The Ear Rubric

Dimensions / Level 4 / Level 3 / Level 2 / Level 1
Parts of the Ear
(weight: 1x) / Student correctly identifies all 10 parts of the ear.
Student has spelled every part correctly. / Student correctly identifies all 10 parts of the ear with mostly correct spelling
Student may have a few letter reversals, or misspellings. / Student has 7-9 correctly identified parts of the ear.
Student has 4-5 letter reversals or misspellings. / Student has 6 or less correctly identified parts of the ear.
Student has 6 or more letter reversals or misspellings.
Functions of the Ear
(weight: 1x) / Student correctly cuts and pastes all 10 functions for each part. / Student correctly cuts and pastes 8-9functionsin relation to the diagram of the ear. / Student correctly cuts and pastes 6-7 functions in relation to the diagram of the ear. / Student correctly cuts and pastes 5 or less functions of the ear in relation to the diagram of the ear.
Part matches Function
(weight: 1x) / Student correctly matches all 10 parts of the ear to the correct function. / Student correctly matches 8-9 parts of the ear to the correct function. / Student correctly matches 6-7 parts of the ear to the correct function. / Student correctly matches 5 or less parts of the ear to the correct function.
Importance of the Ear
(weight: 2x) / Student fully explains two reasons why the ear is of importance to us.
Student includes reasons of both balance and safety and writes supporting details to enhance their answer. / Student briefly explains two reasons why the ear is of importance to us.
Student includes both balance and safety but does not go into further detail to support their sentences. / Student fully explains one reason why the ear is of importance to us.
Student either includes safety or balance in their sentences. / Student partially explains one reason why the ear is of importance to us.
Student vaguely references either balance or safety.
Student does not mention balance or safety at all in their sentences.
(weight: 1x) / Student uses more than 1 complete sentence to help further explain their thoughts. / Student uses a complete sentence including both reasons. / Student uses a complete sentence. / Student does not use a complete sentence.

Total: __12___/24

Comments:___Student knew 6 out of the 10 parts of the ear. Student knew all 10 functions of the ear and had them all in the right places to match the picture. Student explained that balance was a reason why the ear was important and she used a complete sentence.