Minutes of the Meeting of the Sutton Bonington Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 2nd October 2017 commencing at 7.30pm

Present: R. Ereminowicz. (in the Chair), F. Clarke, T. Holt, D. Franklin, J. Bradshaw,

J. Barton, E.M. Raven, D. Etherton C. Hellier

Cllr Brown

1 member of the public

Apologies: B. Pickering

17.119 Minutes.

The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 3rdSeptember 2017 as circulated, were agreed and signed as a true record of the business transacted.

17.120 Matters Arising

1) Item 17.44/3/a - Planning Cluster Meeting was arranged for 26th September 2017 at Gotham village hall at 7pm

No action required

2) Item 17.65/3/d - Old NCC Depot, A6006.

a) Rushcliffe Borough Council are working with the Environment Agency regarding the smoke and odor from the burning of waste by on the industrial estate. Further concerns have been raised regarding the burning of plastic pipes in the yard off the A6006. Rushcliffe Boorough Council are to update the Parish Council as the investigations continue.

b) Rushcliffe Borough Council Enforcement Officer has met with Mr Armstrong who confirmed that the use of the land will not change from the authorized use of storage of showground rides and vehicles. Water pipes and drainage have been installed to help with the cleaning of the equipment. Mr Armstrong further confirmed that one static caravan will be placed on the site for him to live in between October and Easter each year. This is all covered by the original planning permission from 1981 and as such there has been no breach of planning control.

c) Email from the Leader of the Council in response to our letter was circulated.

No action required,

3) Item 17.95/a - Bus Shelter library - letter from Nottinghamshire County Council regarding the transfer of assets was circulated along with a draft contract. It was felt that before the contract was signed the life expectancy of the existing bus shelter should be ascertained and also the cost of replacing the bus shelter.


Clerk to obtain the cost of replacing the bus shelter

Bus shelter to be inspected.

4) Item 17/95/6/b – Station Road - letter from the Accident Investigation Team was circulated and discussed. The Parish Council felt that the options listed were unimaginative and that cheaper alternative schemes could have been put forward rather than the four options listed that were deemed undeliverable by Nottinghamshire County Council due to the cost implications. However, Nottinghamshire County Council are to install ice warning signs for the presence of ice in the winter months on Melton Lane.


Clerk to contact NCC

5) Item 17/109/a - Road sweep through the village took place week commencing 10th September 2017.

No action required.

6) Item 17/109/c Broadband – Cabinet 10 has been temporarily closed whilst engineers sort out problems with the cabinet. Information on addresses served be each cabinet is to be forwarded.

No action required.

7) Item 17/118/2 - Paradise Club signage – Rushcliffe Borough Council have requested that The Paradise Club to either remove the signage or make an application to retain the sign.


Clerk to request a progress report

8) Item 17/118/7 FP2 – Nottinghamshire County Council have inspected FP2 and found that the field headland has been recently cut and although there was a corridor section of path that has some hedge issues the footpath was considered still walkable.

No action required.

9) Item 17.63/3/d RBC Local Plan – Rushcliffe Borough Council website appears to suggest that the officers report to committee stated that sites in Sutton Bonington weren’t to be taken forward due to there being no current capacity and no room for expansion at the Sutton Bonington Primary School.


Article to be submitted to the Village News

17.121 Policing Matters

/1. Crime Reports:


Car - 0

Burglary - 1

Other - 2

No action required

/2. Police Concerns

/a. A talk on cyber crime and scams it to take place at Loughborough College on 10th October 2017 between 7pm and 9pm

No action required

/3. Community Road Safety Scheme/Speed Trolley:

1) Police speed checks have taken place in the village on three occasions with over 60 tickets being issued.

2) Speed data information from the speed trolley were circulated. A copy has been forwarded to PC Shin and PC Carlisle

3) Request for volunteers to help operate the Community Road Safety equipment is to be put into the village news.


Request for volunteers to be submitted to the Village News

17.122 Planning

27/17 / 22 Landcroft Lane
Sutton Bonington / Change of use of land to use as extension of existing gypsy caravan site including the retention of hardstanding / Object – permission was originally granted for 1 gypsy family with one static and one touring caravan. It was our understanding that the Planning Inspector gave permission based on this being the maximum development size in relation to the open countryside. Therefore any increase in the size of the development will have a negative impact on both the character of the open countryside and the amenity of the local residents.

/2 Decisions:

21/17 / 53 Park Lane
Sutton Bonington / Development of one detached dwelling house on land between 53 and 55 Park Lane which is presently the garden of 53 Park Lane / Refuse Permission
23/17 / Hall Farm
Landcroft Lane
Sutton Bonington / Farm machinery store / Grant Permitted Development

No action required.

/3 Other Planning Issues.

No report.

No action required

17.123 Correspondence and Reports.

/1 Highway Matters:

/a. NCC Report.

No report

No action required

/b. Drainage: Drainage grant being chased by Cllr Brown

No action required

/2 Transport Matters (Rail & Bus)


/1. Concern was raised regarding the unreliability of the Skylink service at East Midlands Airport. It was felt that if the service isn’t reliable people will stop using it and that would then lead to the service being withdrawn due to the lack of service


Cllr Brown to take forward to the Joint Transport Committee

/2. Service 865 to East Midlands Parkway – concern was raised regarding the timetable of Service 865 in relation to the train departure times. It was agreed that the timing needs to be reviewed by Nottinghamshire County Council


Cllr Brown to take forward to the Joint Transport Committee

/3. NCC

/a. Winter Services – Nottinghamshire County Council are offering 5 x 20kg of salt free of charge.


Agreed. Salt to be delivered to the 131 Main Street, Sutton Bonington


Clerk to order salt.

/b. County Councillor report

1)  Fire Authority – changes to the night shift pattern at certain stations is currently in the consultation stage. Night time fires have dropped by 60% mainly due to better fire and safety education.

2)  During 2017 requests for better transport provision to East Midlands Airport have been made to the Joint Transport Committee. 6000 new jobs have been created at Roxhill and better transport to the airport from surrounding villages was required.

No action required.

/4 RBC Items.

/a. The next Town and Parish Forum will take place here in The Council Chamber on Thursday 9th November 2017.

No action required.

/b. Borough Councillor report

No report

No action required.

/5 NALC, RCAN & Voluntary Organisations.

No report.

No action required

/6 Any Other Correspondence.

No report

No action required.

17.124 Receipts and Payments

/1 Payments

DD / Eon / £44.00
DD / NEST / £8.40
3245 / E M Raven / £60.00
3246 / J A Kent Services Ltd / £336.00
3247 / J Faulks Expenses / £42.18
3248 / J Faulks / £919.23
3249 / Inland Revenue / £71.23

/2. Receipts

Pavilion Hire / £20.00
Sutton Bonington Show Committee / £136.00
Sutton Bonington PTA / £80.00
Precept / £11,820

No action required.

/3.Other Financial Matters

No report.

No action required

17.125 Pavilion & Playing Field

/a. Reports

/1) Problems regarding the tractor battery and leaking of anti freeze were reported and discussed. It was suggested that as sole users of the tractor the cricket and football clubs take on some responsibility for basic maintenance. It was agreed that the maintenance/repair costs of the tractor and gang mowers for the last three years be presented to the Parish Council at the November meeting.


Clerk to prepare figures

/b. The Scout group would like to use the pavilion on a Tuesday night from 6pm – 7pm for crafts activities. The group anticipate that the hire will be until Easter 2018.


Hire agreed at no cost on the condition that the room is left clean and tidy.


Clerk to inform the group

/3. Kegworth Cricket Club would like to hire the cricket pitch for nine matches in 2018. The matches will take place on alternate weeks to Sutton Bonington Cricket Club.


Agreed in principle. Fee to be agreed at the Finance meeting.


Clerk to inform Kegworth Cricket Club

17.126 Spinney & Meadows Nature Reserve

No report.

No action required

17.127 Village News Items.

1) Speeding on Park Lane

2) Development of the NCC Depot on the A6006

3) Housing on Park Lane

No action required.

17.128  Allotments

No report

No action required

17.129 Community Orchard

No report

No action required.

17.130 Playscheme

Playscheme 2017 was very successful but one of the wettest. There was an average of 150 per day except for the wettest when numbers dropped to 89 one day. Arts and craft activities were on offer every day, some very interesting new ideas are thought of every year. A circus skills workshop took place. A team of 16 plus committee members were kept very busy with the high number children attending. Outside there were many sporting activities, along with dressing up and smaller equipment for the younger element of the playscheme. On the last day (after the success of last year) we had a tea party for the children, along with a bouncy castle, which was a fitting end to a thoroughly enjoyable but tiring two weeks. At the playscheme AGM in September Ann Butler retired from the committee. Ann first became involved with playscheme in 1988 when she became a leader, a role she had for a few years. When playscheme became committee run Ann became secretary but also continued to help with the Summer activities. The playscheme thanked her for all of her hard work over the years. The next playscheme will be held 30th July – 10th August 2018.

No action required.

17.131 Doctors Surgery

No report.

No action required

17.132 Nottingham University- Sutton Bonington Campus

Notes of the meeting held on 13th September 2017 were circulated and discussed. M. Futur is to ascertain how many parking permits were issued and how many parking spaces are available at the University. The University seminars are currently on hold and none are planned for the foreseeable future.

No action required.

17.133 Matters of Report

1) A request has been submitted to Cllr Brown for funding to cover the cost of refurbishing the telephone kiosk on Soar Lane.

No action required.

2) Bus shelter at the bottom of St Anne’s Lane is being used for advertising.


NCC to be informed.

Next Meeting to be held Monday November 6th 2017 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. Meeting closed at 2055 pm