Acacia Middle School

Mrs. Denbaugh’s

7th Grade Honors Math


2017 - 2018


·  Come to class on-time and ready to learn

·  Bring planner, math notebook (for note taking), paper & pencils to class everyday

·  Pay attention, ask questions, be respectful, and work hard!

·  Complete daily assignments and any project activities

·  Make up any missed work, tests, etc. after an absence or tardy

·  Be Respectful and Courteous to others

Grading: Grades are earned over the course of the semester (each Triad grade is 1/3 of the semester grade) and is dependent upon the following:

·  Tests 65%

·  Homework/Class work 25%

·  Alternative Assignments 10%


·  Homework/Classwork is worth 25% of the overall grade.

·  Homework will be assigned, and graded regularly.

·  YES there WILL be homework on Fridays!

·  I do NOT accept incomplete homework!

·  Students receive 6 “Late Homework Passes” per Triad to be used for Late Homework. Students are given one week to turn in missing or incomplete assignments with their Late Pass. The purpose of these passes is to allow for those emergencies and unexpected busy nights. Parent signatures are required. Late work without one of these passes will not be accepted. Students do not “lose points” or “lose credit” for late assignments.

·  Students must show work on all problems to receive credit

·  Copying another student’s homework is considered cheating and will not be tolerated in my class. If a student is caught copying another student’s work – for any reason at all, both assignments will receive a zero and disciplinary action will be taken.

Homework Folders: All of the graded homework will come home in a Manila File Folder called a “Homework Folder”. These will always come home before the chapter test and require your signature and date. Please return them promptly so that I know you have received your child’s graded work.

Extra Credit: Extra credit will be in the form of BONUS questions on homework or Tests. In addition, students can earn extra credit by attending the math help/tutoring offered each day. The students can earn a maximum of one point per day of extra credit for attending tutoring, which will be applied to their Homework Category. Attendance is taken at each tutoring/math help session and tracked by ALL teachers involved.

Absences/Missed Work:

Students with an absence will have the same amount of time to make up the work due for those days (for example, if you miss two days; you have two days to make up the work.) When your child is absent it is their responsibility to see me about missed assignments and/or tests. Homework is recorded both on a wall in the classroom and is recorded on my webpage each day. It is not possible for me to re-teach your child the lessons he/she missed while they were absent. Students need to be in my class EVERYDAY to ensure success in this class. Students can get a copy of any notes missed while they were gone, upon their return to class.


Tests are worth 65% of the overall grade. Students are allowed to use their notes during tests. Copying or cheating of any kind will not be tolerated during the tests. If your child is caught cheating, they will receive a zero on their test and will not be given the opportunity to retake that test. Students who earn a 69% or lower on a test/quiz will be given the opportunity to retake it. However, in order to retake a test/quiz, the student must attend at least one session of math help/tutoring. Math help/tutoring is being offered before/after school everyday with the exception of Wednesday and Friday after school. The highest grade a student can earn on a “Retake Test” is a 70% (passing grade). Please see the Math Help and Test Retake page of this packet for more details.

Alternative Assignments:

Alternative Math assignments are assigned throughout the year. These are worth 10% of the overall grade. Sometimes these will be ‘individual’ and sometimes they will be ‘group’ assignments. These will include notebook checks, as well as math projects and performance tasks. Some of these assignments are completed during class, while others will be completed outside of class.

Math Help/Tutoring:

The Acacia math Department will be providing Math Help/Tutoring EVERYDAY! A schedule will be made available to both parents and students soon. I encourage all of my student to attend weekly. The days that I will be available during this school-wide tutoring schedule are:

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Before School / Retake & Make-up Tests ONLY / Tutoring / Tutoring / Retake & Make-up Tests ONLY
After School / Retake & Make-up Tests ONLY / Tutoring / Tutoring / Retake & Make-up Tests ONLY

Test Retakes: Students are allowed to retake any test that they do not pass the first time. Each test (except the Final) can be retaken once, if the student does not pass the first time taking it. However, students must have a Math Retake Invitation completed before taking the retake. The Retake Invitation requires a parent/guardian signature and requires that the student attend math tutoring. (see the attached example)

Supplies: The following materials are required for my class:

·  Lined paper & graph paper

·  Pencils (regular and colored)

·  Ruler

·  Highlighters (used with notes)

·  Several dry erase markers (used often)

·  LARGE Spiral Bound notebook (provided)

·  Student planner (provided at registration)

·  Plenty of erasers

Note Taking: Note taking is extremely important in my class! Having the proper size notebook is one of the first steps in helping your child be successful in my class. We take (or use) our notes every day and my tests are all open notes, so I require the students to bring their notes to school every day.

Communication: In an effort to communicate with you throughout the year, I will send home Homework Folders regularly so you can see your child’s work. I will also post grade on Aeries weekly. In addition, I will post homework and upcoming test dates on my webpage through the Acacia Middle school website at I will also post the homework onto the Denbaugh Algebra 1 Google calendar which I made ‘public’ for easier access! Email is the best way to contact me.

If you have any questions feel free to email me at

It’s great to be back at Acacia! I look forward to working together with you to help your child excel this year in Mathematics!

Mrs. Denbaugh

Cougar P.R.I.D.E.