VCACR Member Update --- 07/02/08

A News Service of The Virginia Chapter, AmericanCollege of Radiology

  • Sign Up Today for the 2008 VC-ACR Annual Meeting
  • VC-ACR Website Being Developed
  • ACR Fellowship Deadline Extended – August 1, 2008


2008 VC-ACR Annual Meeting – August 16, 2008

The Virginia Chapter, AmericanCollege of Radiology’s Annual Meeting will beAugust 16, 2008 at the Virginia Beach Hilton, Virginia Beach, Virginia. The meeting provides an opportunity to meet other Radiologists from around the state and discuss issues that affect all of us. The topic for this year's meeting will be "Hot Topics for Virginia Radiologists: Cardiac Imaging, Breast MR and Radiology Economics.” We are pleased to announce the following outstanding speakers for this year’s meeting:

R. Terrell Frey, MD, FACR – The Radiology Group of Good Samaritan, Cincinnati, Ohio will speak on "ACR Economics and Government Relations Update."

Charles S. White, MD – Chief of Thoracic Radiology, University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, Maryland will inform us of "Coronary CTA."

Gilda Cardenosa, MD – Diagnostic Radiology, VCU Breast Imaging, Richmond, Virginia will advise us of “Breast MR: Clinical Indications and Considerations in Developing a Breast MRProgram.”

John D. Grizzard, MD – Diagnostic Radiology, VCUMedicalCenter, Richmond, Virginia, will present “Cardiac MR."

Thomas W. Greeson, Esq. - of Reed Smith will bring us an update on "Economic and Other Regulatory Activity: Impact on Radiology Practices in Virginia."

Brandi Nicholson, MD –University of Virginia Health Systems, Charlottesville, Virginia will address "Screening Breast MR Who Needs it?"

Everyone is encouraged to join in for a Saturday afternoon game of golf or tennis followed by a cocktail reception and dinner on Saturday evening on the elegant cruise vessel The Virginia Jewel.

We have reserved a block of rooms for meeting attendees, which will expire on Wednesday, July 16, 2008. To ensure that you get the room that best accommodates your needs, please call 757/213-3001 or 1-800-HILTONS (800/445-8667) now to make your reservation. We cannot guarantee that rooms will be available after July 16.

For more information or to request a meeting registration form call Jane Davis at (804) 622-8135.

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VC-ACR Website Being Developed

The VC-ACR is developing a website!The chapter is hoping that the website will help keep members informed with the issues and activities concerning the Chapter. Members will be able to register for the annual meeting online. There will also be an online directory of members. In addition, there will be various other links such as membership information, legislative updates, and much more.Further details will be available soon!

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ACR Fellowship Deadline Extended

The deadline for chapters to submit fellowship nominations has been extended to August 1. Nominations received by this date will be considered for awards to be announced at the 2009 annual meeting.

If you would like to submit a fellowship application, please notify J.P. Baird at . Fellowship information can be found on the ACR Web site. If you have any questions, you can contact J.P. via e-mail or phone at (800) 347-7748 or contact Jane Davis, Chapter Coordinator via email

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