Technology is everywhere. It affects how we live, do our jobs, how we communicate, and how we learn. Every profession today requires the use and knowledge of technology. It makes sense that schools integrate technology into the curriculum to prepare students for their future.However, if used ineffectively or without clear boundaries and expectations it can have disastrous consequences. Use the tips below to implement technology rules in your classroom.
- Give the students a copy of the iPad poster. (They can refer to the poster anytime to remind them of the iPad rules.)
- Explain the iPadrules to the students using the explanation handout provided in this download. (The teacher can refer to this handout when student are not following the rules.)
STAY IN THE LOWEST INCLINE: Keeping the iPad in the lowest incline discourages other students from looking at their neighbor’s iPad or becoming distracted from what their neighbor is working on.
ALWAYS HAVE YOUR IPAD IN THE APPLE UP POSITION, UNLESS INSTRUCTED OTHERWISE: Keeping the iPad face down, where the apple is visible, allows students to focus their attention toward the instructor and not the iPad. In short, they are not tempted to start working on the iPad before the teacher is finished with the instructions/lesson.
FOLLOW THE TEACHER’S INSTRUCTIONS: The Internet can be a great resource for students. However, it can also be extremely dangerous. There are many inappropriate, offensive, and inaccurate materials on the Internet. Therefore, it is vital that students follow their teacher’s instructions and visit the sites that they have approved.
ENJOY THE IPAD AS WONDERFUL RESOURCE FOR LEARNING: The iPad is a game changer for students and educators. There are many apps that allow students to study material, conduct research, view video clips, and construct original projects. It keeps students engaged and excited about learning.
TAKE TIME TO CHARGE YOUR IPAD: The iPad can only be used if it is charged. If the iPad is not charged, then they will lose valuable instructional time.
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR TAKING CARE OF THE IPAD: It is important that students understand the iPad is not a toy, but a tool to aid in their education. They have to realize that there will be consequences for their actions on the iPad.