School of Mathematics : MATH
Category 2 : Chapters in Books : Non-Accredited
1. Fakhar, K. And Kara, A.H.
Chapter 6. On Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations,
in: Navier-Stokes Equations: Properties, Description and Applications,
Ed. R. Younsi, Nova Publishers, 2011.
Category 3 : Published Conference Proceedings
1. Jamal, S., Kara, A.H. and Bokhari, A.H.
“Symmetries, conservation laws and reduction of wave and Gordon-type equations on
Riemannian manifolds”, ICAMEM 2011 International Conference on Applied Mathematics
and Engineering Mathematics, 21-23 December 2011, Puket, Thailand, World Academy of
Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET), Issue 60 (2011), pp.954-957.
Category 4 : DE Accredited Journals
1. Abdulwahhab, M.A., Bokhari, A.H., Kara, A.H. and Zaman, F.D.
“On the Lie point symmetry analysis and solutions of the inviscid Burgers equation”.
Prama-Journal of Physics, 77 (3) (2011), 407-414.
2. Alt, J.
“Weyl connections and the local sphere theorem for quaternionic contact structures”
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 39 (2011) 165-186.
3. Alt, J.
“Essential parabolic structures and their infinitesimal automorphisms”,
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 7 (2011), 039, 16 pgs.
4. Alt, J.
“On the twistor space of a quaternionic contact manifold”,
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 61 (2011), 1783-1788.
5. Biswas, A. and Kara, A.H.
“Conservation laws for regularized long wave equation and R(m,n) equation”,
Advanced Science Letters, 4 (2011), 168-170.
6. Bokhari, A.H., Al-Dweik, A.Y., Kara, A.H., Karim, M. and Zaman, F.D.
“Wave equation on spherically symmetric Lorentzian metrics”,
Journal of Mathematical Physics, 52, 063511 (2011), 11 pgs.
7. Bokhari, A.H., Al-Dweik, A.Y., Kara, A.H., Mahomed, F.M. and Zaman, F.D.
“Double reduction of a nonlinear (2+1) wave equation via conservation laws”,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 16 (2011), 1244-1253.
8. Bokhari, A.H., Zaman, F.D., Fakhar, K. And Kara, A.H.
“A note on the invariance properties and conservation laws of the Kadomstev-Petviashvili
equation with power law nonlinearity”,
Chinese Physics Letters, 28 (9) (2011) 090204, 2 pgs.
9. Bowler, A. , Brown, P., Fenner, T. and Myrvold, W.
“Recognizing connectedness from vertex-deleted subgraphs”,
Journal of Graph Theory, 67, Issue 4 (2011), 285 - 299.
10. Currie, S. and Love, A.D.
“Hierarchies of difference boundary value problems”,
Boundary Value problems, 2011 (2011), ID 743135, 27 pages.
11. Ebadi, G., Kara, A.H, Petkovic, M.D. and Biswas, A.
“Soliton solutions and conservation laws of the Gilson-Pickering equation”,
Waves in Random and Complex Media, 21 (2) (2011), 378-385.
12. Fakhar, K. and Kara, A.H.
“An analysis of the invariance and conservation laws of some classes of nonlinear Ostrovsky equations and related systems”,
Chinese Physics Letters, 28 (1) (2011), 010201, 4 pages.
13. Fakhar, K., Kara, A.H., Khan, I. and Sajid, M.
“On the computation of analytical solutions of an unsteady magnetohydrodynamics flow of a
Third grade fluid with Hall effects”.
Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 61 (2011), 980-987.
14. Fakhar, K., Zainal, A.A. and Kara, A.H.
“A note on the interplay between symmetries, reduction and conservation laws of Stokes’ first problem for third-grade rotating fluids”,
Pramana-Journal of Physics, 77 (3) (2011), 439-445.
15. Grobbelaar-Van Dalsen, M.
“Strong stabilization of models incorporating the thermoelastic Reissner-Mindlin plate equations with second sound”,
Applicable Analysis, 90 (9) (2011), 1419-1449.
16. Ismail, M.E.H., Johnston, S.J. and Mansour, Z.S.
“Structure relations for q-polynomials and some applications”,
Applicable Analysis, 90 (3-4) (2011), 747-767.
17. Jamal, S. and Kara, A.H.
“Higher-order symmetries and conservation laws of multi-dimensional gordon-type equations”,
Pramana-Journal of Physics, 77 (3) 447-460.
18. Kara, A.H., and Bokhari, A.H.
“A non-variational approach to the construction of new ‘high-order’ conservation laws of the family of nonlinear equations + 3) + + 2+ ) = 0”,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 16 (2011), 4183-4188.
19. Mphako-Banda, E.
“Path-width of a graph vs bridge number of a knot”,
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 20 (4) (2011), 567-574.
20. Narain, R. and Kara, A.H.
“Invariance analysis and conservation laws of the wave equation on Vaidya manifolds”,
Pramana-Journal of Physics, 77 (3) (2011), 555-570.
21. Ndogmo, J.C. and Ntwiga, D.B.
“High-order accurate implicit methods for barrier option pricing”,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218 (2011), 2210-224.
22. Matlala, A.M.
“On annihilator ideals in matrix near-rings”,
Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 41 (6) (2011), 1963-1976.
23. Johnpillai, A.G., Kara, A.H. and Biswas, A.
“Symmetry solutions and reductions of a class of generalized (2+1)-dimensional Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation”,
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation , 12 (2011), 45-50.
Category 4A : Non-Accredited Journals
1. Biswas, A., Kara, A.H. and Zerrad, E.
“Dynamics and conservation laws of generalized chiral solitons”,
The Open Nuclear & Particle Physics Journal, 4 (2011), 21-24.
John Knopfmacher Centre for Applicable Analysis and
Number Theory : XAAN
Category 1 : Authored Books
1. Zelenyuk, Yevhen
Ultrafilters and Topologies on Groups,
Published by Walter de Gruyter,2011, 219 pages.
Category 3 : Published Conference Proceedings
1. Mungai, A.O.
“Constructive enumeration of bit strings”,
Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and their Applications, Morelia, Mexio, 5 – 9 July 2010, in: Aportaciones Matemáticas, 20 (2011), 217-228.
2. Zelenyuk, Yuliya,
“Symmetric colourings of finite groups”,
Proceedings of Groups St Andrews 2009, University of Bath, 1-15 August 2009:
London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes, 388,
Groups St Andrews 2009 in Bath, Volume 2, (2011), 580-590.
Category 4 : DE Accredited Journals
1. Archibald, M., and Knopfmacher, A.
“The largest missing value in a composition of an integer”,
Discrete Mathematics, 311 (2011), 723-731.
2. Binding, P, Browne, P. and Watson, B.
“Non-definite Sturm-Liouville problems for the p-Laplacian”,
Operators and Matrices, 5 (4) (2011), 649-664.
3. Brennan, C.
“Ascents of size less than d in samples of geometric random variables: mean, variance and distribution”,
Ars Combinatoria, 102 (2011), 129-138.
4. Brennan, C., Knopfmacher, A., Mansour, T. and Wagner, S.
“Separation of the maxima in samples of geometric random variables”,
Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics, 5 (2011), 271-282.
5. Currie, S. and Love, A.D.
“Hierarchies of difference boundary value problems”,
Boundary Value Problems, 2011 (2011), ID 743135, 27 pages.
6. Currie, S. and Watson, B.A.
“Indefinite boundary value problems on graphs”,
Operators and Matrices, 5 (4) (2011), 565-584.
7. Heubach, S., Knopfmacher, A., Mays, M.E. and Munagi, A.
“Inversions in compositions of integers”,
Quaestiones Mathematicae, 34 (2011), 187-202.
8. Knopfmacher, A. and Luca, F.
“On prime-perfect numbers”,
International Journal of Number Theory, 7 (7) (2011), 1705-1716.
9. Knopfmacher, A., Luca, F. And Robbins, N.
“On cyclic compositions of positive integers”,
Aequationes Mathematicae, 82 (1-2) (2011), 111-122.
10. Knopfmacher, A., Mansour, T. and Munagi, A.
“Recurrence relation with two indices and plane compositions”,
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 17 (1) (2011), 115-127.
11. Luca, F.
“The Beast and triangular Zeckendorf representations”,
Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie,
54 (102) No. 2 (2011) 147-152.
12. Luca, F. And Oyono, R.
“An exponential Diophantine equation related to powers of two consecutive Fibonacci numbers”,
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Ser. A, 87 (4) (2011), 45-50.
13. Möller, M. and Zinsou, B.
“Self-adjoint fourth order differential operators with eigenvalue parameter dependent boundary conditions”,
Quaestiones Mathematicae, 34 (2011), 393-406.
14. Shuungula, O., Zelenyuk, Yevhen and Zelenyuk, Yuliya
“Ultrafilter semigroups generated by direct sums”,
Semigroup Forum, 82 (2011), 252-260.
15. Zelenyuk, Yevhen
“Metrizable refinements of group topologies and the pseudo-intersection number”,
Topology and its Applications, 158 (2011), 1172-1178.
16. Zelenyuk, Yevhen
“K(S) is not closed”,
Topology and its Applications, 158 (2011), 1721-1723.
17. Zelenyuk, Yevhen
“Almost maximal topologies on semigroups”
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 139 (6) (2011), 2257-2270.
Category 4A : Non-Accredited Journals
1. Bau, S.
“Balanced binary mappings on graphs”,
Bulletin of the ICA, 62, May (2011), 15-24.
2. Mansour, T. and Munagi, A.O.
“Enumeration of gap-bounded set partitions”,
Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics, 14 (2009), 327-245.
3. Mansour, T., Munagi, A. and Shattuck, M.
“Recurrence relations and two-dimensional set partitions”,
Journal of Integer Sequences, 14 (2011), Article 11.4.1, 17 pages.
4. Zelenyuk, Yuliya,
“Monochrome symmetric subsets in colourings of finite Abelian groups”,
Symmetry, 3 (2011), 126-133.