Press Release

Minister for Children launches ISPCC Childline Review

Wednesday 3 March 2004

RoyalIrishAcademy, Dublin

Brian Lenihan TD,Minister for Children, today launched the ISPCC Childline Review, carried out by Trinity Children’s Research Centre. ‘The ISPCC set up Childline in 1988. The original aim of the service was to cater for the needs of children who were in trouble or danger, or suffering from abuse or neglect. The service has evolved into an active listening service, where fully trained facilitators provide a non-directional, non-judgemental listening service’ stated the Minister. In March 2002, Mary Hanafin TD, who was then Minister for Children, announced a grant of €45,000, to fund a review of the Childline service under the National Children’s Strategy.

‘Children are at the heart of Irish life, representing approximately one third of the population. The first Goal of the National Children’s Strategy is that children will have a voice in matters which affect them and their views will be given due weight in accordance with their age and maturity. The Goal provides for the implementation of Ireland’s obligation under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to uphold the right of children to be heard’ declared Minister Lenihan. ‘The National Children’s Office (NCO), established in 2000, actively promotes children’s participation in both the statutory and non-statutory sector. The NCOis leading best practice in children’s participation and in conducting and commissioning research on children. It has a co-ordinating role for Government Departments in implementing the National Children’s Strategy’ he added.

The Minister commended the ISPCC for its role in providing a voice for children and for the services they provide through the community based projects which they operate. ‘The recommendations of this review provide a blueprint for the future of Childline. I wish the ISPCC Childline Service success in the future and am confident that this review will assist them in improving the service’ concluded the Minister.

Press contact: Anne O’Donnell – 01 2420006 / 086 3837320