Form: "Foundational Journal template"

Created with:Taskstream
Author:Social Work Manager


Select one main idea or experience you had and complete the following form.

(REQUIRED) Key Experience

(Provide some background information so your liaison understands the situation. Describe what activity you were involved in, who was involved, what occurred during the experience (i.e., client data, presenting problem, referrals made, summary of information obtained in an assessment, etc.).

(REQUIRED) Individual, family, community or cultural factors influencing the situation

(Include information gathered as part of a comprehensive assessment; in this section, you indicate the kinds of information you gathered about the client’s “system” that will help you understand the client situation and plan your intervention.)

No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Personal Reaction/Professional Growth

1. Discuss your personal reaction and professional response, how each of these two responses were similar or different, and how you were able to deal with your responses. (Include information about how comfortable you were with your own actions; what was surprising, what emotions you experienced, how you dealt with the emotions, and how you responded when your personal reaction was different from your professional response.)
2. How will you use what you have learned? (What will you do differently in the future? What will your next actions be?)

1. / 2.
No answer specified / No answer specified

Integration of classroom learning and practice.

What did you learn in specific classes that was utilized or observed in this key experience? When completing the table, please consider skills or knowledge related to engagement, assessment, intervention, evaluation and termination, human behavior, policy, research, generalist practice and social work theories. Please use your critical thinking skills and provide multiple examples.

(REQUIRED) HBSE (Foundations of Human Behavior)

Fir all classroom sections, please identify the class and the skills/knowledge learned. Please discuss your classroom learning to demonstrate understanding and then link that learning to practice in the key experience.

No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Research (Research Methods and Design in SW)

No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Policy (Social Policy and Service Delivery in SW)

No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Practice (Direct Practice, Community and Org. Dynamics, Foundations of Social Justice, Strategies)

No answer specified

What issues related to the following topics occurred in this key experience?

(REQUIRED) Values/ethics

Please discuss how the 3 following topics were seen in the key experience:

No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Diversity

No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Social and economic justice

No answer specified

Time and Activities


Please indicate the week in the left-hand box (April 13-April 19). In the righthand box, please record the day of the week, times at practicum (excluding lunch hour), and total hours for each day and for the week (Monday 8-12, 1-5: 8 hours and Friday 8-12, 1-5: 8 hours, total for the week 16

week 1 / Sunday - Saturday
No answer specified / No answer specified


Please indicate the week in the left-hand box (April 13-April 19). In the righthand box, please record the day of the week, times at practicum (excluding lunch hour), and total hours for each day and for the week (Monday 8-12, 1-5: 8 hours and Friday 8-12, 1-5: 8 hours, total for the week 16

week 2 / Sunday - Saturday
No answer specified / No answer specified


Please indicate the week in the left-hand box (April 13-April 19). In the righthand box, please record the day of the week, times at practicum (excluding lunch hour), and total hours for each day and for the week (Monday 8-12, 1-5: 8 hours and Friday 8-12, 1-5: 8 hours, total for the week 16

Week 3 / Sunday - Saturday
No answer specified / No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Time - Additional weeks?

No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Activity table

Activity / LGs and practice behaviors met by the activity and how they were met
No answer specified / No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Activity 2

Activity / LGs and practice behaviors met by the activity and how they were met
No answer specified / No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Activity 3

Activity / LGs and practice behaviors met by the activity and how they were met
No answer specified / No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Activity 4

Activity / LGs and practice behaviors met by the activity and how they were met
No answer specified / No answer specified

Activity 5

Activity / LGs and practice behaviors met by the activity and how they were met
No answer specified / No answer specified

Activity 6

Activity / LGs and practice behaviors met by the activity and how they were met
No answer specified / No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Summary Question 1

Do you feel you are on track in regards to your learning plan activities? Yes No
If no, explain why:

No answer specified

(REQUIRED) Summary Question 2

Is there anything you need that could help you meet your learning objectives?
(Please be sure to verbally discuss this information with your field instructor prior to documenting in your journal.)

No answer specified