Life, liberty, and property are secure ONLY when Christian principles are honored in our families, churches, and civil government

Christian Civics—Key Idea #13

Mark A. Matta, MBA

Effective ACTION STEPS to Advance Christian Principles in Civil Government

  1. Focus on Biblical Goals (influencing Public Policy with Biblical Principles is NOT partisan):
  1. Selecting just leaders
  2. Protecting innocent life
  3. Opposing immorality
  4. Preserving God’s definition of marriage and family
  1. Pray and Select Just, God-Fearing Leaders (VOTE in an Informed Manner)[1]:
  1. Prayerfully analyze non-partisan Voter Guides and VOTE (Deut. 16:18; Exod. 18:21)!
  2. Remind Christians of theirBiblical duty to select just leaders (VOTE); give them Voter Guides
  1. Organize a Christian Public Awareness Ministry to Advance Biblical Principles in Civil Government
  2. Ongoing: Build relationships with local churches to:
  1. Shape public policy and address moral issues of the day,
  2. Work on non-partisan voter registration efforts, and
  3. Prepare for the distribution of non-partisan Voter Guides at election time.
  4. At Election Time: Select God-fearing, pro-family leaders who will work to advance Christian principles in civil government by investing time in theREVProgramas follows:
  1. REGISTER: Provide non-partisan opportunities for church members to register to vote;
  2. EDUCATE: Educate church members about candidate values by providing LOCAL non-partisan Voter Guides to allow them to vote in an informed manner; produce and distribute your own non-partisan local Voter Guides if none currently exists.
  3. VOTE: Vote and remind church members of their Biblical duty to select God-fearing, just leaders (Exod. 18:21, Deut. 16:18)

(See the “Printable Tools” Link at for more information about the REV program and Voter Guide questions.)

  1. Between Elections: Monitor and influence key legislation and policy through letter writing, phone calls, etc.
  1. Use Support andResources
  2. (Free CHRISTIAN CIVICS resources, printable tools, vital issues, links)
  3. (America’s Godly Heritage video and other excellent videos and tapes)
  4. (Free help for Christians with religious and civil liberty issues)
  5. (Excellent American Christian History print resources)
  6. Advanced Advocacy Efforts To Consider…
  7. Write Letters to the Editor in your local newspaper
  8. Advance Christian principles of civil government on talk radio programs
  9. Teach a Christian Civics class using Lessons in Liberty curriculum

1 of 1 Christian Civics Key Ideas—

[1] Prayerful, informed voting (to select just, God-fearing leaders in civil government according to Scripture) is the bare minimum requirement that is made of EVERY Christian (Exod. 18:21, Deut. 16:18)