Integrated Social Studies


Course Description:Welcome to Integrated Social Studies! This course is a required course for graduation at MadisonCentralHigh School. We will spend approximately 12 weeks on each of the following social studies subjects: Civics, Economics, and Geography. During Civics we will study citizenship and government, with a focus on the role of a citizen. During Economics we will focus on how individuals and societies satisfy their unlimited wants with limited resources, with an emphasis on the study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. During Geography we will focus on the study of the Earth and the ways people live and work on it, with an in depth look at physical, cultural and economic geography.


Textbooks will be assigned to the student at the beginning of each new subject (with the exception of Economics) and must be returned in the same condition. You must bring your textbook to class everyday. Students will be charged for lost or damaged books. Students should NOT leave assigned textbooks in the room.


It is very important that every student take the responsibility to read every assigned text, and pay close attention during class discussions. Throughout the year we will be studying social studies through a variety of ways including lecture, class projects, discussions, and group activities.

We will have an exam after every unit that is covered throughout the semester. There will be no surprises on the test because everything on the test will be covered in class and/or in the textbook. At the beginning of each unit, students will be given the “I Can Statements” (learning objectives). This will serve as the study guide for the unit. As we cover each topic in class, it is suggested that students check it off on the “I Can Statements” and make appropriate notes. Before every test, students will be expected to review the “I Can Statements” and notes.

Classroom Rules:

•Be on time.

•Once three tardies have accumulated, parent contact will be attempted. If tardies continue, thestudent will be written up.

•Stay in your seat.

•We will work every day from bell to bell. Therefore, it is expected that you stay in your ASSIGNED seat everyday from bell to bell.

•Be prepared to learn EVERYDAY.

•Students must come to class with a writing utensil, paper and homework. This is to allow minimum disruptions during class and will provide every student the opportunity to learn the material that is presented and perform to the best of his/her ability.

•Be respectful of yourself, others and the room.

•Disrespectful language/actions will not be tolerated in this classroom.

•Follow all rules in your handbook.

Make-Up Work:

Make-up work is due within five (5) days of the excused absence. After that it may not be accepted.

It is the students’ responsibility to get the make-up work from the make-up work folder. The make-up work folder is emptied every five (5) days. For example, every Monday, I recycle the prior Monday’s work.

Grading Policy:






  • Grades are based on the following:

90% assessments, projects, homework & classwork

10%final exam

  • Work must be turned in on the due date for full credit unless student has an excused absence.

I will always be happy to talk to parents/guardians about your student’s status in my class. Feel free to contact me by phone or email.

Mrs. Bethany Briscoe

Madison Central High School

705 North Second Street

Richmond, KY 40475

(859) 625-6109 Ext. 5464


I have read and understand the guidelines and expectations given for Mrs. Briscoe’s Integrated Social Studies class.

Student’s Signature :______Date:______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Contact Information:

Address: ______

Parent Phone #: ______

Parent Email: ______

Please check a box below:

I would like to receive weekly class updates via email.

I would not like to receive weekly class updates via email.

**Emails will include approximate dates for the next exam, assignments, and any important information about what we’ve been doing in class.

Any additional information I need to know:

