Remarks of Chair, Professor Rishi S. Raj
Plenary Session, CCNY Faculty Senate Meeting
Faculty Senate Meeting, October 20, 2011, 2 PM, SH-95
Tribute to Steve Jobs
I am very pleased to welcome our special guests; PSC Vice Chair Steve London. He will be talking about some issues connected with violations of procedures which occurred at CUNY’s General Education Core Formulation Committee.
I shall be in brief today in updating you about the past month’s events due to very intense agenda items. The major events which took place in the past month are Stanford at CCNY, and President’s plan to increase the full time faculty by 20% in the next four years. In addition, search committees are formed for three Dean searches. The College Wide Resources Committee (11 members) met and discussed college allocation procedures, lack of funding for repairs, maintenance and replacement of outdated equipment, use of Compact Funds and matters related to indirect cost. The Committee was informed that the Compact Funds distribution is fixed by 80th Street. The meeting was attended by students, faculty and senior members of Administration. On College Governance, the hearing Committee (Professors; Crain, Kalia and Watkins) conducted open hearings (which was very productive) and the Committee will submit its report shortly. On my meeting with the Provost, we agreed to move the College forward on Sustainability Program. We also discussed the Amendment of Tenure Procedures as proposed by the Governance Committee in it PHASE IV report. This document will be presented to you today in addition to Sustainability Program Bylaws as submitted by administration as well as another version by the Senate Executive Committee in consultation with the Program Director and its founder.
The Executive Committee met on October 13, 2011 for three hours and discussed matters relating to several issues. The President also participated in the proceedings:
· President mentioned her new initiatives at the Colelge; Tech Center, more faculty and Stanford interaction.
· The Senate believes that there should be more openness at department level in scheduling undergraduate and graduate courses.
· The Executive Committee will look into any Governance changes that may be necessary during Stanford at City participation.
· Evening session student, Vice President Kamil Dabkowski made a presentation and expressed the need for more evening courses to help graduate daytime working students. He will submit his proposal to the Senate shortly. The Executive Committee always welcomes participation by student leaders.
· A discussion on Sustainability Program By-Laws took place with the Director of the Program, Professor Jiji. Professors Gallagher, and Kalia were designated to work with Administration to search a suitable compromise in their differences which could not be reached.
· Professor Wilner talked about book list initiative.
I would also like to report that Senate membership has increased and we thank all the new Senators for their participation and service to the College. Our deans were very helpful in this process.
I attended a very productive meeting organized by the Student Affairs Vice President Robert Rodriguez along with several chairs of departments. It was brought to our attention that, various services, like care, counseling, etc. are available not only to students but also to faculty. This kind of interaction will continue to take place every semester.
· On October 18, 2011 I made a presentation to UFS on CCNY’s Budget Consultation procedures. The UFS considered our model as exemplary.
On a happy note, I would like to dedicate this session of the Senate to Hispanic Heritage Month and salute all our colleagues of Hispanic descent who have significantly contributed to the enrichment of our College. In the same spirit, our best wishes for a Happy New Year to all Jewish colleagues.
In the end I must say that the future looks good and happy days are ahead of us at this great institution, which you might have already started to feel.