Polk Elementary School

January 2013 Newsletter

Mr. Newman,

Interim Principal

Be sure to look for the PVE Newsletter and other pertinent school information

on the Pleasant Valley School District web site at www.pvbears.org.

To access the School Board Meeting Agenda, go to www.pvbears.org,

click on “Our District,” click on “Board of Education,” and click on “Tentative Board Meeting Agenda.”

Pleasant Valley School District can be reached at 570-402-1000


The vision of Polk Elementary School is to promote high academic achievement through a community oriented, nurturing environment dedicated to the development of the whole child.


Parents: It is very important that you do not leave an important message that requires immediate attention on the office voicemail, as we do not want your message to go without the proper attention. We are asking that you call back later and speak to someone in the office. The same applies to faxing information to the school. Please follow up any faxes with a phone call to confirm that we received it (parent pickup, early release, etc.). Thank you for your cooperation!

Winter weather

Dear Parents,

Below are guidelines concerning early dismissals, delays, or cancellations as they relate to winter weather. Adhering to these procedures will ensure that all important weather-related information is provided/available to all families.

TCall the school district number (570-402-1000) to hear the latest information. Please do not call the building directly.

TRefer to the radio and television stations as provided in this newsletter.

TBe sure to provide any changed phone numbers to our office so our automated phone message system can contact you.

TMake sure only people listed on your emergency form attempt to pick up your child. Advise your emergency contacts that they must show photo ID.

TNotify the school as soon as possible if someone else will pick up your child. Provide the person’s name and relationship in writing.

TRefer to the following information for changes in the school schedule as related to winter weather.

Where to Find School Information

If the weather seems questionable, please tune your radio or television to one of the stations listed below to find out about early dismissals or cancellations:

Television / Radio
WBRE-TV Channel 28
WYOU-TV Channel 22
WNEP-TV Channel 16
WFMZ-TV Channel 69
/ WLEV-FM 100.7
WZZO-FM 95.1
WYNX-AM 1160
WEST-AM 1400
WHCY-FM 106.3
WSGD-FM 94.3
WCDL-AM 1440 / WAEB-FM B104.1, AM 790
WCTO-FM 96.1
WKAP-1320 AM
WSBG-FM 93.5
WPMR-FM 107.9
Oldies-FM 99.9

Weather Related Kindergarten schedule

Early Dismissal Procedures Due to Inclement Weather

In the event of an early dismissal, AM Kindergarten students will be

held at the school and dismissed with the students in grades 1-3.

There will be NO PM Kindergarten.

Students in grades 1-3 will be sent home on the bus they normally take

home from school. Morning Kindergarten students will be sent home

on the same bus they come to school on unless parents complete

and return the form sent home by their child’s Kindergarten teacher.

Depending on the time of the dismissal lunch may be served to

students. AM Kindergarten students will be provided with some form of extra snack or lunch on these days.

Every attempt will be made by the school to contact parents of

AM Kindergarten students in the event of an early dismissal.

An automated Connect Ed call will be made, but we encourage ALL parents to listen to the radio, or watch

the major television stations on inclement days for possible

early dismissals. In the event of an early dismissal or a school closing, all after school activities are cancelled.

In case of inclement weather, please remember that school

closings, delayed openings and early dismissals are listed

on the major radio & television stations. You may also call

(570) 402-1000 for a recorded message on any closings,

delays or early dismissals.


What’s Happening at Polk Elementary…

January is School Director Recognition Month

A message from the Principal

January is the perfect time of year to show appreciation for our school board members. Our School Directors work hard, spending many hours dedicated to improving our schools. Very few people fully understand the responsibilities associated with being a member of the team that runs a school district.

Our School Board members not only attend many meetings and serve on several committees, they also spend many hours reading and studying reports, proposals, and various other documents. They listen to suggestions, good news, and concerns of our community, parents, students, and staff. They work with administrators to make difficult decisions and develop policies.

Do you ever wonder why they are so willing to give of their time? Our School Board members step forward to lead our school district because they care deeply about the future of our students and our community.

Pleasant Valley is fortunate to have such a cohesive, fully involved leadership team. Please join me in recognizing and thanking our Pleasant Valley School Board Directors for all they do. We couldn’t do it without them!

Winter Clothing Swap

A Winter Clothing Swap will be held at PVE in March 2013. Items accepted are standardized dress clothing and shoes, winter coats, and boots in good condition.

A flyer will be sent home after the winter break with the collection dates and the date for the Clothing Swap.

If you do not wish to participate but have standardized dress clothing that your child(ren) has/have outgrown, please consider donating the clothing to the Cub Closet.

Cub Closet

Anyone who has been issued clothing vouchers and who has yet to receive clothing, please contact Ms. Walters at 570-402-1000, ext. 6005 to check on clothing availability. Thank you to everyone who has donated clothing.

Ski Club
The 3rd Grade Ski Club will be skiing at Blue Mountain starting on Tuesday, January 8th, 2013. Dates for Ski Club are January 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th, February 5th, and 12th.
Students will be picked up at Pleasant Valley Elementary School at 4:00 PM and Polk Elementary School at 4:15 PM.
The bus will leave Blue Mountain at 7:00 PM and return to the Pleasant Valley Elementary School building by 7:30 PM. Please note these times may change due to busing delays. Please understand that all students will be dropped off in the evening ONLY at Pleasant Valley Elementary.
More information will be provided if we need makeup days.

Firemen host pizza celebrations

During Fire Prevention week in the month of October the school was fortunate enough to have firefighters from Polk, Albrightsville and West End Fire Companies here to educate the students about fire safety.

Students in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grades were able to view the fire trucks outside and enjoy the indoor lesson.

The firefighters sponsored a coloring contest, and the lucky classroom winners received a pizza celebration as a reward. The following classrooms won the pizza celebration:

Ms. Kresge – AM Kindergarten

Ms. Weiss – PM Kindergarten

Ms. Borger – 1st Grade

Ms. Lauchnor – 2nd Grade

Congratulations to those classrooms and to all who participated in the contest!

Welcome New Kindergartners!

Kindergarten registration for the 2013-2014 school year will be held Tuesday, April 2nd, through Friday, April 19th (for those of you who like to plan ahead!). Calls are being taken to schedule an appointment to preregister your child. When calling, please be prepared with your child’s entire legal name, both your physical and mailing address, phone number, and parents’ full names. Please call (570) 402-1000, ext. 4010. Calls should be made between the hours of 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Please remember that students must be five years of age on or before September 1st, 2013, and reside in the Pleasant Valley School District in order to register.

News from the Nurse

Dr. Pierce, the school dentist, will be doing dental exams on Tuesday, January 29th, 2013, at Polk Elementary School. These exams will be for Kindergarten and new students in 3rd Grade that do not have a documented dental exam. The Public School Code requires dental examinations for all children “upon original entry into the school, while in third grade and while in seventh grade.” Original entry is defined as “Kindergarten and transfer students, regardless of their age or grade.” If a record of a completed dental exam is not received from the original school, parents may have the dental exam completed by their private dentist. Forms are available from the school nurse for a private dentist to complete and return to the school.

Students who fail to complete and/or submit acceptable evidence of the required dental examination by no later than April 30th of the academic year the examination is required, will be excluded from participation in all extracurricular activities beginning May 1st of that year until acceptable proof of the required examination is received in accordance with SCHOOL BOARD POLICY 209, HEALTH EXAMINATIONS.

Immunization Reminder

Students who lackPennsylvania State required immunizations are granted an eight month provisional enrollment period by the Pleasant Valley School District in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Health School Immunization Regulation. Students in need of immunizations, will not be allowed to attend school if the school nurse does receive proof they have completed the required immunizations by the last day of the eight- month period.

Parking Lot Safety

Parents are reminded that it is essential to be safety conscious in the parking lot in front of Polk Elementary. By remembering a few safety items, we can keep everyone out of harm’s way.

¶ Drive slowly and cautiously in the parking lot.

¶ Do not use the parking lot as an area to meet and chat with other parents.

¶ Pull into a parking space before getting out of a vehicle.

¶ Hold your child(ren)’s hand(s) while in the parking lot.

¶ Parents are reminded NOT to drop students off at the building before 8:52 AM.

Change of address or phone number

It is extremely important to notify Central Registration of any address or phone changes so the Connect-Ed Automated Phone System can work efficiently. This phone system notifies parents/guardians of important messages such as school cancellations, meetings, conferences, etc.

Central Registration is located in the JCM wing of the High School on Route #115. For more information, please call 570-402-1000, ext. 4010.

Kids’ Night Out

The Pleasant Valley Volleyball team conducted a Kids’ night Out to benefit local food banks on Saturday, November 17th. The team raised and donated $915 for the local banks. Many thanks to all who participated in helping make those in our community have a brighter holiday!

Toys for Tots

The Toys for Tots drive held at Polk collected over 300 toys! These toys were distributed to children throughout all of Monroe County. Thank you to all who donated toys and those who helped in all aspects of this special day!

On behalf of Polk Elementary’s Cultural Diversity Task Force and the children of Monroe County, we would like to thank everyone for their participation.

Families in Need

Polk students participated in a hat, mitten and scarf drive. A total of 150 items were collected. Thank you for your participation.

Also, a big thank you goes out to all Polk parents and students for making monetary donations to our Polk Families in Need Program this year. Your support allowed us to give assistance to 10 Polk families this holiday season. We cannot thank you enough!

March Photos

Christmas City will be returning to Polk Elementary to take photos on March 12th , 2013.

Spring photos are different from the fall photos in that orders and payments are not collected on the day of the photo sessions. A notice will go home to parents about one week prior to the photo days. Parents have the option of whether or not to have their child’s photo taken. If parents do not wish to have their child’s photo taken, they can send a note to their child’s teacher. Once parents receive the child’s photos, they have the option of keeping the photos and sending in payment or returning the photo package if they do not wish to purchase them. There are no photo retakes or makeups for spring photos.

More information will be coming home with your child regarding dress code attire for the spring photos.

Year Book Sale

The Year Book Committee will be selling Year Books during the month of February. The books will be in color and available in soft cover only.

More information will be sent home with students at the beginning of February.

Counselor’s Corner

How to Build a Child’s Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is a critical aspect towards living a happy life. Self-esteem can determine success, attitude and ambition and all of these can be achieved if self-esteem is built early on in a person’s life. It is actually quite easy to build self-esteem in kids and lead your child to a meaningful and successful life.

Step One

Give positive and truthful advice. Instead of saying “Try harder,” or “Calm down,” say “I’m proud of the effort you put forth,” and “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t yell.”

Step Two

Become a positive role model. Keep your own self-esteem in mind, if you are hard on yourself, your child will model after you.

Step Three

Identify your child’s beliefs and redirect them. Help your child set goals that are right for them, don’t let them try so hard for something that is not possible to achieve.

Step Four

Surprise your child with affection. Hug your child often and leave notes telling how proud you are of you child in lunches or school bags.