John Baisley, Keith Moore, Frik Prinsloo, Cynthia Graham, Nicole Leonet, Joy van Winsen, Jenny Cooke.
Magda de Kloe , Steve Brown, Ann Brown, Johan Potgieter, Lorin Leuci, Surine Fourie.
John welcomed everyone and introduced Cynthia who is the new Crime Victim Liaison member for CKN.
Things have been very quiet on the crime front, with only two reported crimes in the past two months.
The matter of drug dealing in the Kroton Street park is being looked into by the police. John mentioned the possibility of spotlights in the park but Frik commented that most of the dealing takes place during the day.
The change over is proceeding well, although there have been a few matters to still be dealt with. One of these is the lack of a master key on the drivers' key rings. It has also been reported that the cars often park for long periods in a set place, and John will recommend that the visibility will be stepped up. Dowry have requested a feed from the cameras so that they can monitor the area from their control room in Ontdekkers Road. CKN membership boards are being put up. They are clear and stand out so that the drivers know which houses to respond to.
It was also discussed that it is important for the guards to be on WhatsApp as many residents post problems on the WhatsApp groups, which cannot be attended to if the driver does not have it on his phone.
A new treasurer has been found and Johan Potgieter will take over from Magda. Surine will still assist with the allocation of deposits to members' accounts. Our financial position is stable at present.
Residents' Patrols:
Henry will arrange a few residents' patrols to keep up the visibility in the area.
Fun Day:
The Fun Day held in the park was very successful. A few comments have been put forward for future events. These are: more food and drink stalls, more things for the children to do, the possibility of hiring a portable toilet for events that last for longer periods.
It is CKN's birthday in May, so another event will be organised to celebrate this. Leonie has offered to bake a big cake, and it was suggested that Estate Agents be contacted to participate. Remax will be approached to lend us a jumping castle.
The garden at the Albert Street entrance will be sponsored by Bergbron Kwekery.
A mass clean-up of the pavement near Kia Motors will be arranged. John also asked Frik to see to the cleaning of the storm water drains on the corner of Kapok and Okkerneut Streets.
The street lights are constantly out of sync due to the load shedding putting the timers out. It will be requested that City Power deal with this.
The Nursery School that was in Constantia Drive has moved to 2 Kapok Street. John has a copy of all the plans that have been submitted, and it appears that everything has been done according to regulations.
The numbers of members has been growing. Several new families have moved into the neighbourhood and are applying to become members. It was discussed that residents who own more than one property in the area should be paying membership for each of the properties. John will talk to two of the people involved.
Domestic Workers Group:
Joy will be holding another meeting on April 22nd. John will ask Dr Strobos if it would be possible to use his venue for this. Joy requested that Dowry be involved so that the reaction officers can be introduced to the Domestic Workers.
The website is getting quite a lot of hits. Jenny mentioned that the Home Page should be used for important information and events and notices should be on the Notices Page. She is going to be making changes to the website to make it easier to read on tablets and smart phones.
It was discussed that we run a monthly competition using a prize from one of the businesses in the area, and giving a prominent advert for that business in the first newsletter of the month. This will probably start in May, coinciding with CKN's birthday.
CKN Newsletter:
John is collecting information to add to the next Newsletter.
Crime Victim Liaison:
John introduced Cynthia who is taking over this portfolio. She has been involved in Trauma Counselling through her work in the Insurance industry, and through church groups. She was a great help in a recent incident in the area. She will liaise with Honeydew Trauma Councillors when necessary. It was suggested that a pamphlet be put together to be given to Crime Victims with pertinent information and contact details of people to help. Cynthia and John will see to this.
The matter of speeding in the area was discussed. John will try to find out who in the Johannesburg Roads Agency to approach to find out what is needed to install speed bumps.
The matter of the intersection of Constantia Drive and Jim Fouche was also discussed. JRA will be approached to discuss a solution to the problem of accidents at this intersection.
The meeting closed at 8.35pm.