/ The Horticultural Society of India
F-1, Society Block, NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Pusa
New Delhi-110 012
Tel.: 011-25842127,
E-mail: ,


Name of HSI Fellowship: / Fruit Science (including Plantation crops)
Vegetable Science (including Tuber & Spice Crops)
Floriculture (including Medicinal Aromatic Plants)
Post Harvest Technology
Any other (Please specify)
1.Name in Full (in block letters):
(Surname followed by given name)
2.Date & Place (Village/Town, District, State) of Birth:
4.Present Position/Designation:
(last post held, if retired)
5.Whether Life member of HSI before 2012 / (Yes/No)
6.Correspondence address (official) / Residence address:
PIN:……………… / State:
Tel./ Mob.: / Tel./ Mob.:
E-mail: / E-mail:


*Be concise andprepare the document in maximum of eight typed pages (both sides printed) only and send six copies by post

*Supporting documents/testimonials should be enclosed with only one copy of the application.

*Application for Fellowship to be nominated by One Fellow of the Society and proper nomination, list and form available on . Please submit the soft copy of the application in CD or by email ().

7.Academic career and professional attainments

(a)Degree / University/ Institution / Year / Specialization / Distinction, if any
Post Doctoral
Any other
Total length of service: ……………….. years
(b)Position held / Institution / Period (From---to) / No. of years and month

8.Details of the Research experience

  1. Project handled in-house/ external funded as PI and Co-PI
  1. Please list the principal findings and their socio-economic, scientific, technological significance?

9.Research Publications: List 15 most important research publications in the descending order of NAAS score of the Journals indicating name of author(s), year of publication, title, name of the journal, volume No. and page Nos.relevantly to your field of fellowship applied.

Sl. No. / Publications / NAAS Journal ID

10.Processes/Patents/Products/Technologies & Books etc. (To be limited in the space provided)

  1. Processes , Patents, Varieties, Products and Technologies

II.Books/ E-Book/ Technical Manual/ Book Chapters(with full citation)

11.Fellowships, Awards & honours

i.International Fellowships/ Awards
ii.Fellowships and Honours/ Awards by National Science Academies/ Societies
iii.Honours/Awards by Central Govt. Organisations/ Institutes e.g. ICAR, DST, DBT
iv.Awards by the State Government, Universities and Deemed to be Universities
v.Young Scientist Awards/Associateship by the National Science Academies
vi.Best Teacher/Researcher/Extension Worker Award
vii.International Post-Doctoral Fellowships/Awards
viii.Best Research Paper Award (Indicate details)
ix.Positions in Societies (Limited to positions in Executive Council):

12.Special attainment of the nominee (any, not covered earlier)

13.Contribution in Horticulture Society of India

14.Draft for Citation (if selected), Draft for Citation (if selected)


I declare that no vigilance/disciplinary proceedings are pending against me and the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge.

Signature of Applicant