
Training & Employment Centre for the Treaty No. 3 Area

For Treaty #3 Students in Grade 9-12

Objective: To promote and recognize the importance of completing high school and encourage students to work towards higher educational attainment towards their career of interest by providing career-related awards. 18 achiever awards are available at $300 each in four categories:

  • Best Overall Combined Academic (minimum of 80%) and CareerGoals
  • Excellence in Combined Academics (minimumof 80%) &Sports

  • Excellence in Combined Academics (minimum of 80%) & CulturalPreservation
  • Excellence in Combined Academics (minimum of 80%) & CommunityVolunteer/Involvement

  • Treaty #3 students attending High School Grades 9-12 or Alternative Education Programs on a full time basis for the 2017/18 Academic year Student must be in Grade 9-12, and must be under the age of24
  • Student Application Form and Biography/Career Aspirations Form must be fully completed (seeattached)
  • A letter of verification from an authorized school official (indicating full-time status/attendance and Grade Level)

A letter of support from a community leader (teacher, guidance counselor, Elder, etc.), addressingthe category you are applyingto.

All student achievers must be prepared to attend a Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong sponsored event (location / dates to be determined). If you are an award winner, you will receive an invitation with further details.

Submissions can be emailed to or mailed or delivered by the deadline date to:

Student Achievers Award Program Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong

580 Lakeview Drive, P.O. Box 2909 Kenora, ON P9N 3X8

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Shirley Kelly, Program Supervisor, at (807) 468-2030, . Toll-free at 1-800-545-5113

Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong

Student Achievers Award Program

Please select which category you will be applying to (please use additional pages if needed):

Best Overall Combined Academic (minimum of 80%) and Career Goals

Excellence in Combined Academics (minimum of 80%) & Sports

Excellence in Combined Academics (minimum of 80%) & Cultural Preservation

Excellence in Combined Academics (minimum of 80%) & Community Volunteer/Involvement


Describe which career goal you have chosen to pursue and why:

Describe how your current studies contribute towards your career goal:

Describe how you plan to pursue your career goal in the future:




Protected when completed

First Name: / Middle Initial(s): / Last Name:
Mailing Address: / Telephone:
City/Town: / Province: / Postal Code: / Email Address:
Grade:  / 9 / 10 / 1112 / High School: 
The following provision of information is mandatory. Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong requires this information for statistical purposes only and to determine the effectiveness of employment and training programs. To assist us in this aspect, please answer the following questions:
Social Insurance Number: MANDATORY  / /
/ / // / //// / Date of Birth:
MM / DD / /.
YY / Gender: / Male Female
Marital Status:
SingleWidowed SeparatedSingleParent
Married or Equivalent / Divorced / Number of Dependents: / Do you consider yourself to be a person with a disability?
YesNo / Primary Language Spoken: EnglishFrench Aboriginallanguage(s)
Specify (IfAboriginal):
Aboriginal Type:
Registered (Status) Indian Non-Status Indian / Metis / If Registered (Status) Indian, please state the First Nation you belong to: / Do you reside on a First Nation?
Client Consent to Release Information:
TobeeligibleforparticipationinShooniyaaWa-Biitongsponsoredprogramsandservices,thestudentmustprovidetheinformationrequested andmustconsenttothecollection,disclosureanduseofthatinformationasdescribedinthisnoticebysigningtheconsentandreleaseform.
I,understand that the personal information collected in this document are provided inconfidence,
Print Name
for the sole purpose of Shooniyaa Wa-Biitong, and may not be disclosed to any third party or used for any other purpose without the expressed written consent of the student or parent/guardian.
1.I attest to the accuracy of the above information and declare that the information is true to the best of myknowledge.
2.ShouldIbesuccessfulinobtaininganawardfromShooniyaaWa-Biitong,Iconsenttothereleaseandpublicationofmyname, age, name of school, picture and type of award received for the purpose of publication by ShooniyaaWa-Biitong.
Student’s Signature: / Date:
Parent/Guardian’s Signature, if under 16 years of age: / Date:

Under the Privacy Act, the personal information collected on this form may be accessed by the student and/or parent/guardian.