Art History 2- ARH 2051

Professor: Kaylin Evans

Email:his is my Atlas Email; however, I am on Blackboard more often then Atlas. Please email me through Blackboard!

Office Hours: I will not have office hours. Please email me to set up a meeting or see me before or after class.

Credit Hours: 3

TEXTBOOKS:Gardner’s Art Through the Ages: A Concise Global History, 2 ed edition by Fred Kleiner

ISBN-10: 0495503460 | ISBN-13: 978-0495503460

**If you know a head of time you will not be able to complete any portion of the requirements for this class, I suggest that you find a class that works better for you.

EMAIL: When you email me, please tell me what class you are in and what day and time. Email me at the above email address. In addition, if you have questions about the class, please email me through atlas. I will receive this sooner then Blackboard; however, if it is course work you are submitting, please send that through Blackboard to help keep course work organized, and so I don’t miss it.

Class Description: This class will cover information from the transitional phase from Gothic to Early Renaissance to Contemporary Art and Architecture. While looking at the artworks from this period, we will concentrate on how the culture of the time influenced the artworks, what the characteristic differences between artistic styles are, and who the artist were that created these works. Art History is not just the story of art but a way of looking and seeing images in the context of the larger historical periods we cover.

Course Objectives

·Identify geographic locations around the world, which have been wellsprings for art.

·Analyzes art through a variety of methods

·Describe relationships, similarities, and significant symbols in art.

·Understand how art affect current cultures, and how art is affected by the culture.

·Think critically and make reasoned choices by acquiring, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating knowledge

·Utilize proper essay format such as select a subject, formulate a thesis, provide supporting details, and revise for clarity.

Course Outcomes: By the end of the semester, you should be able do the following either in class or group discussion, in formal or informal written assignments, or in class presentations:

  1. Identify, describe, and illustrate with appropriate examples, the different art historical styles.
  2. Articulate connections between ancient and modern art styles.
  3. Interpret a work of art. Examine the cultural and biographical context of the work and investigate scholarly interpretations. Apply a variety of critical and analytic methods to the work
  4. Be able to think critically about the message conveyed in an artwork
  5. Communicate clearly what the message is and how the artist tried to convey that message.

Gordon Rule Requirements: Students are required to complete multiple college level writing assignments with a final grade of “C” or higher to satisfy the requirements of State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.30. **Failure to complete ANY PORTION of the Gordon Rule Requirement will incur a grade of “D” or lower, no matter the student’s previous average.

PREPARATION: Students should read assigned materials and complete written assignments PRIOR to class. Students are expected to participate in class discussion when appropriate. Make sure that you done the necessary work to participate in the discussions.

ATTENDANCE – It is assumed that students will attend allclass meetings. This is not a class you can skip and pass!! Attendance will be taken daily. Students may miss 3 unexcused absence, but they cannot make up any work missed due to an absence. Attendance will usually be taken by sign-in sheet. Students are responsible for signing in. Any student who fails to sign in will be marked absent.

Excused absences will not count against a student’s grade. As long as the student can provide legitimate documentation for their absences, they can still turn in work due the day of their absence the next class day but cannot make up class work. Student will need to provide legitimate documentation within one week of the absence or the absence will be marked unexcused. Documented excused absences may include hospital stays, doctor’s notes, funeral for family or close friends, car accidents, etc. Do not have your roommates, significant others, parents or work provide this documentation.

Unexcused absence penalties:

·More than 3 unexcused absences will result in a half letter grade drop off the final grade. (-5pts)

·More than 6 unexcused absences will result in a full letter grade and a half off the final grade. (-10pts)

·If you miss 10 or more classes, you will receive a “F” for the course.

The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus as necessary. You are responsible to finding out about any changes made to the syllabus if you are absences or tardiness. Students who miss receiving material and information because of absence or tardiness are advised to personally contact another student before or after (but not during) class to get the information they missed.

Tardiness and Leaving Early: You should be on time to class. If you are tardy or leave early three or more times it will count as an absences. Students should arrange their schedules so that they may attend each class session for the full semester. It is very rude to be late or leave early on a regular basis. If you are consistently late or leave early, I reserve the right to ask you not to come unless you will be on time. This applies to leaving early too.

TESTING:Anything said in class is fair game for the exams whether it is on a study guide, PowerPoints, or not (note taking is expected, and you are responsible to do that). There will be three exams. If you are late to a test you will be penalized. The test will be multiple-choice, slide ID, and an essay. The essay needs to be written in essay format (meaning having a thesis and conclusion) and be of significant length! You will not be able to use any study guides or outside material on the tests! If I even suspected that you are creating, I will take your test, and you will receive a “0.” This means no cell phones or notes out and no talking! Exams must be taken on the scheduled date. In the case of a properly documented EMERGENCY (extreme illness, death in the family, car accident, etc.) the student may be allowed a make-up test at the professor’s discretion.

  • It is the student’s responsibility to get with me about making up a test.
  • If an emergency occurs, you must notify the instructor as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made.
  • Before the test can be made up, it is the responsibility of the student to turn in OFFICIAL documentation of their emergency. (A note from “mom” or your roommate does NOT qualify as official, nor does a conflict with your work schedule.)
  • You will have ONE week to make up the missed test, and you may only make up a missed test ONCE during the semester. If a student misses more than one exam, they will receive a “0” for the second exam missed.
  • Tests are scheduled at the beginning of the semester. It is imperative that students plan ahead and prepare to be in class on the scheduled exam day. Since the test dates are scheduled at the beginning of the semester, students have no excuses for not attending or being unaware of the test date.
  • There will be a deduction in points from you exam if you are late to any test.

FINAL EXAMS - All students must take the Final Exam on the scheduled date with their scheduled class. I will not let students take the final at a different time except under extreme conditions. You cannot make up the final after the scheduled date.


Quizzes are ALWAYS Chapter Quizzes based on your book.

Quizzes are timed, so read before hand so you can do the quizzes in the time allotted.

PLEASE send the quizzes in through the assignment link and do not submit it as a file. Sometimes I cannot open the files you all send. I cannot grade a file I cannot open!

If there are a sufficient number of quizzes during the semester, then I will drop the lowest quiz grade. (Must have a minimum of five quizzes)

WRITING ASSIGNMENTS: There will be 1 writing assignments as well as some shorter essays on all tests, and in class assignments. The end of the year presentation will be based on the paper. Students are required to complete multiple college level writing assignments with a final grade of “C” or higher to satisfy the requirements of State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.30. **Failure to complete ANY PORTION of the Gordon Rule Requirement will incur a grade of “D” or lower, no matter the student’s previous average. Please see hand out in the files section online for more information about the paper. Meaning: If you do not turn in a paper, or receive a grade of c or better, you cannot pass this class.

There may also be several in-class-writing assignments over readings, movies, or lectures. Students will be given ample time during the class to answer specific questions. Copying your neighbor’s paper for these assignments is also plagiarism and will be treated accordingly.

PAPER REQUIREMENTS: Failure to turn in your paper will result in you NOT meeting the Gordon Rule requirements and therefore not passing the course!!! Your paper will be 4 full pages of writing, plus a work cited, citations, and a cover sheet. The paper will need to be printed out and turned in. Papers should be typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins at top, bottom, and sides. The font should be 12 point and written in Times New Roman.

·Paper due dates are on the calendar

·Late Papers will receive a half letter grade off every single day it is late, including EACH weekend day. Papers are due at the beginning of class and should be turned into me directly; if they come in after class, they are late. I DO NOT EXCEPT electronic papers. Do note that I am not always on campus, so it is important that you have your paper finished and turned in by the due date. I will not accept papers more than 5 days late (at this point the paper is already at a 75).

·SOURCES: Papers will be based on materials presented in class but might require a bit of research on the part of the student. If so, all sources must be appropriate for college level. You will need to have 3 sources (to count as a source, it needs to be cited some where in your paper!) *No encyclopedias, Encarta, dictionaries, or internet(unless academic sites) will count as 1 of your 3 sources.WIKIPEDIA is not an appropriate source and should not be used! (*If you do use an encyclopedia or dictionary, in addition to your 3 sources, please cite the sources as well.)

·The Work Cited will need to be in MLA Style! I will not accept a paper without a works cited. If you turn in a paper without a works cited, I will take a full letter grade off and will not release that grade until you have handed it back in with a to you to complete. You will have to turn the completed copy into me within one week of the day you turned it in. Also, you are not allowed to do additional work on the paper. I will be keeping the turned in copy.

·The paper should be written in the Five Paragraph Essay format with a clear Thesis statement.

·Cover sheet should include thestudent’s name, assignment title, class and section.

·Number your pages begins on the first page of the paper not the cover sheet!

·Papers should be stapled in the left hand corner!

·The papers will be evaluated on the content, proficiency in writing, spelling, and grammar. Please spell-check AND proofread your papers.

·I will deduct points from your grade if you do not follow all of these instructions!

PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. (This includes a “recycled” paper) Plagiarism in the paper of any sort will result in an “F” for the paper and there will be no make-ups! I may also have you turn in a copy to an online plagiarism assessment site such as In that case, you will also be required to submit your paper to the online site as well as to me. Failure to turn in either copy will result in a “0” for the paper.

PRESENTATIONS – Students will be required to give one 8 to 10 min presentation. The topic will coincide with the paper assignments. I will post a document in the files section online that has the presentation information on it. You cannot make up a presentation unless you have a documented excused absence, and then make ups will be based on if there is space/time available for the make up. The information covered in these presentations may also be used on anup coming exam.


Grading will be based on a point system. The total number of points you earn divided by the totally number of points you can possibly earn in a semester.

STUDENT CONDUCT: Valencia Community College is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and learning as well as the development of responsible personal and social conduct. By enrolling at Valencia Community College, a student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general rules of conduct. For further detail, refer to the Student Code of Conduct in the current Valencia Student Handbook.

Professor expectations:

**** Coming in Late, leaving early, doing other working during this class, having your head down, and using your cell phones during class is unacceptable

* Students are respectful of the other students and the teacher!

* Come to class

* Do not be late

* Bring paper and pencil or pen to class.

* Do not do other work in this class

* That all work be completed and turned in on time.

* Students are to be prepared to participate in class when asked

* Pay attention

* Take NOTES! – Class power points will be posted online, but you will need class notes to round out this information for the exams!

* Do not have private conversations

* Do not disrupt other students!

* Use the restroom before class! It’s distracting to other students and the teacher to have people working in and out of class!

* Do not use electronic devices (this includes cells phones, computers - unless approved by me, ipads, ipods, ect)! If I see you using these types of devices, I will ask you to leave and/or penalize your grade for this class.

* Valencia is a drug free campus! Act accordingly

* By enrolling at Valencia, a student assumes the responsibility for knowing and abiding by the rules articulated in the Student Code of Conduct (6Hx28:10-03).

* The instructor has the right to refer students to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action if it becomes necessary.

*** Also, unfortunately, I cannot let you bring outside guest into class. This is per Valencia rules.

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia Community College. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents, misconduct during a testing situation, and misuse of identification with intent to defraud or deceive. Any student determined by the professor to have been guilty of engaging in an act of academic dishonesty shall be subject to a range of academic penalties as determined by the professor. These penalties may include, but not be limited to, one or more of the following: loss of credit for an assignment, examination, or project; reduction in the course grade; or a grade of "F" in the course.

For further details, refer to the Student Code of Conduct in the current Valencia Student Handbook.

NOTE TO STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Please schedule a conference with the instructor so that we can arrange assignments or testing to assure your best chance to succeed in this course.


***** I will not withdrawal a student from this course. I will only give “I” in situations that I deem to be extreme enough to warrant an “I”. Examples would be: extreme illness, long-term hospitalization, or something of that extreme nature. It does not include wanting to be withdrawn for poor grades or unexcused absences. If you do receive an “I,” you will have one semester to finish the work before the computer system rolls your “I” into an “F”. *****