SNC1P Name: ______

Date: ______

Unit 4 - Space Exploration

9.2 - Seasons

The Earth is divided into 2 hemispheres: northern & southern.

The Earth's axis is tilted ______º from vertical.

On ______21, the northern hemisphere is tilted the most

toward the Sun. This is called the summer solstice.

On ______21, the northern hemisphere is tilted the most

away from the Sun. This is called the winter solstice.

Image from:

March 21 is the spring equinox.

September 21 is the autumn


Equinoxes are days when the

hours of daylight equal the hours

of ______.

Image from:

**Do questions #1,3,4,5 on page 339**

9.6 - Phases of the Moon

Gravitational force is the force of ______between 2 objects.

-The Earth's gravitational force keeps the ______in orbit around it.

It takes about ______days for the Moon to revolve (orbit) around the Earth.

It also takes about ______days for the Moon to rotate (spin) around its axis.

*We always see the same side of the Moon.*

The lunar cycle is the sequence of ______made by the Moon during one orbit around the Earth.

**Do questions #1,2,4 on page 350**

9.7 - Eclipses

The Sun and Moon appear to be about the same size when viewed from the Earth.

A solar eclipse is when the ______blocks some or all of the Sun's light from the Earth. They are very rare.

A lunar eclipse is when the ______blocks some or all of the Sun's light from the Moon. They are much more common. There was one visible in Toronto on October 8th, 2014

**Do questions #1,2,3 on page 352**

solar eclipse waning equinoxes lunar cycle

waxing gravitational force solstices lunar eclipse

Key Term: / Definition:
days when Earth's axis is most tilted toward or away from the Sun
days when the hours of daylight equal the hours of darkness
the force of attraction between two massive objects
the sequence of phases made by the Moon during one orbit around the Earth
increasing in size
decreasing in size
when the Moon blocks some or all of the Sun's light from the Earth
when the Earth blocks some or all of the Sun's light from the Moon