Dear Parents,
Welcome to PamlicoCounty’s Pre-K Program, a non-profit school, State and Federal funded for families with children ages 3-5 who meet the NC PreK or Exceptional Children criteria.
Our agency provides comprehensive services to approximately 40 families through a full-day, school-based operation. All facilities and personnel meet Federal and State licensing requirements.
We believe parents are the most important influence on a child’s development and are therefore an essential part of our program.
This handbook is designed to provide you with a lot of information about our program and answer questions you may have. Included is a description concerning your role in the program and our transportation process. Another section of this handbook tells you about your role in the parent organization. Ways you may become involved are discussed in detail. We have included this to help you feel more comfortable participating in parent activities.
We are pleased that you are a part of our program. You have many rights as a parent, but also responsibilities that go along with them. Your involvement ensures that our program will be the best that it can be and will promote your child’s growth and development.
You are always welcome to visit and volunteer. Without your help and support, it would not be possible for us to have such a quality program.
Please feel free to call or visit with any questions, ideas and comments. We look forward to working with you and your child.
Kim B. Potter, Principal
My Child's Teachers Are______My Child's Bus Driver is ______
As a parent of a child participating in our Pre-K program, we believe that you should expect:
To be treated with courtesy and respect;
To be welcomed in the classroom;
To be informed about community services;
To voluntarily participate in your child’s classroom;
To be informed periodically about your child’s progress in the program;
To receive guidance from staff regarding child development and activities that can be provided at home.
Parents have the right:
To enter the program at anytime their child is present. For safety reasons, we ask you to please come to the office first to obtain a pass.
To know how their child is being disciplined;
To see the license displayed in the main hallway.
Parent/Volunteer Standards of Conduct
All parents, volunteer staff and consultants must abide by the program’s Standards of Conduct, as required by state and federal regulations. We ask that you:
(i)Respect and promote the unique identity of each child and family and refrain from stereotyping on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, or disability;
(ii)Follow program confidentiality policies concerning information about children, families, and other staff members;
(iii)Help us ensure no child is left alone or unsupervised.
(iv)Use only positive methods of child guidance and refrain from using emotional or physical abuse.
When you enroll in PamlicoCounty’s Pre-K Program, you agree to accept the basic services which we provide. Some services are not optional and are mandated by State /Federal laws.
- Program guidelines require that all children have a physical examination on file within 30 days of enrollment.
- Children who are enrolled are expected to be in regular attendance at school.
- You are expected to be on time for bus arrivals and departures. If you self-transport your child, you are expected to drop your child off and pick up on time.
- As your child’s primary educator, you will have the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher to jointly develop goals and review your child’s progress. One meeting will occur in your home prior to the beginning of school.
- We use classroom management techniques that do not include physical or verbal punishment. While a child is under staff supervision, parents must not physically or verbally punish their child or other program children.
- We provide services for children with disabilities. If your child is identified as having a special need and you agree to services, you will be expected to participate in the process.
Other responsibilities include:
- Reading to and with your child daily.
- Spending time each day talking with your child about what they have done and learned at school.
- Working with your child’s teacher on suggested home activities.
- Immediately letting the office and teacher know any changes in your address, telephone numbers and/or emergency contact people.
Our pre-k program is designed to promote school readiness by enhancing social and cognitive development of preschoolers through educational, nutritional, health, social and other services determined necessary based on assessments.
We operate on a nondiscriminatory basis, giving equal treatment and access to services without regard to race, creed, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, or handicap.
Children are provided a variety of learning experiences designed to meet their individual needs. An enriched learning environment encourages each child’s social, physical, intellectual and emotional development while reflecting and celebrating the ethnic and cultural diversity of our community.
At PamlicoCountyPrimaryPre-School your preschoolers learn:
- Early literacy through a variety of meaningful experiences. Instead of being drilled on mere memorization of letters and numerals, they learn to recognize and use written symbols on labels, charts, graphs, personal books, their own pictures and signs. They see their own words written down.
- to use letters and numerals in many forms, including magnetic, felt, foam and rubberstamps, so that they can handle and create with them regularly. They learn to enjoy books and often do art and drama activities related to books. They learn to recognize their name, and many begin to write it as well.
- many concepts that are the foundation of mathematics. They practice classifying, ordering, patterning and counting, with many different kinds of materials and in activities such as games, making charts and graphs, songs and so on.
- to be active problem solvers as they use all kinds of materials to experiment and explore. Science areas and activities offer opportunities to try ideas, make observations and experiment. Interesting projects, such as making mixtures, testing magnets and growing plants and gardens, engage children’s minds as well as their hands.
- to use their natural creativity. It is encouraged and supported through drama, play, art, music and movement. Each day they have an opportunity to use a wide variety of materials to express their creative ideas and feelings.
- basic fine motor skills are so important to future school work. Fine motor skills are enhanced through the use of tools for drawing and writing. Children also learn to use their gross motor skills. They have many opportunities throughout the day to use equipment and participate in activities planned to challenge their coordination and strength in fun ways.
- independence by making choices and decisions when appropriate. They learn self-help skills by being encouraged to do things for themselves.
- to develop positive relationships with other children and adults. They learn to work together in both small group and large group activities. The skill of conversation is practiced throughout the day. Daily routines are followed and children learn to take an active part in routine tasks and completing special jobs. Children learn about resolving conflicts in acceptable ways. They’re helped to practice skills of negotiation and to express feelings in words.
- there are many differences and similarities among people all over the world. Other cultures and traditions are regularly incorporated into the curriculum.
- The value of health and safety is taught through daily routine. Children develop safety awareness about many topics, including fire, poisons and abuse prevention.
PRESCHOOL HOURS: Monday – Friday, 7:30am – 2:30pm.
THE STAFF:Our staff members receive ongoing professional development training through workshops and educational institutions. A teacher and teacher assistant plan the daily activities and provide a warm, safe environment where children can learn and grow. Parent volunteers are a welcomed addition to the classroom.
PreK students should wear collared shirts with sleeves that are solid, striped or plaid in color.Navy, black, and khaki-colored shorts, pants, skirts, skorts, capris, and jeans are approved for bottom wear. Dresses/jumpers may be solid, striped, or plaid. We like to have lots of fun – and fun is sometimes messy! Both indoor and outdoor play is provided on a daily basis. Children should wear comfortable shoes with rubber soles, such as tennis shoes, for all the exploring, running and climbing activities that they will be doing. We go outdoors daily for at least one hour, except when there is a heat or frostbite advisory, or when there is heavy rain. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather with hats, mittens and boots for cold weather.
Children sometimes have accidents that require a change of clothing. Please send a change of clothing (pants, shirt, underpants and socks) labeled with your child’s name on each item. Soiled clothing will be bagged and returned.
Children are discouraged from bringing to school such items as toys, purses, jewelry, play guns, and knives. If a class is having show-and-tell, a notice will be sent home.
To comply with State and Federal requirements, a number of forms need to be completed. Assistance is available to you in completing these forms. APPLICATION DOES NOT GUARANTEE ENROLLMENT. Enrollment is based on selection criteria within the three preschool programs of Title I, More at Four, and Exceptional Children. Children continue to be enrolled throughout the year as spaces become available in the classrooms. Once students are accepted into Preschool, the following forms will need to be filled out: a health assessment, immunization record, emergency contact information, authorization to obtain medical care, signed and dated parental statements acknowledging receipt of the NC Summary of Child Care Law and of the Parent Handbook, and discipline policies. Failure to fill out required documents in a timely manner could result in your child losing his/her position In the Preschool.
Our classrooms use the Creative Curriculum, 5th Edition. Preschool children are encouraged to make choices during the school day. Choices include art, science, music, blocks, puzzles, water and sand play, dramatic play and much more. We strongly believe that children “learn through play” and are developing the skills they need for kindergarten.
We share program information with parents regularly through classroom and school-wide newsletters and flyers that we send home with the children. We need your permission for special activities scheduled to occur, such as field trips or when a newspaper or television station wants to do a story on our program. You will be notified before an event and requested to give your permission in writing.
Children receive a developmental, speech and social emotional screening each year to identify additional needs. During the initial screening at the beginning of the year, you will complete a Parent’s Report Form for the Self-Help and Social-Emotional Scales (Brigance) to help us identify any areas of concern. A speech therapist will also screen your child for any speech concerns.
Preschool classrooms use an assessment tool called the Developmental Continuum to identify what your child can do in five areas: language development, cognitive development, social-emotional development, approaches to learning, health and physical development. We complete this assessment on your child three times during the year.
Parents are asked to participate in a home visit and parent-teacher conferences as needed. We also encourage you to volunteer in your child’s classroom as often as possible.
We must keep accurate records such as attendance, immunizations, and emergency phone numbers. Please let us know of changes as they occur. We also keep a record of monthly fire drills practiced, monthly sanitation reports, and monthly discipline reports.
Our policy on discipline is that children learn through positive reinforcement, re-direction and modeling. Discipline is seen as a positive teaching opportunity – not as a punishment. We have a written policy that is discussed and signed at enrollment. Changes made to our policy will be shared in writing with parents at least 30 days before implementation. Corporal punishment (spanking, slapping, or other physical discipline) is prohibited in all programs.
A. General Discipline:
1. All staff, volunteers and visitors treat children with respect.
2. No child is restricted from outdoor play, meals, snack, or bathroom privileges for any reason.
3. At no time is any adult or child allowed to humiliate, hit, spank, shake, bite, or use any form ofphysical abuse or corporal punishment.
4. We focus on teaching the appropriate social skills, like taking turns, sharing, asking for help, and working together. We do
this through role-play, circle time activities and giving children daily opportunities to practice appropriate skills.
- Children are expected to remain in the classroom and building unless accompanied by an adult. There are no exceptions to this rule.
B. General Bus Discipline:
We believe that good behavior is equally as important on the bus as it is in school. Bus discipline is necessary for the health and safety of all passengers. Infractions are classified as being either minor or major, depending on the extent of the disruption or unsafe condition created.
Some examples of minor infractions are: refusing to sit in assigned seat, eating or drinking on the bus, violating safety rules, provoking others, making excessive noise and creating annoyance. Children will be penalized as follows for minor infractions:
- 1st offense – warning and notice to parents by driver
- 2nd offense – sent to administration and notice to parents by administration
- 3rd offense – 2days off bus and parent conference
- 4th offense – 4 days off bus and parent conference
Some examples of major infractions are refusing to obey the bus driver or school authorities, throwing objects from the bus, protruding any body part from the window, using profanity or abusive language or making obscene gestures, and playing with any object that can produce fire.
Children will be penalized as follows for major infractions:
- 1st offense –notice to parents
- 2nd offense – 2 days off bus and parent conference
- 3rd offense – 4 days off bus and parent conference
- 4th offense – suspension from school for 3 days.
TRANSPORTATION - SAFETY is the number one goal.
Transportation is offered to children enrolled in the program under certain circumstances. Agency-owned yellow school buses driven by trained bus drivers who have acquired the North Carolina Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) pick children up at home, take them to school, and return them home at the end of the day. All buses are equipped with a cell phone for emergency situations.
PICK-UP PROCEDURE –It is the parents’ responsibility to have their child ready for pick-up at least five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. The bus will not wait until the child gets ready. One (1) minute is the maximum amount of time the bus will wait; then the bus must proceed to the next stop. A responsible person (16 years of age or older) will wait with the child until they are safely seated on the bus. The school will maintain an up-to-date roster of the class that indicates which bus the child is on.
At no time is the driver allowed to leave the bus. If an adult does not escort the child, it will be considered child endangerment, and a report will be made to DSS
DROP-OFF PROCEDURE – An employee from school will deliver your child to the bus driver and wait until the child is safely seated. When the bus arrives at the child’s afternoon destination, the driver will ensure the child is dropped off with the appropriate person, who must be 16 years of age or older. If no one is present, the child will be transported back to school in order to make contact with emergency contacts.
A child will only be returned to school three times. If an adult is not present to meet the child a third time, you will be notified that riding privileges will be suspended.
SEATING LOCATION – All preschool children will be seated in the front rows of the bus. No school age children shall be seated with a preschool child unless it is a sibling.
SPECIAL NEEDS – Emotional or physical needs that may have an impact on the driver will be relayed to the driver.
EMERGENCY INFORMATION – must be kept current. Please remember to always inform your child’s teacher and the office of phone number and address changes.
MEDICATION – Children cannot carry medication. School policy is protocol for meds.
TRANSPORTAION POLICY – Parents shall sign that they have reviewed and understand the procedures.
BUS SCHEDULESParents will be provided with a pick-up and drop-off schedule. The bus arrives at approximately the same time each day. Bad weather or traffic conditions may delay the bus, but the driver will follow the schedules as accurately as possible. However, times may vary 5-10 minutes from the designated time, so parents should be ready and waiting with their child.