Unity Lived Out

Ephesians 4:1-16

  1. Based on what we’ve learned in chapters 1-3, what would Paul say about your “calling.?”

It’s high.

2.  Define the character qualities of 4:2.

Humble - lowliness, willing to take little honor or to give higher place to another.

Meekness –(gentle) accept treatment without bitterness or resistance

Patience – longsuffering, wide soul

Are these “being” or “doing” commands?

How is this different than “acting” like a Christian?

How can these traits help us fulfill the command of verse 3?

Provides unity

3.  What is the central unifying point of verses 4-6?


What light if any does this shed on verses 1-3?

Living for Him, not each other.

4.  What does it mean that he ascended and descended (verses 8, 9)

Stooped to become a man, suffered death on cross, rose to take saints with him that had died up to that point in time. (didn’t go to center of earth)

5.  What is the grace He has given to each believer? (v. 7)

Gifts, opportunity to be part of body

Why did he immediately follow with verses 8,9?

Showed why gave gifts

6.  According to verses 11-13, what else has Christ given us and why?

Different ministries to create church and unity of believers.

7.  What is our unity in (v 13) and what are some of the practical implications for your own life?

Christ, love Catholic believers, etc.

8.  What are the signs of maturity and immaturity? (v 13-15)

Know what believe, can’t be talked out easily, know difference between doctrine, preference and practice (ie Virgin birth, Baptism by immersion, drinking)

9.  What does it mean to speak the truth in love? When have you blown it?

Love sinner, hate sin, balance truth and grace. With my kids.


·  How can you speak the truth in love?

·  How can you improve your spiritual growth?