Lesson Plan for the Week of Jan. 2nd– Jan. 6th, 2017
*Sounds in Action, if your name begins with __; Jack-in-the-Box p62P.63 SIA “Listen Children” to work on phoneme isolation of initial sounds
Day 1 / School Closed/Observance of New Year’s Day
Day 1 & Day 2 / Word Play- The teacher will make words for the students to decode by tapping them out: mat → cat → bat → bag → bug → mug. The teacher will make words for the students to decode by tapping them out: mop, map, mad, mud, fun, fin, fit, fig, rag, rug, mug, lug.
Sky Write/Letter Formation- The teacher will introduce the letter formation for capital letters Q,R, S,and T.
Student Notebook- The students will practice writing the capital letters Q,R, S, and T in their notebook.
Echo/Letter Formation- The teacher will dictate sounds for the students to echo, say, and write on their whiteboards: /a/, /b/, /k/, /d/, /e/, /f/, /g/, /h/, /i/, /j/, /k/, /l/, /m/, /n/, /o/, /p/, /q/, /r/, /s/, /t/, /u/.
Day 3 / Drill Sounds/Warm-Up- The teacher will play the fundations video to practice the letters-keywords-sounds and then hold the large sound cards up to go over the L-K-S so that the students can see and hear how the sounds are made. The teacher will review the vowel extensions chart to show that a, e, i, o, and u are vowel letters in the alphabet.
Word Play- The teacher will make words for the students to decode by tapping them out: log, lag, rag, rat, fat, fit, lit, sit, set, met, let.
Sky Write/Letter Formation- The teacher will introduce the letter formation for capital letters U,V, W, and X.
Student Notebook- The students will practice writing the capital letters U,V, W, and X in their notebook with the smiley face.
Echo/Letter Formation- The teacher will dictate sounds for the students to echo, say, and write on their whiteboards: /a/, /b/, /k/, /d/, /e/, /f/, /g/, /h/, /i/, /j/, /k/, /l/, /m/, /n/, /o/, /p/, /q/, /r/, /s/, /t/, /u/, /v/, /w/.
Day 4 / Drill Sounds/Warm-Up- The teacher will play the fundations video to practice the letters-keywords-sounds and then hold the large sound cards up to go over the L-K-S so that the students can see and hear how the sounds are made. The teacher will review the vowel extensions chart to show that a, e, i, o, and u are vowel letters in the alphabet.
Sky Write/Letter Formation- The teacher will introduce the letter formation for capital letters Y and Z.
Student Notebook- The students will practice writing the capital letters Y and Z in their notebook with the smiley face.
Make It Fun- The teacher will have the students pick a letter from their magnetic board and practice writing the letter on their whiteboards.
Day 5 / Drill Sounds/Warm-Up- The teacher will play the fundations video to practice the letters-keywords-sounds and then hold the large sound cards up to go over the L-K-S so that the students can see and hear how the sounds are made. The teacher will review the vowel extensions chart to show that a, e, i, o, and u are vowel letters in the alphabet.
Word Play- The teacher will make words for the students to decode by tapping them out: at, hip, peg, had, pen, bat, hit, wax, pig, kit, did, pal, gas, him, tug, yet.
Math- Geometric Shapes
Standard / K.CC.1-Count to 100 by ones and tens (0-10).K.CC.2- Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence (instead of having to begin at 1).
K.CC.3- Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects).
K.CC.4- Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
Focus on 6-10
Compelling Question / How can I count on from any given number?
How can I represent a number of objects with a written numeral?
Small Group / Work on writing #s 0-20, Making sets up to 10, and Addition & Subtraction up to 10
Monday / School Closed/Observance of New Year’s Day
Tuesday / Individualized AMC center introduction
Wednesday / MX Daily Routine; Unit 3 Lesson 1 Quick Practice Finger Freeze w/ teen numbers
Thursday / Number generator - # of the day (one more, one less); Counting on (up to 32)
Friday / AMC book 1 -subitizing pg. 42 (BLM 20-27); pg. 53 “cover the dots”
paper plates w/dots (3 seconds)
Literacy- Retelling & Key Details in InformationalBooks
Standard / RI.K.4- With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text.Compelling Question / How can I ask and answer questions about unknown words in a text?
Vocabulary / ask, answer, question, known/unknown
Anchor Charts / labels around classroom, display vocab with visual pictures from read alouds (use this list of words in your writing)
Sight Words / I, am, to, like, can, see, a, go, the, we, have, do, not, it, is, my, come, me, be, said, look, are, here, and, at, little, big, for,because, up, an, you,mother, father, mom, dad, baby
Monday / School Closed/Observance of New Year’s Day
Tuesday / Teacher will read the story, Time for Kids: Cool Animals. The teacher will ask the students about what they remember from the story. Teacher will introduce the fluency poem, Five Little Mittens.
Wednesday / Teacher will reread the story, Time for Kids: Cool Animals. The teacher will ask the students about what they remember from the story. The teacher will go over the fluency poem, Five Little Mittens.
The Mitten SMARTboard / Teacher will read the story, The Mitten. The teacher will ask the students about what they remember from the story. The teacher will go over the fluency poem, Five Little Mittens.
Friday / Teacher will reread the story, The Mitten. The teacher will ask the students about what they remember from the story. The teacher will go over the fluency poem, Five Little Mittens.
Standard / W.K.2-Use a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic.L.K.2a- Capitalize the first word in a sentence and the pronoun I
Compelling Question / How can I draw and dictate a sentence about a topic?
Anchor Chart / N/A
Sight Words / I, am, to, like, can, see, a, go, the, we, have, do, not, it, is, my, come, me, be, said, look, are, here, and, at, little, big, for,because, up, an, you, mother, father, mom, dad, baby
Monday / School Closed/Observance of New Year’s Day
Tuesday / When you read Time for Kids, pick an animal and make a “can, have, are” anchor chart.
Wednesday / When you read Time for Kids, make a mini book.
Thursday / When you read The Mitten, write about what could fit in the mitten and why.
Friday / When you read The Mitten,draw about what could fit in the mitten that was stated in your paper above.
Standard / NCES.K.E.1.1- Infer that change is something that happens to many things in the environment based on observations made using one or more of their senses.Vocabulary / weather, precipitation, temperature, rain, snow, hail, fog, sleet, wind, hot, cold, seasons, spring, summer, fall/autumn, winter, environment, senses
Compelling Question / What are my five senses? How can I use my senses to describe the weather?
Monday / School Closed/Observance of New Year’s Day
Tuesday / Read the book My Five Senses by Aliki
Wednesday / Intervention/MIRP
-sight words
Thursday / SMART Board- Five Senses(In Google Drive under Files)
Friday / Intervention/MIRP
-sight words
Global Gathering Time
Region of Focus / OceaniaStandards / K.G.1.4- Identify locations in the classroom using positional words (near/far, left/right, above/beneath, etc.).
K.G.2.1- Explain how people adapt to weather conditions.
How do animals survive extreme weathers
K.G.2.2- Explain ways people use environmental resources to meet basic needs & wants (shelter, food, clothing, etc.)
Polka dot Jingle Bells
What does the world eat for Christmas?
- A culinary trip around the world (email: ssword: arjmdyms275636)
- Which dish is more expensive, which one is cheaper? (Math)