Healthwatch Torbay BoardMeeting

Paignton Library, Healthwatch Torbay Office

9th July 2015

1.30pm – 4pm


Kevin Dixon Chair

Pam Prior Trustee (PP)

Anita Forrest Trustee (AF)

Anne Derbyshire Co-opted Trustee (AD)

Fiona Collis Co-opted Trustee (FC)

Pat Teague Trustee (PT)

Mike Wickens Co-opted Trustee (MW)

Pat Harris Healthwatch Torbay C.E.O (PH)

Sarah Bickley Coordinator/Minutes (SB)

Gerry CadoganPublic HealthTorbay (GC)

No / Item / Action Number
1. / Welcome and apologies
KD opened the meeting by welcoming all attendees and thanking staff/ trustees and volunteers for their continued hard work. KD informedHealthwatch Torbay Trustees about the very positive response received at the HW England conference.
Apologies:Stephen Hanbury, Pam Milne
Conflict of interest – none
Action - PH and KD to contact SL / Action 1
2. / Minutes from last meeting
Draft minutes from Healthwatch Torbay Board meetingheld 16th April 15 were approved by all present as a true and accurate record.
Proposed AD, seconded MW
3. / Matters Arising
1 – Action C/F. PH to identify speakers. Board to advise PH if there is anyone in particular they would like to invite. Possibilities includeCllr Derek Mills, Julian Parrot lead for Adult Social Care and ICO lead.
2 – PH provided an update on staffing structure and the recent independent audit of staff roles. PH will share with Board when report is available.
3 – KD & GC provided a summary of the potential male suicide project. Developing a beer mat which will be used initially in a pub in the Torbay area.Action -GC to send suicide prevention strategy report to PT.
4 – Cover under later agenda item - business committee
5 – PH is in discussion with other local HW CEO to develop a menu of services. No further action
6 – PH to check with SC if Healthwatch Torbay advertising is in place within GP surgeries
7& 10 – Ongoing. PH will keep the Board updated. Work may possibly start with the voluntary sector to obtain experiences gathered by them which will enable Healthwatch Torbay to start to map trends in the local health and social care landscape. There is potential for Healthwatch Torbay to undertake a feasibility study to see how a single point of contact (SPOC)for issues and experiences would work in practice. FC provided an update on theI & A SPOC. LHM will deliver the platform for the I & A SPOC. This will benefit Healthwatch Torbay as we can easily link our rate and review platform to the new I & A SPOC platform. The pilot to go live should start during Oct 15. Healthwatch Torbay can then evaluate how it is working with others. The new systemshould enable Healthwatch Torbay to fulfil our signposting role.
8 – Trustees away day, 9th Sept 15, 9.30am – 4.30pm at Paignton Club, agenda to follow. Plan to review the 360 degree, HW England quality standards and Healthwatch Torbay business and work plan
9 – Covered later in the agenda
11 – Completed
12 – PH updated the board on CQC Experts by Experience tender bid. Due to financial implications it is currently not viable to move forward at this stage due to potential risks involved.
13 –No further action required. Completed
14 – Completed
15 & 16 – PH to arrange workshop to ensure all trustees have access to Yammer and Evernote. / Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
4 / Standing reports
a)CEO report – Appendix A
PH shared a new stylemonthly report with the board which can be used at all meetings attended by staff and trustees and will be available on the website. Additions to future reports to include a case study, key areas of work, where Healthwatch Torbay have influenced services and the recommendations from each Healthwatch Torbay report. Board agreed to move forward with the new monthly report.
Healthwatch Torbay have just purchased an engagement tool which enables audiences to participate during presentations given by Healthwatch Torbay.
PH advised that Healthwatch Torbay will be hosting a meeting at Paignton Library to discuss the implementation of the Homeless strategy with commissioners and the community. There is potential for future funding(Health Foundation) to fund further work. Meeting to be held in Sept.
PH advised that Ken Pickering has offered to work to identify funding opportunities on a no win no fee basis for Healthwatch Torbay.
b)Business Committee – appendix B,C,C1,D
There is a need to establish a strong business committee due to falling numbers at the present time. FC, KD, SH and PP to join the business committee.
Sarah Bickley ran through the budget highlighting the priority around securing additional funding. PH advised the board that Healthwatch Torbay need a CRM to monitor case work and projects and the initial cost equates to £4500 with ongoing monthly costs. This purchase has not been accounted for within the set budget. PH to explore HW England new CRM to see if the system delivers our requirements.
Annual accounts for 2014-15 should be ready for approval at the next board meeting, ahead of Healthwatch Torbay AGM. Healthwatch Torbay trustees report needs to be written and be included within the annual accounts.
Action - KD to work with Sarah Bickley on producing the trustees report.
FC raised concerns about the organisations capacity to support an increased number of volunteers. Healthwatch Torbay would require funding for a volunteer coordinator, additional training and extra volunteers expenses etc.This has not been allocated within the current budget for 2015-16
GC offered possible support from a graduate who is working with Public Health Torbay for 12 months to Healthwatch Torbay for 1 day a week.
Action - PH and GC to explore.
c)Research and ProjectCommittee –
PP provided a summary of the committee’s functions and role including thequality and local accounts that are responded to by PP through the committee.
Key areas identified by the committee include: –
  • smarter networking
  • GP contracting service redesigned – Bobbie Davies is attending the CCG redesign group and will be briefed by the R & P committee.
  • Sarah Bickley looking at community health based services
  • Young people’s concerns are also fed in to the committee through AD and PT
  • LGBT issues which have been escalated to HW England
  • Quality accounts – discussion with HW Devon about how we respond in future years
  • PP visited the Horizon Centre recently, the open lecture by Helen Bevan who delivered a presentation about new ways of working. New power is about the digital environment. Healthwatch Torbay need to reflect on how we embrace the new power and need to focus on how we inform the community and partners about Healthwatch Torbay impact. Healthwatch Torbay board highlighted the need for HW England to promote the brand nationally which will help to raise the brand profile at both a national and local level.
d)Children and Young People
PT updated the board on the current position of the group following no longer having a children’s and young person worker. The committee has been replaced by a forum ensuring young people are integrated in all aspects of Healthwatch Torbay work.The forum initially consists of PT, PH, Sarah Bickley and AD. The forums workplan, impact and outcomes are reviewed by the reference group. Experts will be invited in to the group as required.
3 priorities have been identified: -
  • Voice counts – work with schools led by AD. New initiative to embed Healthwatch Torbay in local schools. Torbay Boys Grammar has links to Healthwatch Torbay website and Torquay academy will mirror this from Sept 15. Both schools wish to undertake work with Healthwatch Torbay from year 7 – 13(sixth form). A short survey undertaken with pupils highlighted key areas including access to CAHMS.It is very important to ensure pupils receive feedback about how their voices/experience are used to influence service change. AD advised that International Baccalaureate 6th form students have taken the Healthwatch Torbay lesson plan and will design it to make sure it works for young people.
  • Setting up children’s and young people’s forum – conversations underway with SD College and meeting arranged for 13th July 15.
  • Young people’s mental health – monitoring changes within CAHMS but also identified gaps in services.
GC to forward information to AD and PT about the children’s redesign group and the possibility to attend the next meeting.
Healthwatch Torbay bookmarks have been sent out to each child at primary schools in Torbay.
e)Enter and View
MW update the board on progress with the E & V committee. MW has agreed to chair this committee, developing the plan, process, recruitment, work plan and documents required. MW advised that there should be an operational lead to support the committee and the whole E & V process. Initially an E & V pilot could be undertaken. Next meeting will develop the training pack covering the process and reporting information.
PH now has monthly meetings with Nicola Barker, Head of Complex Care and Business Support, Torbay and Southern Devon Health and Care NHS Trust, to establish a working protocol and share experiences gathered. Early discussion are underway to develop an information and advice point at Torbay Hospital.
f)External Meetings
KD requested that all trustees submit their meeting feedback forms for all meeting attend on behalf of Healthwatch Torbay.
AF updated the board about 2 recent PLACE assessments attended and how there was only one independent representative at each visit. Substantial training is required,approx. 4 hrs, which is then followed by a 5-6 hr visit. It is good that Healthwatch Torbay are involved with the visits. AF drew attention to work completed by Paignton Hospital following recommendations highlighted by Mid-staffs report. Action - PH to explore via Yammer how other local Healthwatch undertake PLACE assessments and what level of impact they feel they have.
FC update on the I & A Meeting. CAB are still not represented at the meeting. CAB in Torbay have just appointed 3 community I & A officers and there is a need to clearly establish their roles so Healthwatch Torbay can work collaboratively with them.If FC manages to secure a meeting with CAB she will explore possible training opportunities that CAB may be able to offer Healthwatch Torbay volunteers.
Action - KD to try and make contact with the manager of CAB Torbay. / Action 6
Action 7
Action 8
Action 9
Action 10
Action 11
AGM – Election of Board
Healthwatch Torbay hope to secure a speaker from HW Englandfor the AGM however this is subject to issues going through parliament which may mean a HW England spokesperson cannot attend.
Possible dates 16th or 17th Oct – TBC
Additional speakers still to be identified with a possible focus on social care or mental health.
Action - PP to make contact with Helen Bevan, Horizon Centre, regarding speaking at Healthwatch Torbay AGM.
The business committee need to consider the following at their next meeting prior to the Healthwatch Torbay AGM
  • Term of appointment for existing trustees
  • Election of our co-opted trustees
  • Memorandum and articles of association to be reviewed.
  • Agenda for AGM
  • Ways to encourage young people to attend the AGM
/ Action 12
Action 13
Date of Next meeting
Healthwatch Torbay Board meeting during Sept 2015 (date to be confirmed)
Healthwatch Torbay Business committee meeting July/Aug 15 (date to be confirmed)
Healthwatch Torbay admin to arrange above meetings / Action 14

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