April 25, 2016
The Hawaii State Laboratories Division is requesting price quotations for the testing, certification, adjustment to National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) International Standard 49, and repairs as appropriate of fume hoods, biological safety cabinets (BSCs) and trace metal hoods located at the State Laboratories Facility at 2725 Waimano Home Road, Pearl City, HI 96782.
Included in this proposal arecertification of 37 BSCs, 5 Laminar Flow benches, and 69 fume hoods.
Besides testing and certification, other required services may include:
- Decontaminationof BSCs when necessary for certification
- Measuring room pressure
The general breakdown is as follows:
No.Service/Hood TypeQty
1 Nuaire BSC, Class II20
2 Baker BSC, Class II 8
3 Fume Hoods69
4 Decontamination20
5 Labconco BSC I 2
6 Labconco BSC II 7
7 Laminar Flow Benches 5
8 Room Pressure 35
Responsibilities of Offeror:
- Offeror will include testing of the interlock on BSCs if it is not already included as a requirement of certification. The results of this particular test must be notedon the Evaluation Report of each BSC.
- Offeror will provide a final report (Test and Certification Report) and specific/individual Performance Evaluation Report for each BSC/Fume Hood following recertification.
- Offeror will place a signed sticker label on each BSC/Fume Hood indicating the date of recertification, Serial Number of the BSC/hood, the signature of the person who performed the evaluation and any other relevant information.
- Offeror willperform the work starting no sooner than 6/1/2016 and complete all certifications before 6/30/2016. Work hours will be between 8 AM and 4 PM on Weekdays (excluding June 10th which is a State Holiday).
- Offeror will be responsible for safe disposal for all materials used for decontamination.
- Offeror will provide a quotation that includes cost/unit, and a total price to include all costs and applicable taxes. (See Attached Sheet)
- The bid will be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. To be eligible to be awarded this bid, a bidder must be “Compliant” with all of the requirements listed on Hawaii Compliance Express at the time this bid closes. To meet this requirement, bidders may either be listed as “Compliant” on Hawaii Compliance Express or produce other documents showing compliance with all of the requirements listed on Hawaii Compliance Express. All of these other documents must be valid at the time this bid closes. Documents other than the Certificate of Vendor Compliance from Hawaii Compliance Express are subject to verification by the State. Bidders who are not compliant at the time this bid closes will not be eligible for the award.