Brant County 4-H

Novice/Junior Lifeskills `MOTTO` Award 2017

Learn to Do By Doing

Eligibility - 4-H members home association must be Brant: border hoppers not eligible

- ages of 9 - 13 yrs(as of January 1st of club/calendar year)

for 2016 members would be of birth years 2004, 2005, 2006 & 2007

- must have successfully completed/achieved a lifeskill club within the award banquet year

- has completed 2 lifeskills clubs as a Brant 4-H member

- may only win/earn once as an novice/junior member

Criteria - member who has exhibited the 4-H motto `Learn to do by doing`, within club work

- not always a leader, but could be; not always a winner, but could be

- respect for leaders & members

- arrives prepared

- positive attitude; never gives up - keeps trying no matter how many times finds the necessity to `re-do`

- eagerness to learn

- keen interest

- completes project(s)/assignment(s) to the best of their ability

- completes & adds to project book

- completed & prepared for achievement

- pride in their work

- maybe has had that `ah ha` moment, with the project/topic

Weighted Categories for Judging

- exhibited the 4-H motto within club work & elsewhere

- enthusiasm & passion for the 4-H program

- Club involvement (executive positions, positive interaction with leaders & members, taking an active/positive part in all aspects of the club)

- involvement in Local/County events (judging night, go for the gold, achievement, fairs); Regional opportunities; Provincial opportunities

- effort in attending regular meetings & timely completion of tasks assigned to them or asked of them

Leaders: Please submit a letter of recommendation for the 4-H member that you wish to nominate by: November 30, 2017

To: Brent Cochrane, 216 Ayr Road, Paris, ON, N3L 3E2

Please mark envelope “Confidential MOTTO N/J”

The Brant 4-H member earning this award should/could exhibit as many of the criteria as possible of exhibiting the 4-H motto of -

`Learn to do by doing`!