Vocabulary 11-2 Notes and Worksheet

impel: verb – to drive forward; force

Synonym: 1. ______2. ______

Antonym: 1. ______2. ______

Sample sentence: ______

prudence – noun – cautiousness, carefulness

Synonym: 1. ______2. ______

Antonym: 1. ______2. ______

Sample sentence: ______

despotism – noun – government by ruler with unlimited power

Synonym: 1. ______2. ______

Antonym: 1. ______2. ______

Sample sentence: ______

usurpations – verb – to use something without the right to do so

Synonym: 1. ______2. ______

Antonym: 1. ______2. ______

Sample sentence: ______

tyranny – noun – oppression, domination, cruelty

Synonym: 1. ______2. ______

Antonym: 1. ______2. ______

Sample sentence: ______

candid – adjective – honest, sincere, straight

Synonym: 1. ______2. ______

Antonym: 1. ______2. ______

Sample sentence: ______

relinquish– verb – surrender, abandon, resign, give up, quit

Synonym: 1. ______2. ______

Antonym: 1. ______2. ______

Sample sentence: ______

annihilate – verb – to destroy completely, to obliterate

Synonym: 1. ______2. ______

Antonym: 1. ______2. ______

Sample sentence: ______

appropriation – verb – the act of acquiring something for one specific purpose only

Synonym: 1. ______2. ______

Antonym: 1. ______2. ______

Sample sentence: ______

abdicate – verb – renounce, relinquish, give up responsibility

Synonym: 1. ______2. ______

Antonym: 1. ______2. ______

Sample sentence: ______

mercenary –noun – professional soldier hired to fight in a foreign army

Synonym: 1. ______2. ______

Antonym: 1. ______2. ______

Sample sentence: ______

perfidy –noun – treachery, dishonesty

Synonym: 1. ______2. ______

Antonym: 1. ______2. ______

Sample sentence: ______

redress –noun – correction of a wrong

Synonym: 1. ______2. ______

Antonym: 1. ______2. ______

Sample sentence: ______

magnanimity –noun – greatness of spirit, nobility, fairness

Synonym: 1. ______2. ______

Antonym: 1. ______2. ______

Sample sentence: ______

Writing: On another sheet of paper, write a well-developed paragraph using a minimum of five vocabulary words. Underline the vocabulary words.