Mashael Al-Jahra Primary School

for Girls



Fun with English

Written work for

Grade four

First term

First period

Unit one: Meet my family

Word / Meaning
Every one
Keep fit
Sun shine
Fresh air
Oh dear / دب
كل شخص
مفضل تمرين/تدريب لائق بدنيا يبتسم اشعه الشمس الهواء النقي رياضه عمل يا عزيزي

Choose the correct answer. 1) My ………………… is swimming. a) favourite b)work c)food 2)I go to the beach to walk in the ………………….at night. a)sun shine b)fresh air c)exercise 3)My father will take a photo ,let’s……………. a)drink b)study c)smile 4)I like doing exercises to………………. A)be fat b)keep fit c)sleep 5)They are going to play tennis at …………… a)gym b)book c)kitchen 6)Brainy is a……………… a)lion b)bear c)cat.

I am +v+ing you

He They are +v+ing

She is +v+ing we


Like + v + ing

-choose the correct answer. 1) I like ………..(go –going-went- goes)to the gym. 2)Nasser likes…….. (do- does –doing-did) exercise to keep fit. 3)she is………..(reading-read-reads)abook ,now. 4)look,They are……… (watch-watches-watching)T.V . 5)I like walking……….. (on-at –in)the beach. 6) I like swimming .It’s ……….(our-their –my)favourite sport. 7)They……….(am-is-are)jumping. 8)Amal,……..(come -came- coming)and meet my family. 9)Sara ….(am-is-are)doing…..(his-her)homework. 10) It’s………….(ate-eating-eat)afish.

_write ashort paragraph about *sport*with

the help of pictures and guide words

Sports/keepfit club/everyday like/football/friends



-Read the passage then answer the questions .

I have a great mother.I love her very much. Sometimes we go to walk in the fresh air and sun shine .She plays sports with me.Her favourite sport is walking. She always cooks and prepares food for me.She goes to her work every morning .She is a nice doctor.

a-choose the correct answers.

1) Mother’s favourite sport is………………….. a)swimming b)walking c)running .

2)The underlined word she refers to………….. a)mother b)sister c)nurse.

b-Answer the following questions. 1) Where does the mother go every morning? ……………………………………………………………………………….. 2)What does mother work? …………………………………………………………………………………

-Make the long or short of the following

I am=…….. You’re=……

He is=……… It’s=………..

They are=………. We’re=…….

Unit two:My healthy day

word / Meaning
After noon
Bed time
Phone / الصباح
بعد الظهر
وقت النوم
يتصل بالتليفون

–choose the correct answer. 1) I like shopping in the…………………. a)after noon b)nearly c)now . 2)Sara is playing tennis……………….. a)bed time b)now c)listen 3)let’s go to the bed, It’s………………bed time. a)sleep b)play c)nearly 4)It’s…………………,let’s sleep. a)bedtime b)school c)book. 5)I’m going to …………………my friend in the after noon. a)write b)read c)phone .

Future form with (going to)

I am going to+inf (play)

He/ She/ It is going to +inf(play)

You/They /we are going to+inf(play)

-choose the correct answers 1)I’m going to (play-playing-plays)football. 2)what(am-is-are)she going to eat for lunch? 3)Nasser is going to (ran-run-running)in the park. 4)what are you (going-go-goes)to do? 5)They are going to (draw-drawing- drew)a picture. 6)I’m going to (have-is-had)a shower. 7)I’m going to go shopping (at –on-in)nine o’clock. 8)we(am-is-are)going to go to the gym.

Write ashort paraghraphabout*aday in the

park*with the help of pictures and guide words .

Yesterday/went/park rode/bike/there

had /dinner/family went/happy/1o o’clock.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………….

-Read the following passage then answer the questions.

Today, Sami is going to park with his friends. He is going to play all day, and do all things he likes .At eight o’clock ,he is going to play tennis with Ali . Sami likes to keep fit . Next , at ten o’clock, Sami is going to watch a football match with Hamad .At two o’clock, he is going to meet Ali ,Fahd, and Nasser for lunch .It’s going to be a lovely day .

-choose the correct answer .

1)Sami is going to play tennis at ……………..o’clock.

a)two b)four c)eight

2)The underlined word he refers to……………

a)Ali b)Sami c)Nasser

-Answer the following questions.

1)Where is Sami going to go with his friends?


2)How many friends does Sami have?


Make the short or the long form of the following.

We are=………..

I 'm=……

Unit three :A new baby

word / Meaning
take turn
hold / عمه /خاله
طفل رضيع
حلق للاذن/اقراط
ياخذ دور

-choose the correct answer.

1) When(was-were)you born? 2)I (seen-sees-saw)abird in the sky 2 hours ago. 3)(Did-Done)you eat your sandwich? 4)(Has-Have)Amal got new earrings? 5)yes,she(have-has). 6)When (was-were)Sara born? 7)The baby (have-has)got no teeth. 8)They (played-play-playing)football in the club last week. 9)I (go-went-gone)shopping yesterday.

-write ashort paragraph about zoo with the help of pictures and guide words

Last week/went/zoo went/my family

Went/car saw /elephant


-Read the following passage then answer the questions.

Next Monday, Nora’s aunt is going to have a celebration for her new baby Sara .Nora is going to wear a necklace. Her brother is going to wear a blue shirt .They are going to give the baby some presents .

-choose the correct answers.

1) Nora’s brother is going to wear a…………..shirt.

a)red b)blue c)green .

2)The underlined word they refers to…………..

A)Amal b)Sara c)Nora and her brother.

-Answer the following questions.

1)When is Nora’s aunt going to have a celebration? ………………………………………………………………………………..

2)What is the baby’s name? ………………………………………………………………………………..

-Make the short&long form of the following:

He is=…………

She is=……….

We are going to=………………

I am going to=………….

Unit four:The celebration

Word / Meaning
grand pa
grand ma
grand parents
aunt / احتفال
لحم الضاني
عم /خال

–choose the correct answers . 1)we can take nice meat from…… a)hat b)lab c)lamb 2)Are you going to have a…………for the new baby a)celebration b)hat c)grandpa 3)My mother is sleeping ,she is………. a)tire b)tired c)tries. 4)The food is………… a)delicious b)fun c)pretty . 5)Sara is a………………girl, she can do her homework alone. a)sad b)smart c)angry. 6)My dad’s father is my ……………….. a)uncle b)father c)grangpa. 7)My mum’s mother is my……………….. a)aunt b)grandma c)uncle

am * This is book

Is + going to + inf . * These are books


-choose the correct answer.

1) When……..( are-is-am) you going to travel? 2) …………….(This -These)are nice flowers. 3)He is going to ……...(wear-wearing- wears)a blue shirt. 4)This……..( is –are-am)a smart boy. 5)This is …………..(Sara- Sara’s)book. 6)My sister likes……….. (wearing-wear-wears)a pink dress. 7)Who……… (am-is –are)going to help me? 8)Brainy………..(look-looks-looked)smart. 9)They are………(swimming-swim-swims). 10)She …………(am-is-are)doing her homework.

Write ashort paragraph about *party of my birth day*with the help of

Pictures and words guide.

Yesterday/birth day party /at home

Invite/friends/presents party /fun

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


-Read the following passage ,then answer the questions.

Sara has got a new baby cousin. Her name is Farah. she was born on October 1st .Sara went to see her family .The baby doesn’t eat food. She drinks milk. She hasn’t got any teeth .She is very pretty .Sara is going to buy her socks and blanket.

-Choose the correct answers.

1)The baby’s name is……..

A)Sara b)farah c)Salma d)Mona

2)Sara is going to buy…………..and socks.

a)dress b)blanket c)shoes d)earrings

-Answer the following questions.

1)When was farah born?


2)what does the underlined word her refers to?


-Make the long or short form of the following

She is going to=………………………….

They’re going to=……………………….

We are going to=…………………………


1) What do you like doing after school? - I like swimming. 2)What do you like doing to keep fit? - I like doing exercises. 3)What’ s your favourite sport? My favourite sport is playing tennis. 4)when do you like walking? I like walking in the morning in the fresh air and sun shine. 5)What are you going to do tomorrow? I’m going to go shopping. 6)What are you going to eat? I’m going to eat rice and lamb. 7)when are you going to go shopping? I’m going to go shopping in the evening. 8)When were you born? I was born on May 1st . 9)What presents can you buy for a baby? I can buy socks and blanket. 10)what do babies drink? They drink milk. 11)Do babies have teeth? No,they don’t have. 11)where did you go yesterday? I went to zoo yesterday. 12)when is your celebration? My celebration is on Friday. 13)What do you wear for celebrations? I wear anice dress. 14)what do people prepare for dinner celebration? They prepare rice,lamb,and sweets. 15)who is grand pa? He is mum’s/dad’s father. 16)who is grand ma? She is mum’s /dad’s mother.

I am=I’m I am going to=I’m going to

He is=he’s he is going to=he’s going to

She is=she’s she is going to=she’s going to

It is=it’s It is going to=it’s going to

They are=they’re They are going to=they ‘re going to

We are=we’re we are going to=we’re going to

You are=you’re

I will=I’ll

Will not=won’t

do not=don’t

does not=doesn’t

did not=didn’t

can not=can’t

should not=shouldn’t

للمساعدة فى حل سؤال قطعة الفهم

تصريفات الافعال للصف الرابع الابتدائي.

meaning / Verb(infinitive) / past / Past participle
يبتسم / smile / smiled / Smiled
يذهب / go / went / Gone
يعمل / work / worked / Worked
يتصل / phone / phoned / Phoned
يبارك / bless / blessed / Blessed
يلد / bear / born / Born
ينام / sleep / slept / Slept
يرقص / dance / danced / Danced
يغير / change / changed / Changed
ينمو / grow / grew / Grown
يتحرك / move / moved / Moved
يلوح بيده / wave / waved / Waved
يقابل / meet / met / Met
ياخذ / take / took / Taken
يقول / say / said / Said
يحب / like / liked / Liked
يلعب / play / played / Played
ياكل / eat / ate / Eaten
يتسلق / climb / climbed / Climbed
يقفز / jump / jumped / Jumped
يكون / be / am/is/are / was were
يملك / have / has/have / Had
يشرب / drink / drank / Drunk
ياتي / come / came / Come
يصنع / make / made / Made
يطير / fly / flew / Flown
يري / see / saw / Seen
يسجل هدف / score / scored / Scored
يزور / visit / visited / Visited
Question word / meaning / use / Example
what / ما/ماذا / تسال عن شئ غير عاقل / -what’s your hobby?
My hobby is swimming.
where / اين / تسال عن المكان / Where are you from?
I’m from Kuwait.
when / متي / تسال عن الزمان / When do you get up?
I get up at 6 o’clock.
why / لماذا / تسال عن السبب / Why do you go to school?
I go to school to learn.
who / من / تسال عن العاقل (شخص) / Who answer the question?
Sara answers the question.
How / كيف / تسال عن الحال/وسيله المواصلات / How are you? I’m fine
How do you go to school?by bus.
How many / كم للعدد / تسال عن العدد / How many fingers do you have?
I have ten fingers.
How much / كم للكميه
كم السعر / تسال عن الكميه
تسال عن السعر / How much is this shirt?5 KD
How much water do you drink every day? One bottle
How old / كم العمر / تسال عن العمر / How old are you?
I’m nine years old.
How long / كم المده / تسال عن المده / How long have you been in Mashael?4 years.