Chamber of Commerce Leads Group
Objective: To develop new, additional, profitable business for its members through referrals and/or recommendations by members to each other.
- Be a member of the Lincolnton-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce.
- Non-competing with any other company within the group.
- Chamber member businesses are considered the member of the Leads Group and may appoint their representatives.
- Only one representative per business may participate in a Leads Group. Your company is limited to participating in only one Chamber Leads Group.
- Leads shared within your group, must be maintained with your group and not shared with outside competitors.
- Furnish business referrals or leads with perspective businesses.
- Regular attendance is required.
- Source of leads is not shared in meetings.
Lisa Ormsby
Lincolnton-LincolnCounty Chamber of Commerce
Phone: 704-735-3096
101 East Main Street
Lincolnton, NC28092
Lincolnton-LincolnCounty Chamber of Commerce
Leads Group Application
The information listed below is needed for review of your membership in a Chamber of Commerce Leads Group. Membership guidelines for Leads Groups are open to non-competing businesses. This application will guide us in placing you in an appropriate group. Please complete all information and return the application to the Lincolnton-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce, Post Office Box 1617, Lincolnton, NC 28093-1617 or email to .
Member Business______
Business Address______
- Specific principal business of attending representative that constitutes 75% of income.
Group Preference ______
Today’s Date______
- Each Leads Group member will identify their specific principal business, which constitutes 75% of income. Businesses will be allowed to join a Chamber Leads Group unless their principal business competes with a current business member.
Chamber of Commerce Leads Group
Which Group is for You?
- East Lincoln Group #1 2nd & 4th Monday 11:30 am ChillFire Bar and Grill Denver
- East Lincoln Group #2 1st & 3rd Friday 7:30 am Stacy’s Restaurant Denver
- Lincolnton Friday Morning Leads Group Every Friday 7:45 am Lincoln Country Club Lincolnton
- Lincolnton Thursday Leads Group 2nd & 4thThursday 8:30 am Chamber Board Room
To Register:
Complete and return the enclosed application. The Leads Group will notify you to place you in a group.
Revised: July 2015
Leads Group
The Power of Networking
101 East Main Street
Lincolnton, NC28092
Post Office Box 1617
Lincolnton, NC28093-1617
Phone: 704-735-3096
Fax: 704-735-5449