The bi-monthly Jericho Walls Prayer Guide provides information to intercessors and other believers to effectively pray for revival and the unsaved peoples of the world. The Prayer Guide will help you to pray with focus and in unity with people all over the world, no matter if you pray on your own, with a friend, or as part of a prayer group. The pre-researched prayer information presented as daily prayer pointers, is used by about 200,000 praying people. Prayer topics range from issues in South Africa, other countries or people groups in the world.

The Prayer Guide is used in different time zones. In using it you form part of a prayer army in God’s Kingdom 24 hours a day! The prayer points are presented in different formats. Some prayer requests will state statistics and ask of you to pray for certain issues. Often the prayer information is presented as prayers written in the first person, as if speaking to the Lord in prayer. Prayers are often taken from Scripture. The Prayer Guide will also keep you up to date with the latest prayer events, national and international prayer initiatives, or other events that will give a broader picture of what is happening in the prayer movement. Training opportunities like prayer seminars, prayer schools, etc., are often included. As we receive feedback from the Body of Christ, we also provide you with some of the breakthroughs that came because of the persistent prayer of Christians.

You are most welcome to send us prayer information for publication. The Prayer Guide is published bi-monthly. Your information should therefore reach us 6 weeks prior to the first month of the publication of the issue you want your prayer information to appear in.


• Use this information to pray during your own personal prayer times.

• Encourage other people to use the Prayer Guide.

• Consider to start a small prayer group and then use some of these prayer points.

• You are welcome to freely use any of the prayer topics in your church prayer bulletin and prayer meetings.


Although Jericho Walls strives for the highest quality in the resources we offer here, we are not responsible for the validity or accuracy of the information presented in our publications or on our web site. No claim is made as to the accuracy or authenticity of the content of the information. You should, therefore, not assume that our publications are error-free or that it will be suitable for the particular purpose that you have in mind when using it.

Although Jericho Walls makes its best efforts to maintain our publications, it is not responsible for the results of any errors/defects that may be found in our newsletters or publications. The information in the Prayer Guide is provided on the basis that all persons reading it would also undertake responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of its content. No responsibility is taken for any information or services which may appear on any linked web sites, as they are provided for information purposes only.


Dear intercessors

One thing that encourages me the most is that right now we are part of the biggest prayer movement in the known history of the church. I have studied the history of revivals and prayer movements through the last 2000 years. What we are seeing right now is - at least geographically and numerically - the biggest prayer wave ever.

Never before have so many countries united in prayer for God to heal the nations, for world-wide revival and world evangelisation. Never before have such large numbers of people joined in prayer towards a common goal. Never before have we seen national prayer networks being established in so many nations. Never before have we seen such an extensive prayer movement and prayer momentum amongst the youth of the world. I can continue with many more examples.

With the Global Day of Prayer on June 4th and the preceding 10 days of prayer (25 May - 3 June), we will see the largest ever number of people in more countries than ever before, uniting in 10 days of prayer and a Global Day of Prayer.

Are the numbers important?

Yes and no. No, because God is not impressed by numbers. God looks at the hearts of people. He wants people that will pray in spirit and in truth. He is looking for people that will seek Him with their whole heart. But let me also say;

Over and over again in Scripture, God calls the whole nation of Israel to repent and pray. In his letters, Paul called on entire cities (all the Christians in Ephesus, Corinth, etc.) to join him in prayer. Yes, there is a place for the ministry of God's Elijah's (where God works through one man). But there is also a definite place for the whole body of Christ to unite in prayer.

God hears each individual's prayers. When an individual prays, God answers his/her specific prayer(s). This means, that when one million Christians pray, and God answers their prayers, it is at least one million prayers answered! Over and above that, when someone prays, God changes him/her personally. And that is what we want to see; Christians touched by God and changed into the image of Christ.

Prayer and mobilising large numbers of people to pray is not about staging a demonstration at the gates of heaven. It is not to manipulate God. It is about doing what God tells us to do: Pray and you will receive... (Mt.7:7). Scripture is clear about God's call to the entire church to pray. This happens practically when a call goes out to the entire body of Christ all over the world to unite in prayer as God commanded us to do.

Let us then join with hundreds of millions of Christians this year on the Global Day of Prayer for a day of prayer and repentance on June 4th. Give the necessary information to your church leaders and see how you as a local church can be involved.

Focus on praying for the lost and the involvement of the church in the needs of the community

We encourage Christians all over the country to pray very specifically for two things during the 40 days prior to the Global Day of Prayer, starting on 25 April:

a.The salvation of unsaved people.

b.For the church to get involved in the need and pain of people in their communities.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, we have a responsibility to pray for the unsaved. God has also given us the poor, the needy, the down-trodden and the outcasts. The gospel message is about much more than just the salvation of people. Jesus came to care for those in need also. This year, April 25th is exactly 100 years since the Azusa Street revival in Los Angeles in 1906. It is also 40 days before the Global Day of Prayer on June 4th. Let us ask God to do a new and fresh work through His Spirit in the church and in our world.

Bennie Mostert



On 15 May 2005 more than 200 million Christians in 156 nations united in a day of repentance and prayer for the world. Christians came together in large stadiums, open fields, market squares, churches and other public venues to pray. The event was broadcasted by hundreds of radio and TV stations around the world.

This year, the Global Day of Prayer is on 4 June 2006. Many prayer networks, Christian organisations and prayer leaders support this initiative. Christians all over the world are invited to take hands in a Global Day of Prayer. This initiative will continue for the next five years, until 2010. Every year for the next five years, Pentecost Sunday will also be the Global Day of Prayer. The two key verses guiding strategy for the Global Day of Prayer, are 2 Chron.7:14 "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land" and Hab.2:14 "For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea."

There is a simple threefold strategy:

1.10 Days of day-and-night prayer from Ascension Day till the Saturday before Pentecost Sunday.

2.A global day of repentance & prayer on Pentecost Sunday.

3.90 Days of "community blessing."

1.10 Days of day-and-night prayer

25 May – 3 June 2006– Like the early church in Acts 1, we encourage all local congregations, communities, cities and regions to spend 10 days in prayer leading up to Pentecost Sunday, June 4th, 2006. In all countries around the world Christians will be encouraged to spend these 10 days in Day-and-Night (24/7) prayer, asking God for a fresh outpouring of His Spirit, the salvation of the unsaved, the unreached and the healing of the nations.

Youth – Youth around the globe will be challenged to start the 10 days of day-and-night prayer with an initiative called the "30Kd Challenge," where all believing students are challenged to join in prayer for 30 minutes in their schools and campuses on Ascension Day, May 25th. The challenge will be repeated on June 2nd, 2005. Adding to this, youth will be challenged to join the 10 Days of prayer in Boiler Rooms where they can express themselves in vibrant and creative ways, interceding for their generation around the globe. A further challenge during the 10 Days of day-and-night prayer is to live the L-10-T lifestyle of prayer evangelism wherever they hang out. These 10 days will really be an opportunity for the youth to make a difference in their communities in their own unique ways.

2.Global Day of Repentance & Prayer

4 June 2006- Towns and cities unite in repentance & prayer at stadiums, churches, market squares, etc. in "closed" countries creative Christians will make a way to pray together. Many television, radio and Internet services around the world will broadcast these prayer gatherings.

Youth - On 4 June the Youth will be challenged to join with all generations around the globe in a global day of repentance and prayer in their respective communities. This year Viva Network will join in the Global Day of Prayer through their World Day of Prayer for Children at Risk. Where possible, these events must flow into a youth prayer event where young people can express themselves through prayer and worship in their own unique way, but it must not be a separate event.

3.90 Days of "Blessings"

"90 Days of Blessing" or community outreach after 4 June 2006. Churches, communities and cities are encouraged to reach out to their neighbours and the community with acts of blessing and deeds of love. This will include practical help and support for the poor and needy, job creation, community development, literacy training, caring for the sick, etc. - being salt, light and hope for a broken and needy world.

Youth – Already on June 3rd, youth around the globe will partake in a Global Day of Compassion, reaching out in their communities in any given way the Lord leads them. This is an opportunity to live what we are praying. After June 4th, youth globally will be challenged to live the principles of the PEACE-plan, partake in different compassion days and live the L-10-T (Lk.10) lifestyle of prayer. Actually the challenge is to be Jesus' hands and feet for the next 364 days of the year. (For more information please contact Transformation Africa. E-mail: . Tel.: 021-8563130, fax: 021-8561174).

How you can get involved or take part in ...

•Please register your town/city's participation at

•Make this process known throughout your whole organisation and/or church network and encourage them to join in prayer.

•Contact key individuals and tell them about GDOP.

•Encourage them to consider making GDOP known in their constituencies.

•Even if you can take 10 minutes to forward this letter to 5 or 10 key people that you are in contact with, it will make a major difference.

•If you have a website, please consider to put a link on your home page to the Global Day of Prayer website:

•Visit the Global Day of Prayer website for more information. We have 10-Day prayer guides available with suggestions on how to mobilise the 10 days of day-and-night prayer, prayer pointers for the 10 days and simple prayer guidelines. This is available in various languages. You will also find other helpful resources on the websites such as: a concise PowerPoint presentation and a number of sample documents on how to mobilise such a day of prayer in your community.

•Everyone is involved in a local congregation. Get your own local church involved. Ask your local church and/or denomination to put a link to the Global Day of Prayer website.

•When attending conferences, ask for an opportunity to tell about the Global Day of Prayer. An excellent video is available that will be of much help and is already available. E-mail your request to to order the video. People in the USA, Europe and other parts of the world with access to broadband internet, can get access to and download these videos through the Global Day of Prayer website.

•If you have a prayer letter, newsletter or Christian magazine, consider an article on the Global Day of Prayer. If you have access to Christian radio or television, ask for an interview and make this known.

•If you have a story to tell about how your town or city is mobilizing for the Global Day of Prayer, send it to us. We will post many of them on the website so that others will be encouraged and learn from you.

For more information please contact:
and Dawie Spangenberg or Etienne Piek at

For children at risk:

3-4 June 2006

For the 11th year, Viva Network will bring together Christians around the world to pray for children at risk on the first weekend of June. Nearly 1.2 million people took part in the day of prayer last year - this year's weekend of prayer will be the biggest yet as this day of prayer this year culminates with the Global Day of Prayer! For more information on how your church/congregation can become involved, please contact: Viva Prayer Network, tel.: 011-7080951, fax: 011-7080953. P.O. Box 243, Kayasands, 2163. Website: e-mail:

Youth Strategy:

25 May–(Ascension Day) 30Kd Challenge in schools and campuses (30 seconds kneel down prayer and 30 minutes of prayer for your school /campus) and the 10-Days of prayer in Boiler Rooms start. A Boiler Room Practical Manual is available on request. (Transformation Africa. Website: e-mail: . Tel.: 021-8563130, fax: 021-8561174).

25 May - 10 Days of Prayer in Boiler Rooms (10 Day Prayer Guide, Extreme Hour (for youth) and Take 5 (for children) and 90 Days for L-10-T lifestyle of prayer is available. (All information on Transformation Africa Youth CD. Transformation Africa. E-mail: . Tel.: 021-8563130, fax: 021-8561174).

2 June - 30Kd Challenge in schools and campuses. (Transformation Africa. E-mail: . Tel.: 021-8563130, fax: 021-8561174).

3 June -"Day of Compassion" outreaches in communities. Be creative by reachingout to hospitals, old age homes, AIDS orphanages, police stations, etc. Organize Kids Games for younger kids in your area. (Transformation Africa. Visit: e-mail: . Tel.: 021-8563130

4 June -Join the Transformation Africa/GDOP event in your area/region. For more information visit: Organise a youth prayer event to flow spontaneously out of the Transformation Africa/GDOP event. Focus on the World Day of Prayer for Children at risk. (Details: Viva Network – World Day of Prayer for Children at Risk), as well as on the Year of the Family. (Web site: Transformation Africa. E-mail: . Tel.: 021-8563130, fax: 021-8561174).

5 June –"90 Days of Blessings" challenge the youth to live the principles of the PEACE-plan, Day of Compassion and L-10-T lifestyle of Prayer as part of the 90 Days of Blessing. The Transformation Africa Youth CD with everything you will need on all the above is available at R30 from . (Transformation Africa. E-mail: . Tel.: 021-8563130, fax: 021-8561174).

1 April 2006: Prayer for breakthrough on TableMountain

Christians are invited to join in a united effort to proclaim the Word of God from TableMountain on April 1st, 2006. Christians will gather at 07h00, ascend the mountain at 8h30, and then, during the course of ONE DAY proclaim the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation over the city of Cape Town and continent of Africa. To form part of this amazing initiative, please contact: Ay Jay Jantjies at: 084 245 1637 or 021-903 7390.

April 2006: Transformation Africa Road Show

With the Transformation Africa "Road Show" a team from Transformation Africa and Jericho Walls will visit the cities and towns on the dates as indicated below. The purpose is to give details of and information on the Global Day of Prayer on 4 June and some other prayer events and projects for 2006. People from other cities/towns in the different regions are invited to these meetings.