THOMAS T. KANE February 2012

Curriculum Vitae

Address: P.O. Box 1057, North Marshfield, MA 02059

Tel. 781-837-7725 Cell: 781-635-5852 Email:


Ph.D., Sociology, Office of Population Research and Department of Sociology, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 1984. NIH Traineeship in Demography and Fellowship.

M.A., Sociology, Department of Sociology, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, 1982.

M.A., Demography, Department of Demography, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, Aug 1976.

B.A., Germanic Languages and Literature, George Washington University, Washington, DC, May 1975.

Professional Experience:

2012 Senior Evaluation Consultant, DAI (Rwanda, Uganda, Vietnam); VNAH (Vietnam)

2009-2011 Senior Public Health Specialist, Development Alternatives, Inc (DAI)

2005-2008 Consultant. AED/AI.COMM avian influenza communication assessment in Azerbaijan.

DAI Indonesia Community-Based AI Control Project Assessment (Community

Mobilization Specialist). Ongoing TA to IRD on AI program in Ukraine. Brandeis University, Facilitator/Lecturer HIV/AIDS Training Workshop in Boston; JHU/CCP TA in Communication Design, Pretesting, and M&E for Avian Influenza (AI) Prevention and Pandemic Preparedness Campaign in Ukraine (Oct 2006-July 2007); AI Formative Research and M&E Trainer for 15 countries, Lima, Peru, and Managua, Nicaragua, April 9-21); TA to IRD for AI Prevention Activities in Ukraine; Final Evaluation of USAID-funded AI Communication Campaign (Oct 2007); Population Council (Mekong Health Assessment) March-April 2006; Ghana, Liberia Health Assessment for IRD ( 2007).

Atlantic Philanthropies (Health Strategy and Evaluations); Hanoi School of Public Health

(Program Evaluation; HIV/AIDS Strategy); Family Health International (HIV/AIDS);

MCNV (Disability Survey); Management Sciences for Health (HIV/AIDS).

2001-2004 Country Representative, Family Health International, Vietnam. HIV/AIDS/IMPACT

Project. Hanoi, Vietnam.

1999  -2000 Consultant, UNDCP; Population Council; UNICEF; Pathfinder International; USAID’s War Victims Fund/DCOF in Vietnam; and ICDDR,B in Dhaka Bangladesh.

1996-1998 Program Associate II and Operations Research Scientist, OR Project and MCH/FP Rural Extension Project, ICDDR,B. Dhaka, Bangladesh. Seconded from Population Council.

1991-1996 Assistant Professor, Dept of Population Dynamics, School of Hygiene and Public Health,

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. 1996 to present, Adjunct Faculty appointment.

1989-1991 Rockefeller Population Research Fellow, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur la

Population pour le Developpment (CERPOD), Institut du Sahel, Bamako, Mali.

19881989 Program Officer and Research Associate, Committee on Contraceptive Development, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.

19831988 Research Associate, Program Evaluation Division, Family Health International, RTP, NC.

1977-1979  Research Demographer, Population Reference Bureau, Washington, D.C.

Overseas Work Experience:

Uganda: Evaluation of RESPOND’s Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreak Response Support in Uganda, January-February 2012. USAID’s Emerging Pandemic Threats Program.

Rwanda: Lead Facilitator for Healthy Workplace Policy Workshop and Lead Author of Workshop Report and draft Healthy Workplace Policies for five private sector companies new Nyungwe National Park. December 2011.

Indonesia: Team Assessment of DAI Community-Based AI Control (CBAIC) Project. Aug-Sep 2008.

Azerbaijan: Assessment of Avian Influenza Situation and Communications Needs. Joint Team Assessment for AI.COMM and STOP AI USAID-funded projects. February-March 2007.

Peru: Workshop on Avian Influenza Prevention and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Communication, 5 Andean Countries. Facilitator on AI Formative Research, Monitoring and Evaluation. April 9-15, 2007.

Nicaragua: Workshop on Avian Influenza Prevention and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness, 9 Central American and Caribbean Countries. Facilitator: Formative Research, M&E. April 17-21, 2007.

Ukraine: JHU/CCP and IRD Technical Assistance for Avian Influenza Communication Campaign (e.g., message design, pretesting; KAPB baseline and follow-up survey; Final Evaluation Report). 2006–2007.

Vietnam: Country Director of FHI 2001-2004; Evaluation of HIV/AIDS and IDU Harm Reduction Project (UNDCP); Team Leader for Strategic Appraisal of the Reproductive Health Program (Pathfinder International); Two Situation Analysis Studies of Private and Public Sector Reproductive Health Services (Population Council); Two Assessments of Disability in Vietnam (WVF/DCOF; UNICEF). Evaluation of Hanoi School of Public Health (HSPH); Development of HSPH HIV/AIDS Strategy for 2006-2015. HIV/AIDS and RH Assessment for Population Council, 2006. Health Sector Assessment and AI Proposal, DAI, 2009. Ten-Year Evaluation of the Hanoi School of Public Health: 2001-2010. Nov 2010. Evaluation of VNAH’s USAID-funded Da Nang Disability Program, September- October 2011.

Bangladesh: Operations Research Scientist, ORP and MCH-FP Extension Project (Rural), ICDDR,B December 1995-1998 (Policy Analysis, Design and Research on Interventions on Adolescent Health; RTI/STD Prevention and Management; Essential Services Package; Male Involvement; Quality of Care; EOC); TA to MCH-FP Extension Project (Urban) of ICDDR,B Sept-Oct 1994, August 1995; NORPLANT Acceptability Surveys February 1985-1987; TA to BFRP, April 1987.

Nigeria: Technical assistance in program evaluation to the Family Health Services Project under JHU/IIP contract. Mellon research collaboration with Obafemi Awolowo University; Infertility study (Harvard University/Ford Foundation); Family Planning OR Training Instructor and Market Vendor Study (The Population Council). MIS Evaluation (USAID and JHU/IIP). 1993-1994 RH Survey in Ile-Ife. 1991-1995.

Mali: Technical assistance in the design and analysis of demographic and health surveys, policy analysis, and setting up a demographic/socio-economic data base for Sahel Region, June 1989 - June 1991. Lecturer/Trainer in demography and family planning workshops/seminars. JHU/PCS Evaluation of AMPPF Family Planning Media Campaign 1992-1994. Mellon research collaboration with CERPOD. POPTECH/USAID Final Evaluation CERPOD PPPD Project (Oct-Nov 1994).

Russia: Project site visits to IDU HIV/AIDS prevention/harm reduction projects in Yaroslav and Rybinsk (PDI Projects, and EU/Mainline Project) and Moscow (Return to Life Project). Oct 2003.

Laos: Program site visit to PSI Condom Social Marketing Project for Number 1 Condom and lubricants and review of related research and interventions, December 2002. Project development, 2006.

Haiti: Participation in Planning Workshop for PEPFAR/Haiti, January 2005.

Morocco: Evaluation of activities of USAID's Evaluation Project, Rabat. January 1995.

Cote d'Ivoire: Technical assistance to the African Development Bank. Assessment of training and capacity-building needs of ADB staff in Population. July-August 1994.

Gambia: Technical assistance for 1990 Gambian Contraceptive Prevalence and Fertility Survey. Project Monitor, Reproductive Health Survey of Young Adults in Banjul, 1985-88; Pill/DepoUser Study, 1985.

Burkina Faso: Trainer for census analysis workshop for Sahelian demographers and statisticians, using MORTPAK-LITE and other software for demographic estimation and projections. Nov., 1990.

Senegal: Final evaluation of USAID-funded Population and Family Health Project (April-May 1991). Liaison, African Journalist Workshop, Aug, 1986. Micro-consequences of Fertility Study, March 1991.

Cambodia: HIV/AIDS/Reproductive Health Project Development for Population Council, April 2006. HIV/AIDS and AI Assessment for DAI, 2009

Egypt: Co-investigator, Giza Maternal Mortality Study; Project Development and Technical Monitoring, Natural Family Planning Study; Survey of Traditional Birth Attendants, 1984-1988.

Ghana: Evaluation Specialist, Team evaluation of the PRIME/INTRAH reproductive health training project Ghana, February 1999.

India: Team evaluation of the PRIME/INTRAH reproductive health training project in Uttar Pradesh, January-February 1999. Asia Regional Meeting of Population Council, March 1996, Madras. Field trips: AIDS Care Center and Rural Health Projects.

Nepal: Survey Research, Contraceptive Social Marketing Survey of Consumers and Retailers, Nepal CRS Company, 198486; NORPLANT Acceptability Surveys (FPAN; FP/MCH Project), 1985-1986.

Sri Lanka: Project Monitor, 1985 Sri Lanka Contraceptive Survey, Department of Census and Statistics; Project Development/ Monitoring of Female Sterilization Followup Study; 1984-1986.

Taiwan: Field Coordinator; Project Development; Technical Monitor, Monitoring of Clinical Trials for Female Sterilization Study (Filshie clip). February 1984.

Thailand: Technical Assistance in Research Design and Data Analysis to Thailand Fertility Research Association. February 1984. Regional meetings, conferences, project development: 2001-2006.

Malaysia: Workshop on Determinants of Contraceptive Use, NFPB and East-West Center. June 1982.

Germany: Dissertation Research on Fertility, Nuptiality and Assimilation of Guestworker Populations from Turkey, Yugoslavia, Italy, Greece, Spain, and Portugal. July-Sept 1982.

South Africa: DAI health sector opportunity assessment (ECI; SFH/PSI; University of Witswatersrand/HE2RO; SABCOHA; ACTION AID), August 2010.

Zimbabwe: DAI health sector opportunity assessment (USAID; DFID; LEAD Trust; PSI; University of Zimbabwe; GRM; SafAIDS; WASN; ZNNP+; JSI/MCHIP; JIMAT Development Consultants.


Books and Monographs:

McCoy, Nina R., Kane, T.T., and Rushing, Rosanne. HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care in Vietnam: Lessons Learned from the FHI/IMPACT Project. Hanoi: FHI Vietnam. Lotus Communications. 2004.

Kane, T.T., Khuda, Barkat-e-, and Phillips, James F. (Editors). Reproductive Health in Rural Bangladesh: Policy and Programmatic Implications. Volume 1 (pp. 1-244) and Volume 2 (pp. 245-510). ICDDR,B Monograph No. 7, Dhaka: BRAC Printers, 1997.

Khuda, Barkat-e-, Kane, T.T., and Phillips, James F. (Editors). Improving the Bangladesh Health and Family Planning Programme: Lessons Learned Through Operations Research. ICDDR,B Monograph No. 5, Dhaka: BRAC Printers, 1997.

Mastroianni L., Jr., Donaldson, P.J., Kane, T.T. (Editors). Developing New Contraceptives: Obstacles and Opportunities. Committee on Contraceptive Development. National Academy of Sciences and Institute of Medicine. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1990.

Kane, T.T. Streams of Change: The Fertility, Nuptiality, and Assimilation of Guestworker Populations in the Federal Republic of Germany. Garland Studies in Historical Demography. (published doctoral dissertation). New York: Garland Publishing Company, 1989.

Haupt, A. and Kane, T.T.: Population Handbook. Washington, D.C.: Population Reference Bureau, 2001, (fifth edition); 1997 (fourth edition); 1991 (third edition); 1985 (second edition); 1978 (first edition). (translations: French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Dutch, Thai, Vietnamese, German).

Other Publications:

Kane, Thomas T. Shared Thoughts and Experiences of HIV/AIDS Work and Progress in Vietnam. pp. 140-143; and pp. 278-281. In Vietnam’s 20-Year Response to HIV/AIDS Through the Eyes of International Friends. Minister of Health, Ngueyne Quoc Trieu (Editor). Hanoi: Ministry of Health. December 2010.

Khuda, Barkat-e-, Roy, Nikhil Chandra, Kane, Thomas T., and Rahman, D. Md. Mizanur. Husband-Wife Communication about Family Planning in Bangladesh: Evidence from the 1996-1997 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey. Journal of Population and Social Studies. 11(1):97-108. July 2002.

Roy, Nikhil Chandra, Kane, Thomas T., and Khuda, Barkat-e-. Socioeconomic and Health Implications of Adult Deaths in Families of Rural Bangladesh. Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition. 19(4): 291-300. December 2001.

Haque, Indrani, Kane, Thomas T., Roy, Nikhil, Mozumder, Korshed, Khuda, Barkat-e-. Contraceptive Switching Patterns in Rural Bangladesh. Submitted to International Family Planning Perspectives.

Messersmith L.J., Kane, T.T., Odebeyi, A., Adewuyi, A. Who’s At Risk: Men’s Condom Use and STD Experience in Southwest Nigeria. Studies in Family Planning. 31(3): 203-216, September 2000.

Routh, Subrata, Thwin Aye Aye, Kane, Thomas T.,and Baqui, Abdullah H. Charging Fees for Family Planning Method: An Analysis of Payment Behaviour Among Urban Contraceptors in Bangladesh. Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition. 18(2): 69-78, September 2000.

Mozumder, Korshed, Khuda, Barkat-e-, Kane, T. T., Levin, Ann, and Ahmed, Shameem. Effect of Birth Interval on Malnutrition in Infants and Young Children. Journal of Biosocial Science 32:289-300. 2000.

Perry, Henry, B., Begum, Suraiya, Begum, Anwara, Kane, Thomas T., Quaiyum, Md. Abdul, Baqui, Abdullah, Hel. A Comprehensive Assessment of the Quality of Family Planning Services Provided by Family Planning Field Workers in Dhaka Bangladesh. Journal of Health and Population in Developing Countries. 2(1):45-57. Fall, 1999.

Okonofua, F.E., Snow, R.C., Kane, T.T., and Wysack, G. Infertility and Reproductive Health in Southwest Nigeria. Social Science Research on Childlessness in Global Perspective. SCO: Kohnstrum Institut, pp.175-185. 1999.

Kane, T.T., Gueye, M., Speizer, I., Pacque-Margolis, S. and Baron, D. The Impact of a Family Planning Multimedia Campaign in Bamako Mali. Studies in Family Planning. 29(2):309-323. September, 1998.

Khan, M., Rahman, M., Khanum, P, Khuda, B., Kane, T., Ashraf, A.: Awareness of Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Among Women and Service Providers in Rural Bangladesh. International Journal of STDS and AIDS. 8(11):688-696. November 1997.

Okonofua, Friday, Harris, Diana, Odebiyi, Adetanwa, Kane, Thomas, Snow, Rachael C. The Social Meaning of Infertility in Southwest Nigeria. Health Transition Review.7(2):205-220. Oct. 1997.

Kane, Thomas T., Hossain, Mian, Bazle, Khuda, Barkat-e. Quality of Care, Client Satisfaction and

Contraceptive Use in Rural Bangladesh. In Reproductive Health In Rural Bangladesh: Policy and Programmatic Implications, Kane, T.T., Khuda, Barkat-e-, and Phillips, James F. (Editors). 1997.

Khuda, Barkat-e-, Phillips, James F., Kane, Thomas T., and Mafizur Rahman. Assessing the Policy Impact of Operations Research on the Bangladesh Health and Family Planning Programme. In Reproductive Health In Rural Bangladesh: Policy and Programmatic Implications, Kane,

T.T., Khuda, Barkat-e-, and Phillips, James F. (Editors). 1997.

Kane, A.G., Dillon, W.P., Barkovich, J. Norman D., Dowd, C.F. and Kane, T.T. 1996. Reduced Caliber of the Internal Carotid Artery: A Normal Finding with Ipsilateral Absence. Journal of Neural Radiology. August 1996.

Messersmith, L.J., Kane, T.T., Odebiyi, A.I., and Adewuyi, A.: Patterns of Sexual Behavior and Condom Use in Ile-Ife Nigeria: Implications for AIDS/STD Prevention and Control. Health Transition Review 1994 Supplement (197-216). 1995.

Snow, R.C., Okonofua, F.E., Kane, T., Farley, T.M.M., and Pinol, A. Prevalence and Determinants of Infertility in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Contraception, Fertility, and Sex.Vol..3, Special Suppl.,No.1. 1995.

Kane, T.T., De Buysscher, R., Taylor-Thomas, T., Smith, T. and Jeng, M.: Sexual Activity, Family Life Education and Contraceptive Practice Among Young Men and Women in Greater Banjul, Gambia. Studies in Family Planning 24(1):50-61 Jan/Feb 1993.

Kane, T.T., El-Kady, A., Saleh, S., Hage, M., Stanback, J., and Potter, L.: Maternal Mortality in Giza Egypt: Magnitude, Causes and Prevention. Studies in Family Planning 23(1): 45-57, Jan/Feb 1992.

Kane, T.T., Farr, G., and Janowitz, B. Initial Acceptability of Contraceptive Implants in Four Developing Countries. International Family Planning Perspectives 16:2 (49-54), 1990.

Mastroianni, L, Jr., Donaldson, P.J., and Kane, T.T. Development of Contraceptives - Obstacles and Opportunities. New England Journal of Medicine 322:482-484 (Feb 15), 1990.

Shrestha, A., Kane, T.T., Hamal, Hem.: Contraceptive Social Marketing in Nepal: Consumer and Retailer Knowledge, Needs, and Experience. Journal of Biosocial Science 22:3 (305-322) 1990.

Kane, T.T. Fécondité de l'Adolescente en Gambie: l'Instruction et le Recul de l'Age au Mariage, Deux Facteurs Limitant. PopSahel 13:24-27, August 1990. (The Fertility of Adolescents in the Gambia: Education and Delayed Marriage, Two Limiting Factors).

Kane, T.T, De Buysscher, Rose, and Taylor-Thomas, Tunde. Grossesse des Adolescentes et Contraception à Banjul et sa Banlieue, Gambie. PopSahel 13:28-34, August 1990. (Adolescent Pregnancy and Contraception in Banjul: The Young Need Precise Information).

Kane, T.T. and Sivasubramanium, S.: Family Planning Communication Between Spouses in Sri Lanka. Asian and Pacific Population Forum 3(1-2): 1-10, 33-34, June 1989.

Kane, T.T., Gaminiratne, K.H.W., and Stephen, E.H.: Contraceptive Method Switching in Sri Lanka:Patterns and Implications. International Family Planning Perspectives 14(2):68-75, 1988.