Be it Remembered that the Common Council of the City of Plymouth, Indiana, met in regular session on September 26, 2011. The meeting was held in the Council Chambers of the City Building, 124 N. Michigan Street, Plymouth, Indiana. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Mayor Senterled the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilman Delpoffered prayer.
Mayor Senter presided for Council Members Delp, Ripley, Gardner, Smith andNeidig. City Attorney Chipman, City Engineer Gaul andClerk-Treasurer Hutchingswere also present.
Councilmen Ripley and Delpmoved and seconded to approve the minutes of the last regular meeting on September 12,2011and to dispense with reading them since they have been reviewed and found to be correct. The motion carried.
The following public hearing was advertised on August 22, 2011:
Councilmen Ripley and Smith moved and seconded to open the public hearing. The motion carried.
Jeff Houin asked a question regarding transfers.
Jim Vinall asked if Riverboat Wagering money is appropriated.
There being no further comments or questions, Councilmen Delp and Ripley moved and seconded to close the public hearing. The motion carried and the public hearing was closed.
City Attorney Chipman presented Ordinance No. 2011-2024, An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map of the City of Plymouth, Indiana, to Rezone the Northeast Corner of King and 9A Roads from R-1, Rural Residential to C-3, Corridor Commercial, on second reading.
Stephen Snyder, Attorney for Reichert & Knepp Wrecker Service, Inc., addressed the council on behalf of the petitioner.
The following neighbors spoke against the rezoning: Jim Scobey, 10445 E 8A Rd.; Ellen Myers Hummel, 16374 2B Road, Walkerton; Nancy Myers, 19200 Marion Ave., South Bend; Jeremy Klotz, 8632 Iris Road, Plymouth; Brad Lips, 9531 9A Road, Plymouth; Mark Gidley, 9446 Collins Dr., Plymouth; Don Davenport, 8338 King Road, Plymouth; and Tom Myers, 10567 9th Road, Plymouth.
Plan Consultant Bill Neal said that the rezoning could not be considered spot zoning since there is commercial zoning immediately across the highway.
Councilmen Smith and Delp moved and seconded to pass Ordinance No. 2011-2024, An Ordinance to Amend the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map of the City of Plymouth, Indiana, to Rezone the Northeast Corner of King and 9A Roads from R-1, Rural Residential to C-3, Corridor Commercial, on second reading. It was denied by roll call vote.
NAYS: Ripley, Gardner and Smith
City Attorney Chipman presented Ordinance No. 2011-2026, an Ordinance for Appropriations and Tax Rate, on first reading.
Chipman then presented Ordinance No. 2011-2027, An Ordinance to Establish Maximum Certified Tax Rate for 2012, on first reading.
Chipman presented Resolution No. 2011-472, A Resolution Providing for the Transfer of Appropriations in the Deferral and Diversion Fund of the City of Plymouth, Indiana, Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-18-6.
Councilmen Gardner and Delp moved and second to adopt Resolution No. 2011-472. It passed by roll call vote.
AYES:Delp, Ripley, Gardner, Smith and Neidig
NAYS: None
Chipman presented Resolution No. 2011-473, A Resolution Providing for the Transfer of Appropriations in the Aviation Department Fund of the City of Plymouth, Indiana, as Requested by the Board of Aviation Commissioners and Forwarded to the Common Council for their Action and Passage Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-18-6.
Councilmen Gardner and Neidig moved and second to adopt Resolution No. 2011-473. It passed by roll call vote.
AYES:Delp, Ripley, Gardner, Smith and Neidig
NAYS: None
Mayor Senter offered the privilege of the floor to audience members. No one accepted.
Councilmen Ripley and Gardnermoved and seconded to accept the following communications: minutes of the Board of Public Works & Safety meeting of September 12, 2011; minutes of the Board of Aviation Commissioners meeting of September 13, 2011; minutes of the Redevelopment Commission meeting of September 20, 2011; and minutes of the Technical Review Committee meeting of September 6, 2011.The motion carried.
There being no further business to discuss, CouncilmenRipley and Delp moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried; the meeting was declared adjourned at7:40p.m.
S/Toni L. Hutchings, IAMC/CMC/CPFA
S/Mark Senter, Mayor