For students entering Fall 2017 – Summer 2018 /
Name: / Student ID #:
Catalog Year: / Graduating Term:
The following outlines course requirements for your dual-degree program. Use this checklist to indicate the semester when you plan to take each course. Mark courses with an “X” as you complete them.
MPH CORE COURSES: Mark courses with an “X” as completed / 24 HOURS TOTALX / Semester Taken / Course Name
PBHLT 6100 Biostatistics I (3) (Fall, Spring) NOTE:This course fulfills your MHA statistics requirement
PBHLT 6300 Epidemiology I (3) (Fall, Spring)
PBHLT 6400 Public Health Management & Practice (3) (Fall) NOTE:This course fulfills your MHA health policy requirement
PBHLT 6500 Public Health Systems & Services (3) (Fall) NOTE:This course fulfills the MHA health behavior requirement
PBHLT 6550 Public Health Program Planning, Evaluation & Implementation (3) (Spring) NOTE:This course fulfills your MHA Program analytics requirement
PBHLT 6600 Social and Behavioral Science in Public Health (3) (Fall, Spring)
PBHLT 6700 Environmental & Biological Science in Public Health (3)(Spring)
PBHLT 6900 Capstone (3) (Spring)
PBHLT 6960 Public Health Practicum (6) (variable) Please submit a copy of your final practicum report to the MHA Program Director. Practicum Pre-requisites: Four of the following must be completed: PBHLT 6100, 6300, 6400, 6500, 6550, 6600, & 6700. One must be 6550 and one must be 6100 OR 6300.
MHA CORE COURSES: All Courses are Required / 34.5 - 36HOURS TOTAL
X / Semester Taken / Course Name
ACCTG 6000 Financial Accounting (3) (Fall)
IS 6550Healthcare Information Technology (1.5 credits) (Fall)
MGT 6051 Managing and Leading in Organizations (3) (First Fall)
PADMN 6360 Public Human Resource Management (3) (Spring)OR
MGT 6530Competitive Advantage Through People (1.5) (Spring)
MHA 6550 Marketing for Health Professionals (3) (Fall)
MHA 6850 Service Operations (3) (Spring) *conflicts with PBHLT 6700
MHA 6530Healthcare Administration (3) (First Fall)Prerequisite MHA Status, to be taken in first fall semester
MHA 6540 Managerial Accounting & Finance for Healthcare (3) (First Spring)
MHA 6800 Management and Administration in Healthcare (.5) (Fall)Prerequisite MHA Status, to be taken in first fall semester
MHA 6801 Healthcare Industry Players (1) (Spring)Prerequisite MHA 6800 to be taken in first spring semester
MHA 6802 Healthcare Financial Management (3) (Fall)Prerequisite ACCTG 6000, MHA 6540; to be taken in final fall semester
MHA 6803 Healthcare Strategic Management (3) (Fall)Prerequisite MHA 6530, 6800, 6801To be taken in final fall semester
MHA 6804 Strategic Management & Principal Based Leadership in Healthcare (1.5) Spring Prerequisite MHA 6530, 6800- 6803;To be taken in final spring semester
MHA 6805 Healthcare Integrative Experience (3) (Spring)
Prerequisite MHA 6530, 6800- 6803;To be taken in final spring semester
OIS 6420 Quality Management (1.5) ( Spring)
MHA AreaSocial and Behavioral Science / 3 HOURS TOTAL
X / Semester Taken / Course Name
ECON 6190 Health Economics (3) (Fall, Summer)
X / Semester Taken / Course Name
MHA 6560 Health Law (1.5) (Spring)
MHA Area EthicsChoose
X / Semester Taken / Course NameMGT 6540 Ethics of Management (1.5) (spring)
MHA Area Career Strategies: All Courses Required / 2 HOURS TOTALX / Semester Taken / Course Name
MHA 6000 MHA Career Strategies (1.0) Fall
MHA 6001 MHA Career Perspectives (1.0) Spring
SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE INFORMATION: Please list the members of your committee.
CHAIR: Debra Scammon / MEMBER #1: / MEMBER #2:
The MPH/MHA dual-degree program is a joint effort between the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine Division of Public Health and the David Eccles School of Business.
Students can complete the program in approximately three years. Students will complete the requirements for both degrees. Students can choose to enroll full-time or part-time, but must take at least 3 credits per semester and complete the degree within 6 years.
Capstone: Students are eligible to enroll in PBHLT 6900 Capstone only after they have completed six of the seven other core courses (PBHLT 6100, 6300, 6400, 6500, 6550, 6600 and 6700).
MPH Comprehensive Exam: After completingPBHLT 6100, 6300, 6400, 6500, 6600, 6700, and 6550,students must pass the Certified in Public Health (CPH) exam. Exam is offered year-round but students must be registered for a minimum of three credit hours during the semester the exam is taken. Date passed: ______
Graduation Requirements and Application:
- Total Credit Hour: 66.5 - 71
- Neither degree is awarded until all degree requirements for each degree are completed. Submit this MPH/MHA Degree Requirement Checklist to your MPH Advisor the semester prior to graduation.
- Meet with both your MHA and MPH advisors prior to applying for graduation to check progress towards the joint degree requirements.
- Be sure to file an Application for Graduation for both programs with the Registrar’s Office online at
Updated June 2017, subject to change