SLT meeting monthly this year.3rd Thursday of each month—we are confirmed for next month-Oct 17 and we will vet the rest of the year so everyone has meetings on their calendars.

a.Oct 17; Nov 21; Dec 19; Jan 16; Feb 20; March 20 (that is Bingo Night so maybe move to week after? March 27); April 24 (3rd Thurs is spring break); May 15th.

2.MIE Self Evaluation Plan-was attached to agenda. Team reviewed sections.

a.Jeff will look at Ethnicity breakdown-numbers don’t make sense.

b.SLT Team- Please read through it and provide any feedback to Joel and Jeff by early next week.Needs to be final by Sept 27.

3.School Improvement Plan (SIP) is also being developed, but growth and scores not a component. Don’t have them yet due to the new testing standards. Results are being “normed” and evaluated before they are shared with schools-expect in November. Therefore, SIP goals related to staff improvements that we already do-example-Duty free lunch, instructional planning.

4.K8--Scott McCully and Dawn Robinson discussed K8. Review with Board on Oct 8, Board vote on Nov 11.

a.Steps for SLT Team

i.Survey of current MIE Families- Wes and Joel will connect, revisit survey questions from last year and get survey out by Tuesday, Sept 24. Material on line and sent home in paper-homework passes for returned surveys.

ii.Community Meeting prior to Oct 8 Board review.For all area, not just MIE families. Date Oct 3rd at MIE, need to develop message and get flyers out like last year.

5.School Safety Plan-high level review by Ms. Lyles. If interested in working with her on this, please contact her directly.

6.4 Questions- Attached are the four questions we discussed last night. This exercise is designed to help us identify what our ultimate goals are, create a strategic plan to move us forward and to prioritize our work. These answers will hopefully get us all thinking not only about the details but also about the larger vision of what we want Mountain Island to be after this change. We will address all the details over the year but if we focus only on that we will miss a great opportunity.Please provide your responses via email to Joel, with copies to Jeff by October 1st.Once all responses have been received and collected into a final document we will circulate that so everyone has time to think about it before we all get back together in October.