1. State two qualities to look for when buying a kitchen knife. (2 marks)
2. Mention two points on the importance of 'basting' in cookery. (2 marks)
3. Apart from micro organisms, suggest two ways in which food may be contaminated. (2 marks)
4. State two functions of fluorine in the diet. (2 marks)
5. Mention two uses of carbohydrates in the body. (2 marks)
6. Give two reasons for using starch in laundry. (2 marks)
7. State two advantages of sorting out articles before washing. (2 marks)
8. Give two good characteristics of enamel utensils. (2 marks)
9. State three ways of caring for a kitchen sink. (3 marks)
10. Suggest two ways in which old newspapers may be used when cleaning a house. (2 marks)
11. List three ways of improvising cleaning agents in the home. (3 marks)
1 2. Give two points to look for when choosing a toy for a child. (2 marks)
13. List two rights a consumer is entitled to in Kenya. (2 marks)
14. Give two disadvantages of clothes which produce static electricity. (2 marks)
15.State two uses of mineral fibres in clothing. (2 marks)
16. Name the pattern features marked on the sleeves sketched below. (2 marks)
17. State threequalities of good tape measure. (3 marks)
1.8.Give three reasons that make light cotton weight fabric suitable for use by abeginner. (3 marks)
Answer any three questions from this section.
19. (a) Giving a reason in each case suggest three nutrient whose intake should be increases during pregnancy. (3 marks)
(b) Explain four reasons for cooking food. (4 marks)
(c) Give three reasons for each of the following practiced in cookery;
(i) Using tomatoes in a meat stew; (3 marks)
(ii) Sieve flour before use (3 marks)
(d) Explain four ways a plain cake differs from a rich cake. (4 marks)
20. (a) Explain five measures to take in the control of flies in the home. (5 marks)
(b) Explain six points to consider when choosing fabrics for making curtains. (6 marks)
(c)Giving a reason in each case, state six precautions to take when bathing ababy. (6 marks)
(d) Mention three dangers that may arise due to misuse of cosmetics. (3 marks)
21.(a) Explain five factors to consider in relation to colour when choosing clothes for individuals. (5 marks)
(b) Explain five causes of needle breaking when machine stitching. (5 marks)
(c) Describe how to make a French seam. (10 marks)
22. (a) Giving a reason in each case, suggest four properties which make acetate fabrics suitable for making garments. (8 marks)
(b) Describe the preparation of an interfaced waistband in readiness for attachment. (7 marks)
(e) Explain five factorsthat contribute toawelt rriadehem.; (5 marks)