[Your group name]

How to enter the 2018 Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Awards

Entries close at 5:00pm, Friday 23 March 2018

To enter the Awards, complete sections 1 to 11 of this entry form. Start by reading the
‘Who can enter’ section below. The FAQ section on the Awards website will also offer guidance on entering the Awards.

Who can enter

To be eligible for the 2018 Awards, entries must:

• be from:

- a licensed or certificated early learning service or group of services or

- a licensed or certificated early learning service’s management body or

- a registered school/kura/wharekura, or group of registered schools/kura/wharekura/early learning services, such as a Community of Learning | Kāhui Ako

• focus on improving outcomes for children and young people – in early childhood education, primary school, or secondary school, in English, Māori, or Pasifika-medium

• be from a group, team or partnership (entries about an individual are not eligible)

• be based in New Zealand

• be based around early childhood or school curriculum documents and education strategies developed in New Zealand and closely linked to teaching and learning

• not pose a risk to the credibility or integrity of the Awards.

We can’t accept entries about an individual, or from groups, teams, or partnerships that include a staff member or contractor from a lead education-sector agency (e.g. Ministry of Education, Education Council of Aotearoa New Zealand, Education Review Office, Education New Zealand, Tertiary Education Commission, New Zealand Qualifications Authority and Careers New Zealand).

Help and information

Contact us if you have any questions or need help as you prepare your entry.

Phone (toll free): 0800 PM AWARDS (0800 762 927)

Email: Website: pmawards.education.govt.nz

How entries will be judged

As part of your entry, your group will write a case study. A panel of education experts and a judging panel will evaluate your case study based on:

·  how your group has tailored curriculum and teaching practices to children and young people in your setting

·  how your group has made use of evidence and research about what works for children and young people in your setting

·  the improvement your group has achieved in outcomes for children and young people.

The judging criteria are drawn from the Best Evidence Synthesis (BES) programme and supported by national curricula and education strategies.

The Education Excellence Framework below shows how these criteria relate and overlap to improve and sustain outcomes for children and young people. The education experts and judges will look for evidence that your group’s entry incorporates the elements of this framework.

Education Excellence Framework

Specifications for your entry

Length and style

Use this Word template to complete your entry. Your entry can be any length you choose, but should not exceed 30 single-sided (15 double-sided) A4 pages, including ‘Your details’ and ‘Award categories’ sections, all your supporting evidence, and a reference list or bibliography. Use 11 point Arial font, with 1.5 line spacing. To assist you, this document has already been set up with this style.

When you have finished your case study, you can delete the first three pages of this document, as well as all other instructions in italic blue text.

Supporting evidence

You must include supporting evidence in your entry. Supporting evidence can include data, images/photographs, diagrams, figures, tables, and appendices. You will need to insert the evidence into this Word template as we can only accept one entry document. You will not need to include your latest ERO report as the Panel of Education Experts will be supplied with this information.


It is important to refer to ‘Resources to support your entry’ as you prepare your case study (pmawards.education.govt.nz/resources). These resources include tools from the New Zealand curricula and education strategies, and the BES programme. Your case study should make explicit connections to these resources.

To help you answer each question, use the Inquiry and Knowledge-building Cycle on the
PM Awards website.

Hyperlinks in your entry and Bibliography/Reference List

Avoid using hyperlinks to online videos or other website content within your case study. Information contained within hyperlinks will not be considered as part of your entry. Instead, use in-text citations to online content and include links to your sources in a reference list at the end of your entry. It is optional to include a bibliography or reference list.

Video file

You may upload a single video file with your entry, with a viewing time of up to five minutes and a maximum file size of 400MB. Your file can be one of the following file types:
.mp3, .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .wmv. Submitting a video file is optional.


Your case study and any video file you submit with your entry will remain confidential and will never be published.

Entry form – 2018 Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Awards

Section 1: Enter your details.

Section 2: Indicate the awards category or categories your group wishes to enter.

Sections 3 to 9: Present your group’s case study.

Section 10: Complete the checklist and confirmation statements to make sure your entry meets the requirements.

Section 11: Read the instructions on how to submit your group’s entry.

1. Your details

Contact details for group

Name of group, team, or partnership:

Name of school / kura, early learning / childhood
education service, management body, or Kāhui Ako:

Type of learning medium:

Physical address:


Mailing address (if different from above):


Contact details of lead person – provide one main point of contact

Full name of contact / lead person:

Title / position:

School / Service / Organisation:

Phone (work):

Phone (mobile):

Email address:

/ Excellence in Engaging – Atahāpara Award
This award celebrates working together as a community to transform relationships and achievement, leading to improved and sustained outcomes for all children and young people.
/ Excellence in Leading – Atakura Award
This award celebrates leadership and influence that have strengthened professional capability and created a change in conditions, leading to improved and sustained outcomes for all children and young people.
/ Excellence in Teaching & Learning – Atatū Award
This award celebrates teaching that transforms the learning of all children and young people, and achieves improved and sustained outcomes for them all.
/ Excellence in Governing – Awatea Award
This award celebrates governance and management that create the conditions for leading and teaching that improve and sustain outcomes for all children and young people.
Consider entering this category on behalf of your board or management body. What influence and support did they provide for you to instigate your initiative and support the outcomes you seek? How did they set the scene for change?
/ 2018 Education Focus Prize – Takatū Prize
The 2018 Focus Prize celebrates outstanding inclusive practices that enable all children and young people with additional learning needs to succeed.
2. Award categories you are entering

Tell us which category or categories your group is entering.

Write ‘yes’ in the relevant box or boxes below. You may select multiple categories.

The Panel of Education Expert’s and the Judging Panel may also consider your entry in a category you have not entered, if they consider the entry strong in a particular area.

3. Introduce your case study

Keep the headings in this part of the template, but delete the instructions in blue italics once you have completed each section.

[Write one paragraph here to summarise this case study]

Following your paragraph above, write a brief statement, up to one page, about your team, group, or partnership, including:

·  the names and roles of the people involved in this case study

·  a summary of the characteristics of your school / kura, early learning service, management body, or Kāhui Ako, and the profile of your learners.

4. What did your group set out to achieve, and why?

Think about the children and young people in your service/s or school/s, and then tell us about:

·  the education outcomes that are important for them, their families / whānau, and the community

·  their progress and achievement before you began to make changes.

Tell us about the evidence that made this your priority for improvement – add your base data here.

5. What practice did you need to change to make this happen?

Tell us what practice you needed to change to achieve these outcomes. Answer this question based on the category or categories you are entering. (Delete the category descriptions below that do not apply to your entry.)

Think about what practice needed to change so that:

Engaging: relationships with families and communities would be more powerful and focused on the outcomes you seek.

Leading: leaders and teachers would improve their practice to achieve the outcomes you seek.

Teaching teachers would have the knowledge and skills to improve the outcomes
Learning: you seek.

Governing: leaders and trustees or managers could focus their actions on improving engagement, leading, teaching and learning.

Focus Prize: the specific needs of children/young people requiring learning support would be fully included and progressto achieve the outcomes you seek.

6. How did you make the changes happen?

Think about what actions your group took to create the changes in practices and/or processes that were needed.

Tell us what you did to make the changes happen.

7. What difference did the changes make?

Think about the evidence that shows how your changes have improved the outcomes your group seeks for children and young people.

Explain how, over time:

·  children and young people have more skills, stronger dispositions, and deeper knowledge

·  children and young people are achieving success academically, socially, and culturally

·  outcomes for children and young people are more equitable.

Tell us about your data and how it shows that the outcomes your group seeks have improved for children and young people. Include your data and analysis here.

8. What did you learn?

Tell us about the lessons your group has learned through the changes and improvement you introduced, including the challenges you faced.

9. How will you keep improving?

Think about the conditions that your group has established to maintain and build on what you achieved for the children and young people.

·  Describe the conditions for each category your group has entered.

·  Explain how your group will stay focused and continue to improve over time.

10. Confirm the contents of your entry

Complete the checklist below so that you can check your entry is complete, and we can ensure we have received the required information. Write ‘yes’ in the relevant boxes below.

Section 1: Are your contact details complete and accurate?
Section 2: Have you clearly noted the Award categories you are entering?
Sections 3–9: Have you completed sections 3–9 of your case study?
Length: Is your entry within the 30 page limit, including all evidence and optional reference list/bibliography?
Video file: Are you submitting a video file with your entry?
(Submitting a video file is optional)
If yes, is your video file 5 minutes or less in duration and 400MB or less in file size?

Confirmation Statements:

Read the ‘Who can enter’ section on page 1. To complete your entry, check that the statements below are correct, then acknowledge by writing ‘yes’ in the boxes below.

I confirm that this entry meets the Awards eligibility criteria.
I confirm that this entry is a true and accurate record.
Type your full name:
Position held:
11. Submit your entry

To submit your entry, you will need to upload this document on the Awards website. We can’t accept entries via email, post, courier or hand delivery.

Save your entry as one PDF file using the following title:

Entry: Entry Form_name of your group.pdf

Note that you cannot submit multiple entry documents.

Video File (this is optional): Video_name of your group

Use one of these video file formats: .mp3, .mp4, .m4v, .mov, .wmv and make sure your video is less than 400MB in size.

Upload your complete entry at: pmawards.education.govt.nz/enter

Privacy statement

We will use the information collected in this form to consider your entry in the Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Awards. As part of the selection process, your information will be provided to the Panel of Education Experts and, if applicable, the Judging Panel. The names of successful entrants will appear on The Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Awards website, the Ministry of Education and strategic partner websites, and may be published in articles and advertising. The Ministry of Education may also use your information for research and statistical purposes. The Ministry of Education will hold this information. You have the right to access it and request that we correct any inaccurate information.

2018 Prime Minister’s Education Excellence Awards | Entry Form | Page 9 of 9