Life, liberty, and property are secure ONLY when Christian principles are honored in our families, churches, and civil government…
Christian Civics—Key Idea #13
Mark A. Matta, MBA
Effective ACTION STEPS to Advance Christian Principles in Civil Government
- Focus on Biblical Goals (influencing Public Policy with Biblical Principles is NOT partisan):
- Selecting just leaders
- Protecting innocent life
- Opposing immorality
- Preserving God’s definition of marriage and family
- Pray and Select Just, God-Fearing Leaders (VOTE in an Informed Manner)[1]:
- Prayerfully analyze non-partisan Voter Guides and VOTE (Deut. 16:18; Exod. 18:21)!
- Remind Christians of theirBiblical duty to select just leaders (VOTE); give them Voter Guides
- Organize a Christian Public Awareness Ministry to Advance Biblical Principles in Civil Government
- Ongoing: Build relationships with local churches to:
- Shape public policy and address moral issues of the day,
- Work on non-partisan voter registration efforts, and
- Prepare for the distribution of non-partisan Voter Guides at election time.
- At Election Time: Select God-fearing, pro-family leaders who will work to advance Christian principles in civil government by investing time in theREVProgramas follows:
- REGISTER: Provide non-partisan opportunities for church members to register to vote;
- EDUCATE: Educate church members about candidate values by providing LOCAL non-partisan Voter Guides to allow them to vote in an informed manner; produce and distribute your own non-partisan local Voter Guides if none currently exists.
- VOTE: Vote and remind church members of their Biblical duty to select God-fearing, just leaders (Exod. 18:21, Deut. 16:18)
(See the “Printable Tools” Link at for more information about the REV program and Voter Guide questions.)
- Between Elections: Monitor and influence key legislation and policy through letter writing, phone calls, etc.
- Use Support andResources
- (Free CHRISTIAN CIVICS resources, printable tools, vital issues, links)
- (America’s Godly Heritage video and other excellent videos and tapes)
- (Free help for Christians with religious and civil liberty issues)
- (Excellent American Christian History print resources)
- Advanced Advocacy Efforts To Consider…
- Write Letters to the Editor in your local newspaper
- Advance Christian principles of civil government on talk radio programs
- Teach a Christian Civics class using Lessons in Liberty curriculum
1 of 1 Christian Civics Key Ideas—
[1] Prayerful, informed voting (to select just, God-fearing leaders in civil government according to Scripture) is the bare minimum requirement that is made of EVERY Christian (Exod. 18:21, Deut. 16:18)