____use common prefixes and suffixes to decode words

_____demonstrate an understanding of common prefixes, such as un-, re-, dis-, pre-, and mis-

_____demonstrate an understanding of common suffixes, such as -er, -y, -ful,

-less, -est, and -ly

_____demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of contractions

_____demonstrate an understanding of what the apostrophe signifies in singular possessive words (e.g., Mary’s)

_____identify simple abbreviations, including those for titles (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms., and Dr.), calendar words (e.g., Jan., Feb., Mon., Tue.), and address words (e.g., St., Rd.)

_____supply synonyms and antonyms for a given word.

2.7The student will read fiction and nonfiction, using a variety of strategies independently.

_____use prior knowledge to predict information

_____interpret illustrations, such as diagrams, charts, graphs, and maps, to make predictions about the text

_____use titles and headings to generate ideas about the text

_____skim text for section headings, bold type, and picture captions to help set a purpose for reading

_____set a purpose for reading

_____use print clues, such as bold type, italics, and underlining, to assist in reading

_____apply phonics, meaning clues, and language structure to decode words and increase fluency

_____use phonics, meaning clues, and language structure strategies to reread and self-correct

_____pause at commas and periods during oral reading

_____practice reading in text that is on their independent reading level to develop accuracy, fluency, and


2.8The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fiction and nonfiction.

_____read fiction and nonfiction print materials and trade books that reflect the Virginia Standards of Learning in English, history and social science, science, and mathematics

_____use information from the text to make predictions

_____use information from a selection to confirm predictions

_____find evidence to support predictions

_____begin to skim for information

_____apply knowledge of story structure to predict what will happen next

_____use knowledge of sequence to make predictions while reading functional text such as recipes and other sets of directions

_____use knowledge from their own experiences to make sense of and talk about a topic

_____describe the setting and important events of a story

2.8The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fiction and nonfiction.

_____describe a character’s traits, feelings, and actions as presented in a story

_____identify the problem and solution presented in a story

_____identify the main idea

_____identify the sequence of steps in functional text such as recipes or other sets of directions

_____follow the steps in a set of written directions

_____locate information in textbooks and other trade books to answer questions

_____begin to use knowledge of transition words (signal words), such as first, next, and soon, to understand how information is organized

_____organize information, using graphic organizers

_____use the framework of beginning, middle, and end to retell story events

_____ask and answer simple who, what, when, where, why, and how questions

_____write responses to what they read.

2.9The student will demonstrate comprehension of information in reference materials.

_____locate titles and page numbers, using a table of contents

_____use a table of contents to locate information in content-area books

_____interpret pictures, diagrams, and tables

_____interpret information presented in bar graphs, charts, and pictographs

_____alphabetize words to the second and third letter

_____locate words, using first, second, and third letter

_____locate guide words, entry words, and definitions in dictionaries and indices

2.10The student will maintain manuscript and begin to make the transition to cursive.

_____write neatly

_____space words in sentences

_____space sentences in writing

_____learn basic strokes for cursive.

2.11The student will write stories, letters, and simple explanations.

_____brainstorm for ideas

_____organize information with graphic organizers, such as story maps, webs, and event frames

_____use graphic organizers to plan their writing

_____verbalize their writing plan to a partner or teacher

_____write stories that include a beginning, middle, and endstay on topic

_____write complete sentences

_____begin to group sentences into paragraphs

_____use adjectives to elaborate simple sentences

_____use time-order words, such as first, next, then, and last, to sequence and organize their writing

_____delete or add words to clarify meaning during the revising process

_____avoid stringing ideas together with and or then

_____begin to learn and use the writing domains of composing, written expression, and usage/mechanics

_____use available technology to write.

2.12The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

_____recognize and use complete sentences

_____use singular and plural nouns

_____use singular and plural pronouns

_____capitalize all proper nouns and all words at the beginning of sentences

_____capitalize the word I

_____punctuate declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences

_____use apostrophes in contractions

_____spell high-frequency sight words, compound words, and regular plurals correctly.

Format Revised November 07 by Judy Honaker