Source H
"Mayas Destroyed by Zombies?" Zombie Research Society Blog. Zombie Research Society, 24 Aug. 2009. Web. 23 May 2011. <

The following is a post on the Zombie Research Society (ZRS) Webpage regarding the possible link between zombies and the Mayans.

At its height (250-900 AD), the Mayan Empire was one of the most densely populated and culturally dynamic societies in the world. The city of Copan alone contained more than 6,000 structures spanning over 27 square miles, and was just one of many great Mayan urban centers spread across present-day Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala.

However, by the 10th Century these ancient cities were being strangely and suddenly depopulated, leading to the complete collapse of the Mayan civilization. The reason for this collapse remains one of the biggest mysteries in archaeology, but ZRS Researcher and Historian, Eugene Fredrick, now suggests a compelling explanation for the extinction: zombies.

Fredrick notes that all other prevailing theories – disease, famine, war, revolt – fail to account for the notable lack of buried human remains. In any traditional mass-casualty scenario an abundance of archeological evidence is left behind, including grave sites.

“The ghost towns of Maya house precious few such sites, echoing a panic so great, an extermination so fast, that this once proud people – steeped in tradition and ritual – had no choice but to leave their dead where they fell.”

He goes on to site reports of widespread cannibalism at the end of the Mayan civilization, suggesting something much more sinister than a simple drought or cross-tribal dispute. Bones found in and around Mayan cities show signs of being violently ripped from their sockets, and chewed to bits on the spot. Evidence has even been found of children eating their parents, and entire villages devouring themselves within a matter of days.

Though Fredrick’s theory is a bold one, it can no more be confirmed or denied than any other. As of today, there is still no generally accepted explanation for why one of the most culturally advanced civilizations on the planet was wiped out in an impossibly short span of time. Was it the first zombie apocalypse, or even just one in a long string of unrecognized outbreaks throughout human history? No one knows for sure.