GWRRA Chapter FL1-A2, established 1982 July 2001

NATIONAL OFFICE Mike & Judy Wright, Executive Director (219) 248-8166

REGION A DIRECTOR Jim & Margie Hodge (228) 875-1764

DISTRICT DIRECTOR Bob & Nancy Shrader (813) 885-7963

CD Gold Line


I 'd like to thank everyone for their support during my interim tenure as Chapter Director these past seven months. After serving over four years in this position earlier, I certainly was not expecting a repeat stint in this office, at least so soon. The Chapter was in danger of closing for lack of a leader and this certainly was not needed. My primary job, besides operating the Chapter as well as possible, was to find a leader for our Chapter.

Luckily for FL1-A2, Hugh Waller decided to become our leader and has recruited Dave Ventry as his assistant. With their enthusiasm for motorcycling and riding and with the infusion of a number of enthusiastic newcomers, I see very good times ahead for our Chapter. Already, one can see increased participation in rides and dinners. With able leaders like Hugh and Dave, I feel confident in our Chapter and its future.

I hope that everyone remembers that GWRRA is a volunteer organization and its core unit is the chapter. This means that for our Chapter to stay successful, members must be open to volunteering for the many jobs and functions that make a chapter successful. Hugh and Dave are owed a great deal of thanks by our Chapter for becoming its leaders. They will need your support, participation and volunteer efforts to keep the Chapter going. We have a good thing going which can be made even better with your involvement and help!

Ride Safe,


Senior Chapter Director


Hugh & Marcy Waller

(850) 562-4542


David & Pat Ventry

(850) 668-1586


Carol Harris

(850) 878-5031


Charles Couch 562-1399


Tom Fisher (850) 386-8493



Karen Krebs (850) 925-0345


Mike Share (850) 925-0656


Sonny Rollo (850) 562-4293

George Walsh (850) 539-1228

Karen Krebs


Carolyn Campbell

(850) 997-4901

Positions available: contact Charles to get involved!

by Hugh Waller

What Do You Want For Your Chapter?


Well that time has finally arrived! I'm very much looking forward to serving as your Chapter Director. I feel very lucky to be in a Chapter that is well established and has many members with much experience and knowledge in GWRRA. I would like to thank all those staff members who agreed to stay on in those positions and our new staff members and officers (Carol Harris, Treasurer; George Walsh, Phone Coordinator: and Dave and Pat Ventry, Assistant Chapter Directors). I would like to reiterate what Charles Couch said when he became the Chapter Director the first time about six years ago. The Chapter belongs to the members and my job is to help

implement what you want to do. It's exciting to see the new members coming in, and I hope to see more as well! New members could mean new ideas, so don't be afraid to speak out at the meetings.

In closing, I would like to thank Charles and Linda Couch for their leadership and dedication to the Chapter. There is so much they have done for Chapter FL1-A2. Charles has served in just about every position and will continue as the Ride Coordinator. Charles is a true motorcycle enthusiast. Rain or shine, hot or cold, he is ready to ride. I feel confident in knowing that Charles will always be there for us in an advisory role.



July Birthdays

Mike Share 7/5

Richard Pulliam 7/25

Sonny Rollo 7/29

July Anniversaries

Marvin & JoNell Culverson 7/17

Jesse & Rita Hodsdon 7/24

Time to Re-Up

from 1/5/01 printout


Gary & B.J. Allen

Steve Carroll

John Ferrell

Dean & Ann York


Wayne Parmer

David & Pat Ventry

Do you know a member with illness or death in their immediate family? Call Carolyn Campbell, Sunshine Chairperson, 997-4901.



Low rates: only $15.00 for a business card size ad for 3 months! Call the Advertising Department - (850) 925-0345 (ask for Karen) or



$15.00 for 3 mos./$50 per year

1/4 page $25.00 for 3 months

1/2 Page $35.00 for 3 months

Full Page $50.00 for 3 months

Next Month's Birthdays

Arnold Watts 8/1

Jack Henderson 8/5

Ray Henley 8/7

Pat Ventry 8/7

Jesse Hodsdon 8/14

David Ventry 8/15

Carol Harris 8/28

Ken Rouse 8/28

Next Month's Anniversaries

Tom & Linda Fisher 8/10

Charles & Linda Couch 8/14

David & Pat Ventry 8/14


to Kate Smith for her service as Chapter Treasurer! Carol Harris is taking over the bankroll. Also, thanks to Ann Bartlow for serving as Phone Coordinator! George Walsh will handle Ann's phone list.

Welcome Back

to Wayne Hicks, former Chapter member and new owner of a blue GL 1800!! Also, welcome to Frank McKenzie, owner of a 1996 Aspencade!

Get the Lead Out Award

goes to Tom Fisher for his article, "Gold Winging to See A New Grand Baby." Way to go, Tom!


is waiting for you!

Call the editorial office:

(850) 925-0345

or e-mail:

Articles may be submitted in WORD '97

or other convertible format


Editor's Corner

by Karen E. Krebs

Thanks For Everything, Charles!

Thanks again to Charles Couch for stepping up to the plate for another term as Senior Chapter Director! His leadership and guidance has helped the Chapter grow and prosper. We'll still see him as Ride Coordinator and an active member; no one loves to ride more than Charles!

Hugh has some big shoes to fill, but Charles is only a phone call (or a short ride) away! As Charles noted in the CD Gold Line, it takes everyone's participation to make Chapter events happen. Give Hugh a call - the Chapter can use your help!!

Ride To Work July 18th

Please ride your motorcycle on this day to demonstrate:

  • The number of motorcyclists to the general public and to politicians.
  • That motorcyclists are from all occupations and all walks of life.
  • That motorcyclists can reduce traffic congestion in large cities.
  • That motorcycles are for transportation as well as recreation.

For more information, check out:



Please let us know if you no longer want a newsletter - they cost us $1.34 each!!!


Safety Corner

by Tom Fisher

Rider Educator

Taking A Look At Risk


Life is full of risks, and we constantly make risk/benefit decisions as our daily life moves forward. As riders of Gold Wing motorcycles, we should never forget that we are at risk every time we ride. In fact, did you know that 68% of all motorcycle accidents occur within the first 12 minutes of a typical ride?

I do not think it would be possible to live a life without risks. One could be locked up in a padded room and live out a lifetime alone and without any enjoyment of what life offers. But, even under those circumstances, there are risks – inactivity, boredom, bad food, etc.

The father of one of my staff members decided that for his 65th birthday he wanted to parachute from a plane. My staff member decided he would accompany his Dad for this adventure. All went well and they survived. I would be scared to jump from a plane, and my staff member told me he would not want to be on a motorcycle! Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

I have relatives who owned their own small airplanes and enjoyed flying. I used to ride with my brother-in-law in his “hot” aerobatic plane. Loops, rolls, dives, stalls…I thought it was great fun. Now, my son is taking flight lessons. Plenty of risks will be with him on each flight.

I was standing in the parking lot of a hotel in Orlando watching when the Challenger space flight met its end. I will never forget that sight! The crew of the shuttle knew there were risks, but they believed the personal and scientific benefits outweighed the risks.

Consider our favorite type of Chapter rides to restaurants with big buffet lines. I don’t know about you, but I need to watch my weight (even though I am a slim guy). Too much weight and too little exercise lead to health problems. I guess when we sit down to the buffet table, we are “weighing” the risks (pun, pun).

Riding a motorcycle has great risks, but we can do things that will decrease the probability that we will have an accident. Our actions begin when we walk out of the garage and prepare the bike for a trip. Do you remember your T-CLOCK inspection? Do you at least take time to check the tire pressure and clean the windshield? Helmet? Gloves? Jacket? Boots?

What about your riding attitude? Did you get up too early and have not yet had your coffee? Are you in a hurry to get somewhere? Are you pre-occupied with some other event in your life so that you are not concentrating on the motorcycle?

If you want to see an article about one rider’s brush with death in a motorcycle accident, turn your Internet browser to this address: Very sobering.

Riding a motorcycle requires training, physical strength, a good attitude, alertness, and self discipline. Don’t get on the bike in the first place unless you have all of these factors under control!

Remember our GWRRA slogan,

“Safety Is for Life!”


Member Profile

Richard Pulliam and Fonda Watts

by Richard Pulliam

I was born in San Jose, Costa and spent the first 15 years of my life in the Republic of Panama. In 1964, at the age of 15, I moved to Miami, Florida. I have lived in Miami, Hollywood, Fort Lauderdale, Hallandale, Boca Raton, Daytona Beach, Orlando, Oviedo, Tampa, and for the last 10 years, Tallahassee.

I am a college graduate with a degree in Computer Science, currently working as a programmer/analyst. My areas of expertise are CA-Clipper, DOS and Novell.

Fonda (my most important person and incredibly better half) was born in West Virginia. She has two kids, Erik Bautista and Rutilia Bautista. Erik lives in Atlanta, GA and Ruti lives in Fort Lauderdale, FL. She also has two grandchildren, Zac and Jasmine.

Fonda is a salesperson and particularly enjoys working in the building construction industry. We both enjoy riding the 1998 Honda 1100 Shadow Aero! Check out their pictures on their web site at

Who Are You???

In case you weren't at the June meeting, Charles came up with the idea of a member profile column in the newsletter. This would be a feature each month with a biography of a member or couple's family, riding experience, bikes owned, etc.

Aw, you can do it! Send it in to , or mail it to me! Let's get to know each other!

Use this handy dandy form to tell us about yourself for publication in the Chapter newsletter! Feel free to expand on anything else.



Significant other:

Children, grandchildren:


Years riding experience:

Bikes owned:

Best/funniest/longest motorcycle trip:

Favorite motorcycle road:

Why I ride:

What I like best about Chapter FL1-A2:



PR Corner

by Mike Share

Public Relations Coordinator


See You At The Show!


The day is fast approaching, Saturday, August 4th at the Tallahassee Mall. That's when we get to show off our bikes to the general public, promote good vibes and maybe even get some new blood into our chapter. It's going to be an all day event, from 9 AM to 9PM when the mall is open, but we'll have to be there early to get everything set up. I hope you can make it. I'll have a sign up sheet at the next meeting if you think you would want to attend.

On a related note, if I can get an electrical hook-up to use, I would like to set up a TV and VCR and run Gold Wing video riding on tours or any other type of riding event. The problem is the tapes, so if you have any tapes of riders, please let me know. I will make a copy and return the master to you. So, don't forget, Saturday, August 4th at the Tallahassee Mall!


Swap Shop

Free to Chapter FL1-A2 members

call 925-0345

FOR SALE: Call Steve Carroll 907-0776 evenings or 942-9650 x3004 days.

Markland Black/Charcoal backrest ($179 retail) $95.00

FOR SALE: Call Charles Couch 562-1399.

One piece insulated riding suit, size Large (short). Like new, $50.

Small HJC FJ8 helmet, candy apple red open face w/ flip shield, $50 (Cost $124.99 on the web).

FOR SALE: Call Sonny Rollo 562-4293.

1982 Gold Wing, 20,000 miles, damaged in front end collision. No front wheel or fork. Engine, frame, instruments, rear suspension and wheel in good condition. $700 or best offer.

Kuryakyn triple exhaust extensions; used, very good condition for GL1500 $60.

Stop and Go tire patch kit - new $30.

Chrome windshield trim with Kuryakyn lighted bird and bug deflector, installed $65.

Orville Sage custom windshield for GL1500, tinted with large engraved eagle, with engraved wind wings, installed $175.

FOR SALE: Call Curtis Parker (229) 377-3260

DOWCO Guardian bike cover (G45 - small) - new, never out of the box! $35.

GL1500 trunkhandle, chrome w/hand insert, $20.


Gold Winging to See A New Grand Baby

By Tom Fisher



y wife and I have been blessed with the birth of TWO granddaughters within the last two months! Our second daughter gave birth to baby Abigail in early April, and we took turns flying to California to help with the baby. Then, our eldest daughter, who lives in Athens, Georgia, had a baby on May 20.

On Saturday of Memorial Day weekend, Linda and I were to drive to Athens to take turns helping with baby Susannah. I was to stay longer than Linda, so we had to choose between driving car and truck or between driving car and Gold Wing. It did not take much encouragement for me to decide I would ride the Gold Wing and Linda would drive the car.

I left at 7:30 a.m. and rode to Albany where I picked up GA 300 to Cordele. I wanted to stay off the Interstate as long as possible, so I rode north on U. S. 41 to Perry. At that point, it was better to move to the Interstate and ride directly through Macon to intersect with U.S. 129 and, later, 441.

My trip was uneventful until I was just north of Gray, GA. At this point, for some reason, my eyes started tearing, and I had to pull into a gas station. Just as I came to a stop, my eyes compulsively blinked, and I put my foot down wrong. Klunk! Down went the bike in front of about 20 people. A Harley rider got out of his truck and helped me pick up the beast. Sigh.

Linda and I had been keeping track of each other via cell phones. I was greatly surprised that we arrived in Athens within 10 minutes of each other. She left Tallahassee at 10 a.m. and rode the Interstate all the way.

Linda had to return to Tallahassee on Monday, but I stayed for five days helping with the baby and the housework. It was fun, and I enjoyed playing with my four year old grandson when I was not holding the baby.

On Thursday it was time to leave for Tallahassee, and I hit the road at 6:30 a.m.. About two miles out of Athens, I was cruising along at about 50 mph when the engine just up and quit! I glanced at the dashboard to assess the warning lights when the engine started again all by itself. I had not disengaged the clutch, so the turning wheels cranked the engine. I had no other incidents of this nature, and I made it back to Tallahassee via the Interstate, arriving at 2:00 p.m. Back in the office by 3:00 p.m.

I was concerned about this incident, so I turned to the Internet for assistance. Several riders referred to this incident as the famous Gold Wing “hiccup.” Three suggestions were made: (1) new gas filter, (2) clean the kill switch contacts, and (3) replace the bank angle sensor. Not wishing to tempt fate, I did all three. The experience of pulling the bike apart to get to the bank angle sensor was somewhat unnerving, but I succeeded.

In case you are wondering about items 2 and 3, the theory is that an interruption in power through either the kill switch or the bank angle sensor will cut off power to the fuel pump. This seems logical since my dashboard was indicating a “low gas” situation even though I had a full tank.

My next bike trip will be to Hiawassee, GA, and I hope the bike performs without repeating this incident. It would be a little thrilling to be riding on the Atlanta highways and have the engine quit unexpectedly.

Now, I wonder if my wife would let me ride the Gold Wing to California to visit our three grandchildren near San Francisco….



July 12Chapter meeting - Western Sizzlin' - 6:30 eat, 7:30 meet.

July 19Dinner ride - Posey's, Panacea. Depart #3 at 6:30 pm.

July 26Dinner social - Marie Livingston's, Apalachee Pkwy.

Eat at 6:30 pm.

August 4 Chapter Bike Show - Tallahassee Mall

August 9 Meeting - Western Sizzlin'-6:30 eat, 7:30 meet.

August 16 Dinner ride-Lunker Lodge, Lake Seminole.

Depart #1 6:30