Clenchwarton Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting
May 11th 2017
Present: Cllrs James, Pell, Smith, Winter,Howlett, Gippand the clerk
There were 14 members of the public
- Election of Chairperson: Cllr James was elected as Chairman. Cllr James welcomed new Cllr Mrs Gipp to the Council.
- To accept apologies for absence: apologies were received from Cllrs Tordoff and Mallet who were working, Borough Councillor Whitby and the RFO Patrick Duhig.
- Election of Vice Chairman: Cllr Swietonowski was elected to vice chair in her absence
- To receive minutes of the full council meeting held April 6th 2017 as a true record: the minutes were approved as a true record. Cllr Smith stated he had spoken with a founder member of the Memorial Hall Committee and he was happy to see the hall sold if the new hall is also called the Memorial Hall. The Chairman stated as Chairman of the MH Committee she would insisted on this also.
- Open Forum: fifteen minutes during which time residents may speak: A resident thanked Cllr Winter for her hard work organising the car boot sales and hoped that she would have more support from the public in the future. A resident commented that developers had already started clearing the Hall Road/Wildfields Road site. P/C agreed to contact the planners to ask what is happening as they had not received a planning application. Cllr Kemp would also contact the planning department.
- To receive reports from County and Borough Cllrs: The chairman, Cllr James congratulated Cllr Kemp on her re election to the County Council. Cllr Kemp reported that the press had contacted her regarding the Willows site. Consultation on the waste plan would start next week, she was concerned about air quality. Cllr Kemp felt that the site should be employment land and controlled by the County Council if it is included in the new plan. Cllr Kemp had contacted the equality officer regarding the newly erected street light in Clapper Lane /Linford Estate, she stated that Councils have a legal duty to consider supplyingstreet lights, under the disability rules, in areas where disabled or elderly residents need them. She felt that the one already requested inFerry Road would fall under the disability rule.She had had another request for one in Clapper Lane/Robin Kirkham Way. She stated that TerringtonSt Clement doctors are considering selling the Clenchwarton surgery.
- Clerks report: the clerk reported that Cllr Tordoff had managed to secure a grant from Tesco to do some work around the pond, so if anyone visits Tesco please put your tokens in the Clenchwarton pond appeal slot, the more tokens the more money we receive. The Clerk had contacted the AWA and they will instruct all drivers to use Millennium Way and not Ferry Road. Cllr Whitby had reported that the new Mayor will be Cllr Carol Bower from
Hunstanton. The clerk reported on the ward boundaries review, Cllrs were invited to attend a meeting on the 22nd June at the Town Hall. She reported on the road and footpath closure 15th-23rd May in Station Road. All correspondence had been circulated to Councillors.
- Correspondence: to consider and resolve on any correspondence received and circulated. No resolutions required
- Election of members to the Finance committee and Personnel committee. It was resolved that all councillors would sit on the Finance committee. Personnel: It was resolved to appoint Cllrs Swietonowski, Winter, Impey, Howlett, Tordoff and Gipp.
- Election of representatives to outside bodies: Cllr Swietonowski. Election of members to the Community Centre working party committee which is not an outside body. Cllrs Tordoff, Winter, Pell, Impey, Howlett, James and Gipp.
- To resolve to allow a Cllr to issue orders, instructions and directions: It was resolved that Cllr Tordoff would carry on with the duty of issuing orders, instructions and directions to the groundsmen.
- Fly tipping, agenda item from Parish Assembly: the P/C report all fly tipping to the Borough Council. Cllr Pell agreed to produce a poster urging residents to stay vigilant and try to get registration numbers of anyone fly tipping.
- To resolve on the three sites for posts for the new SAM2 signs: It was felt that both ends of the village and Station Road were in need. It was resolved that Cllrs Pell, Smith and Howlett meet with Mr Roy Payne from the suppliers Westcotec, and decide on the sites, the clerk would then contact Highways.
- To report on the Annual Governance Statement: to approve the AGS. In the absence of the RFO the clerk circulated copy of the AGS to all members. The AGS was approved, proposed by Cllr Howlett and seconded by Cllr Winter.
- Finance: a) to resolve the payments of monthly invoices (circulated) b) Accounting Statement: To approve the AS, it was resolved to approve the Accounting Statement. C) to resolve to purchase blue bags when required: it was resolved to purchase bags when required
- Planning: to consider and comment on planning applications which had been circulated. 17/00417/F 224 Main Road variation of condition 2, had been permitted under delegated powers. 17/00785/Fsingle storey rear extension 42 Jubilee Bank Road. Support if neighbours are happy.
- To receive updates from committees: Community Centre working party committee. Cllr Winter needs more help with the car boots. She reported on the progress with the new build. Posters had been printed for the fun day.
- To receive updates from outside bodies: Memorial Hall, in the absence of Cllr Swietonowski, Cllr James reported that the new kitchen had been fitted and a new water heater is needed.
- To receive items for the next agenda June 1st. 1) to consider the purchase of wildlife camera to catch fly tippers and dog fouling culprits. Cllr James would investigate with Freebridge who is responsible for cutting dyke outside 123 Main Road and the grass on the corner of Clapper Lane. Cllr Kemp would speak with Highways regarding the poor condition of the footpath by Margaretta House.
- To resolve on whether Council should go into closed session for discussion of the following agenda item on the grounds of confidentiality (details of discussion not for publication by virtue of section 100 (a) para 4 of the Local Government Act 1972) It was resolved to go into closed session.
- To consider legal matters regarding the playing field in Hall Road
Meeting closed at 8.10pm