Organ Repair –Special Appeal: At St Peter & St Paul’s we are blessed with a fine-sounding pipe organ. We enjoy hearing good-quality music. However, a fault has been detected - a fracturing electrical wiring cable which is old and will deteriorate unless replaced. We need to raise £2500 – in a special fund. Repairs will take 5 days in advance of Christmas. Donations, large or small will be gratefully welcomed. (Please give to the wardens or deliver to the Parish Office). Cheques payable to ‘Wincanton PCC’. Many thanks indeed, Nigel. (Rector)
Diary Date: Friday September 11th at 7pm a BBQ and Quiz evening in the David Sharp Centre. Tickets £5 bring your own drink. A raffle will be held. Proceeds to General Church funds. Tickets from Wardens or Parish Office.
M.U. Christmas Order: It’s August so it must be time to order MU. Diaries and Christmas Cards! All details are on the M.U. literature table at the back of the church. Any problems please contact Judy Tel 33834.
Open Gardens in Pen Selwood: The garden at Pen Mill Farm will be open on Saturday 5th September (2-5pm) and Sunday 6th September (12-5pm). Delicious home-made cakes will be served for tea in the garden and on Sunday there will also be ploughman’s' lunches. There is a plant stall too. I hope many people will come to support us. The garden is signposted from the A303.
Prayer Diary
From today’s readings: Yet more than ever believers were added to the Lord great numbers of both men and women. Acts 5; v14.
Prayer Chain: If you would like immediate prayers for yourself or someone you know please contact one of the following (requests passed in confidence): Diana McEwen 33873, Julie Russell 31607, Gary Harvey 33990 or Judy Chiplen 33834. If you wish to join the prayer chain - contact Judy 33834.
Please continue to pray for those of our fellowship and friends who are ill or recovering from operations: June Brook, June and Steve Beech, Margaret Brown, Keith Butt, Michael Bazin, Frances Checkley, Frank Cordery, Jonathan Cox, Rachel Cox, Peter Daly, Rosie Fitzgerald, Simon Harding, Vivienne Hounsell, Alan Morris, Leigh Ransome, Kath White, Joan Whitmarsh, Robin Wickenden, Richard and those caring for them. Please remember the long-term sick, carers.
Please pray for those who grieve, and for the departed: Phyllis Yeo.
Parish Office Hours: Mon 9.00am – 12.noon, Tues, Thurs & Fri: 8.30am -12.30pm. 5 High Street, Wincanton BA9 9JN. Tel: (01963) 824503
All items, for the Newsletter, to the Parish Office by 9am Friday at the latest. Email
St. Peter & St. Paul, Wincanton and
St. Michael, Pen Selwood
Rector: The Rev Nigel Feaver
Parish Office: 824503 or 31507 Day off: Tuesday
Church website:
August 23rd 2015
Wincanton 8.00am CANCELLED
10.30am Holy Communion* Rev Ken Masters
Pen Selwood 6.30pm Evensong Alison Purseglove
Readings: Acts 5: 12 – 16 Luke 22: 24 – 30
Please join us for tea and coffee after the services marked*
A loop system operates at both churches. Large print publications are also available – please ask for them. ‘Play bags’ are available for youngsters in the play corner at Wincanton. A public toilet is available just up the road on the right-hand side at Wincanton. At Pen Selwood the Church Wardens hold the key to the WC in the adjacent village hall.
30th August 13th Sunday after Trinity
Wincanton 8.00am Holy Communion BCP
10.30am Matins
Pen Selwood 9.00am Matins
Please take a copy of this newsletter to a friend or neighbour who is not in church today so that they may keep in touch with events
Choir: Wanted more choir members. Singing can be fun and we would love to see our choir grow. If interested please speak to choirmaster John Beaven or any member of the choir.
Dear Friends
Last week I referred to the Sermon on the Mount – and I have since looked at the writings of Henri Nouwen, (a favourite writer of mine) to see what he says in reflection of the Beatitudes. So often, he writes on points which have only been revealed to him through the words or actions of others who are considered weak, or are completely shunned by the modern world. Henri Nouwen has been greatly involved with the L’Arche communities in various countries, which are the homes of those with learning disabilities; it is through these vulnerable people we are able to learn much of God’s way. Here, for us all to dwell on, is an extract from a collection of Nouwen’s writings in a book entitled ‘Jesus a Gospel’:
‘Blessed are the Poor
One Member of our community has a limited vocabulary, but the words he knows best are ‘open heart’. Whenever he prays for others he says:’ I pray that you have an open heart@. Those who hear his prayer are always deeply touched because it summarizes all we can ask for.
God’s Blessing is hidden in our littleness like a diamond in its setting. That is why Jesus said ‘Blessed are the poor’ and ‘Blessed are those who mourn’.
Precisely where we cannot help ourselves where we are poor and cry, the gifts of love, joy, peace and simple trust are held. Jesus did not say ‘Blessed are those who console the mourners,’ because caring and consoling often happen from a place of strength, whereas God’s love is revealed to us by Jesus coming among us in weakness, so too are God’s blessings given to us through whom the world considers little weak, useless or marginal.
Worship Notes:
We welcome all who are new to our worship this Sunday.
Adult Baptism and Confirmation: 7 short preparation classes
Starting in September Do you know anyone (adult or young person) wanting to be confirmed? ...
with baptism if required? For more details, or just wanting to talk over
the idea please contact me, or leave a message at the Parish office,
With every good wish. Nigel (Rector)
Mon 24th 8.45am No Morning Prayer.
Tues 25th 8.45am No Morning Prayer
7.30pm Bell Ringing practice
Wed 26th 8.45am Morning Prayer at Stoke Trist
10.45am Chapter 1
Thurs 27th 8.45am Morning Prayer
12.00noon Holy Communion
No Choir Practice
Fri 28th 8.45am Morning Prayer
Can you help!! Adrian Chiplen is looking for helpers to carry out general maintenance such as painting, varnishing, clearing out drains in and around the church. The work is planned for the morning of Tuesday 25th August weather permitting! Please talk to Adrian or telephone 33834. Thank you.
Choir: Wanted more choir members. Singing can be fun and we would love to see our choir grow. If interested please speak to choirmaster John Beaven or any member of the choir.
Mothers Union: Our next meeting will be on Thursday September 3rd in the church at 2.30pm when it will be a Holy Communion Service with Bring and Buy. All are welcome.
Sponsored Knit- we are holding a sponsored knit for church funds on Sat Oct 10th at the coffee morning in the Memorial Hall sun lounge. This year we will be knitting diamond shaped squares for blankets. The squares will be used to make blankets for either baby blankets or knee blankets for nursing homes, the patterns have been produced by the Mothers Union. The sponsor forms and patterns are at the back of the church, please put your name on the sheet if you take a form and pattern. Any queries please contact Judy Tel 33834. Thank you
Contact pool Winners July: 1st Beryl Francis No 16, 2nd Kath White No 109, 3rd Ruth Budden no 61,
Quiet Day at Hilfield: have you booked? Wednesday 2nd September 2015: 9.45am – 4.30pm. Names to the Parish Office please; say if you need transport